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综合测试一(Module 12)一、 听句子,选出听到的句子,把其编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1.Shenyang is _ than Wuhan in _.A.colder,winterB.hotter,autumnC.cooler,summer( )2.There are _ beautiful _ in Guilin.A.a lot mountainsB.many,hillsC.some,rivers( )3.India is one of the _ countries in _.A.biggest,AsiaB.smallest,AfricaC.oldest,Europe( )4.The capital city of _ is _.A.Russia,MoscowB.Italy,RomeC.Berlin,Germany( )5.The _ are going _ tomorrow.A.teachers,fishingB.doctors,swimmingC.children,traveling( )6.Yongxian is going to do some _ in the _ this afternoon.A.reading,libraryB.gardening,gardenC.washing,garage( )7._ is famous for its _.A.Guangzhou,dimsumB.Suzhou,gardensC.Hangzhou,lake.( )8._ are more dangerous than _.A.Tigers,lionsB.Lions,tigersC.Snakes,bears( )9.My family are watching a _ game when the stupid _ is on.A.football,filmB.basketball,playC.table tennis,cartoon( )10.Why dont we go to the _ instead?A.Six Banyan TempleB.Pearl River Hotel C.Guangzhou Restaurant二、 听对话,选出对话所描述的图,把它的编号写在括号里。(4分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. 三、 听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。(10分)1.I _ the _ very much.2.The _ and the queen usually live in the _ city.3._ he will come _.4.Theres a _ of _ here.5.These _ are from _.四、 听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的意思,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(6分)( )1.Jiamin is going to see his grandmother and uncle.( )2.Jiamins grandmother and uncle live in New York.( )3.Jiamin will stay in New York for one month.( )4.New York is the capital city of America and the biggest city in the USA.( )5.Jiamin thinks New York is noisy and crowded.( )6.Jiamin likes Washington D.C. because it is quiet and beautiful.五、 根据音标写出英语单词。(8分)1. /n/_2./dZst/_3./plQn/_4./lv/_5./nizi/_6./kluz/_ 7./insted/_8./kwait/_六、 把下列单词按类别填入相应的表格里。(8分)Japanese,Wellington,Russia,Berlin,French,Italy,Paris,Italian,Japan,Mos-cow,Russian,Germany,France,German,Rome,Tokyo.CountryNationalityLanguage七、 按要求改写下列句子。(10分)1. This is the Chinese national flag.(用what向划线部分提问)_ 2. The population of China is about 1,300,000,000.(用what向划线部分提问)_3. Sydney is the capital of Australia.(改为否定句)_4. New York is the largest city of the USA.(改为一般疑问句)_5. Where would you like to go this summer holiday?(改为同义词)_八、 读表格,判断下面的句子是否符合表格内容,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(7分)Positio(位置)Area(面积)PopulationCapitalLargest CityPRCAsia9,600,0001,300,000,000BeijingNew YorkUSANorth America9,370,000288,370,000Washington D.C.Chongqing( )1.PRC is an Asian country and the USA is in South America.( )2.China is larger than the USA.( )3.The USA has more people than China.( )4.The capital of China is Beijing and the capital of America is New York.( )5.Chongqing is bigger than Beijing.( )6.Washington D.C. is smaller than New York.( )7.New York is the biggest city in the USA.九、 根据上下文或首字母提示,写出对话所缺的单词。(10分)A: Hello, Miss Webb.B: Hello,Mr.Sato.A.W (1) to Japan.B:Thank you. This is the f time I come to your country.I have neverb (3) to Japan before. Do you l (4) in Tokyo?A:Yes,I work here.But Im from Osaka.B:Which is larger,Tokyo (5) Osaka?A:Tokyo is m (6) larger than Osaka.It is the c (7) city and the _(8) city in Japan.B:And I want to visit Mount Fuji.A:Good.Its the h (9) mountain in our country.B:How h (10) is it?A:Its 3,776 metres.十、 用所给单词的适当形式填空,横线上可写不止一个词。(7分)1. Guangzhou is much _(warm) than Xian in winter.2. Id like _(go) a more interesting place.3. I think Beijing Road is usually _(crowded) than Xiajiu Road.4. Thats the _(Australia) national flag. It looks like the national flag of New Zealand.5. The River Mississippi is _(four) biggest river in the world.6. Lets go _(fish) tomorrow.7. We are _ (go) on the Pearl River cruise on Saturday.十一、 回答下列问题。(10分)1. Which is the largest country in the world?_ 2. Which country has the most population in the world?_3. What is the capital city of New Zealand?_4. Which country is in Europe,Canada,Japan or France?_5. What is the largest city in China?_
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