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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 2023年自考专业(电子商务)电子商务英语考试全真模拟易错、难点汇编第五期(含答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共35题)1.【单选题】There is a(n) _ between logic and metaphysics.A.bargainB.treatyC.compactD.alliance正确答案:D2.【问答题】翻译:market share正确答案: 市场份额3.【单选题】They are gonging to ()a new school for the poor studentsA.set onB.put onC.set upD.use up正确答案:D4.【问答题】翻译:node正确答案: 节点5.【问答题】Relaxation therapy ( = treatment). If you read the sentence out loud, your blood pressure will go up. If you talk to another person, it will go still higher. If the talk is with your boss, your pressure will go even higher. If you speak to someone of the opposite sex, your pressure may show less change if you re married than if you re single. Dozens of times each day, your blood pressure changes with what you re feeling and doing. These “ ups and downs” take place in everyone, but they are more severe in people with high blood pressure. That discovery is the basis for the newest therapy: controlling blood pressure by learning skills to control everyday stress. Many patients control their blood pressure with the relaxation response. This takes four simple things: a quiet environment, a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), the repeating of a word, prayer or phrase each time you breathe and having none of other thoughts. Something remarkable happens when you do this, according to research in Boston. Relaxation of the mind and body has the effect that some blood-p ressure pills would have. What s more, the blood pressure stays lower, just as it would with a pill, after you have stopped the relaxation and have returned to the stress of daily life. 31. The first paragraph tells us the reason why your blood pressure goes up is that_. A. you read aloud a sentence B. the man you talk to is your boss C. you re not married D. you re nervous 32. Which of the following statements is not true? A. One s blood pressure changes many times every day. B. Your blood pressure changes with your feelings. C. When you re doing different things, your blood pressure, perhaps, is different. D. The changes of blood pressure only happen to people with high blood pressure. 33. The last paragraph tells us relaxation therapy_. A. needs a new kind of medicine B. has the same effect as blood-pressure pills C. is more than blood-pressure pills D. is working and can be improved 正确答案: 31.D、32.D、33.C。6.【填空题】完型填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)从选项中选择一个最适合短文的选项,错选、多选或未选均无分。 Jogging is becoming one of the _21_ growing activities in the nation. More people are starting jog each year. This, however, is a recent occurrence. It was not long ago _22_ joggers were rare sight. Some people thought that they looked quite strange. As _23_ people began jogging the sight of them became more common. There are many reasons _24_ a person to take up jogging. First, it is a good form of exercise. This is _25_ it involves the use of many parts of the body. The exercising of the heart is of great benefit. This is one of the most important parts of the human body. If the heart does not get the needed exercise, serious problems can occur. _26_ reason for jogging is for enjoyment. _27_ being good for people, it can also be very much fun. Part of the fun of jogging comes from the opportunity it provides for meeting other people who enjoy it. One _28_ that should be considered _29_ a person takes up jogging as a form of exercise of enjoyment is that it is not for everyone. People should first check 30 their doctors and be prepared to find another form of exercise if jogging is not recommended. 21. A. fastest B. quickest C. most D. best 22. A. when B. while C. that D. as 23. A. many B. those C. more D. the 24. A. of B. with C. for D. in 25. A. that B. why C. reasonable D. because 26. A. A B. Other C. The other D. Another 27. A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. Regardless of 28. A. matter B. event C. thing D. occurrences 29. A. of B. that C. what D. when 30. A. out B. over C. on D. with 正确答案: 21A、22C、23C、24C、25D、26D、27 C、28C、29D、30D。7.【填空题】必要的;基本的 adj.要素,要点 n. e_正确答案: essential8.【填空题】收入;岁入 n. r_正确答案: revenue9.【问答题】她有能力做这项工作。(ability)正确答案: She had the ability to do the work.10.【问答题】More and more people choose to pay online by Alipay.正确答案: 越来越多的人选择支付宝来支付。11.【问答题】Issue the sales information about the products.正确答案: 发布产品的销售信息。12.【单选题】All citizens in this nation are_ to the law.A.subjectB.objectC.exposedD.dependent正确答案:A13.【问答题】Alipay s user are primarily buyers and sellers e
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