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人教新起点五年级英语上学期单词拼写年级联考习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词。1. _ _nt 2. old_ _ 3. _ _ cle 4. y_ _nger 5. c_ _sin6. sh_ _ter 7. gl_ _ses 8. t_ _ler 9. gr_ _ 10. f_ther2. 连词成句。(1)speakheEnglishcan_.(2)likewhatsheis_?(3)togotheletspark_.(4)youwhatdoingare_?(5)browntheIjacketlike_.3. 根据图片写单词。(1)_ing (2)_ing(3)_ing (4)_ing(5)_ing mountains4. 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The school is f_from the zoo. Lets go by bus.2. The restaurant is n_here. Lets walk.3. Lets go to the l_. I want to read books.4. I write with (用) my r_hand.5. Please look at the traffic l_.5. 根据要求写单词。child复数_ make(加ing) _ stand对应词_cant完整形式_ help(加ing)_ have第三人称单数_6. 按要求写出下列各词。1.stand(过去式)_ 2.use(形容词)_3.man(复数)_ 4.there(对应词)_5.cannot(缩写形式)_7. 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整。A:Welcomeb_toschool,Ben.B:Nicetom_you,MrGreen.A:Thereisan_subjectthist_,doyouknow?B:Yes.ItsS_S_.A:Doyoul_it?B:Yes,itsani_s_.A:Whattimedoyouh_thislesson?OnM_?B:No.ItsonF_.8. 按要求写单词。(1)boy(复数形式)_ (2)run(变名词)_ (3)long(反义词)_ (4)fast(反义词)_ (5)watch(现在分词)_ (6)are not(简略形式)_ 9. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词。1This shirt is very pretty, but its too _ (短).2Its _ (冷) today.3There are _ (十三) cows.4I see five _ (兔子).5I want some _ (香蕉).10. 根据句意及中文提示填空。1.Thepearsarebigand_(甜的).2.Idontlikethefish,Itstoo_(辣的).3.Thegreenbeansare_(可口的).4.Thesevegetablesare_(新鲜的).Theyareyummy.5.Tomatosoupismyfavourite,andits_(健康的)forme.11. 阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线词,首字母已给。Yaz l_in the Stones Age. His family is in a c_. They make fires in it. It gives them h_and l_.They always eat r_meat. His parents and sister l_it but Yaz h_it.One day, he doesnt want to eat a_raw meat. He_it away into the fire. Then, he s_and t_it. It is very nice. Finally, they c_all the meat on the fire.12. 按要求写单词。1. I will(缩写)_ 2. plant trees(中文)_3. do(第三人称单数)_ 4. photo(同义词)_5. love(形容词)_13. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_14. 看图写词。1. The girl likes_.2. I have_today.3. There is a_.4. Her father is a_.5. The girl likes_.15. 根据要求写出相应的单词。1. wide(反义词) _ 2. sheep(名词复数)_3. cheap(反义词)_ 4. match(第三人称单数)_5. big(反义词)_ 6. child(名词复数)_7. do(第三人称单数)_16. 按要求写单词。1. find(过去式)_ 2. on the school bus(中文)_3. lose(过去式)_ 4. it(物主代词)_5. my(复数)_17. 补全单词。1. bo_ght 2. A_stralia 3. Spa_n 4. p_stman5. hist_ry 6. an_ther 7. T-sh_rt 8. sh_king9. pa_s 10. twen_y 11. .A_t 12. Sc_nce13. p_pil 14. m_ths 15. langu_ge 16.dr_ver17.da_cer 18. ca_e 19. for_ign 20. t_ught21. l_arnt 22. pi_ce 23. sw_m 24. hi_h25. c_t 26. nob_dy 27. dr_w18. 根据图片提示,补全句子。(1)I often _ _ on Saturdays.(2)- Whats your math teacher like ?- Hes _ and _.(3)Today is _.We have _,math and art.(4)What would you like for lunch ?- Id like rice, _ and _.(5)_ are my favourite _.19. 默写单词。1.赛跑_ 2.第一_3.第二_ 4.第三_5.喝_ 6.好_7.忙的_ 8.自豪的_9.跌倒_ 10.草_20. 根据图片及首字母写出单词。1Which season do you like best?I like spring best. Because I can_with my friend.2Which season do you like best?I like_best. Because I can_.3Youd better take an_with you today.4There is a big_in our school.5This is my_.页码 / 总页数
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