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摘 要本设计为双鸭山矿业有限公司东荣一矿矿井通风系统设计,东荣一矿共有12层可采煤层,本设计取其中条件较好的12和16煤层,煤层厚度合计约为为3.50m。设计井田的可采储量120.75Mt,服务年限为95.8年。矿井通风系统是组成矿井生产的一个重要环节。开发与生产相适应的合理的通风设计,可以更好的保证生产所需的充足、稳定的风量;且在较好的经济效果基础上,具有较强的抗灾能力,达成技术上的先进、合理、可靠本设计中采用立井开拓方式。结合东荣一矿的地质条件、煤层赋存情况、以及整个矿井的瓦斯涌出情况,拟定了东荣一矿的矿井通风系统,并计算出矿井的最大通风阻力,然后根据这些计算数据选出合适的通风机。根据设计矿井的基本情况和通风系统,初步拟定了瓦斯、火灾、顶板、热害等灾害的防止治理措施。关键词 :通风系统; 通风阻力; 通风机; 通风费用AbstractThis design is for the Dongrongyi Coal Mine of Shuangyashan Mining Limited Company about ventilation system, and Dongrongyi Coal Mine has 12 to be possible to mine coal the level, this design takes the condition good 12 and 16 coal bed, coal bed thickness is3.5m, design well fields recoverable resources 120.75M ton , the service life is95.8 years.The mine ventilation system is an important part of the production. The ventilation design which is the reasonable combination of development and production could ensure adequate and stable air flow to produce better. Based on a better economic effect, it has the strong ability to resist disaster, and achieves advance, reasonableness and reliability on technique.This design mine pit selects the double vertical shaft development method. Unifies the Dongrong one ore the geological condition, the coal bed tax saves the situation, the mine pit production system as well as the entire mine pit gas discharge situation, had determined the Dongrong two ores mine ventilation systems, calculate the mine pit initial period and the later period always need the amount of wind, extracts the mine pit through network resolving the most greatly flowing resistance, acts according to these parameters to select the appropriate main ventilator again.Based on the fundamental state and ventilation system of the designed coal mine, the preliminary prevention and control measures of some disasters, suchas gas, fire and roof disaster, are presented in this design.Key word:Ventilation system;Ventilation Resistance; Ventilator;Ventilation Expenses目 录摘要Abstract第一章 矿区及安全概况11.1矿区概况11.1.1交通位置11.1.2地形地势11.1.3水文情况11.1.4气象情况11.1.5煤田生产情况21.1.6矿区经济情况21.1.7水源及电源21.2井田地质特性21.2.1地质构造31.2.2煤系地层走向、倾向及倾角41.2.3断层和褶曲情况41.2.4火成岩侵入情况41.2.5 煤层及煤质51.3矿井安全概况51.3.1水文地质特性61.3.2瓦斯赋存情况71.3.3煤的自燃与井下火区81.3.4井下高温的解决措施9第二章 矿井储量与生产能力102.1井田境界及储量102.1.1井田境界102.1.2井田储量102.2矿井生产能力及服务年限112.2.1矿井工作制度112.2.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限11第三章 井田开拓及采区通风133.1井田开拓方案133.1.1井田开拓方式133.1.2井口位置选择133.1.3开采水平划分及重要巷道布置143.1.4编制矿井采区接续表153.2矿井重要巷道163.2.1主副井163.2.2运送大巷及上下山163.3采区通风173.3.1采区概况173.3.2采区通风设计原则及规定183.3.3采区参数183.4掘进通风203.4.1掘进通风系统设计原则203.4.2局部通风方法203.4.3风筒的选择213.4.4局部通风机选择233.5通风构筑物的设立与重要通风机附属设备243.5.1通风构筑物设立243.5.2重要通风机附属设备设立与规定26第四章 矿井通风设计284.1井田安全生产概况284.2矿井通风系统的选择284.2.1拟定矿井重要通风机的工作方法284.2.2选择矿井的通风方式304.2.3通风系统的拟定304.3计算和分派矿井总风量304.3.1风量计算的原则304.3.2矿井前期需风量的计算324.3.3矿井后期需风量的计算394.3.4风量分派与调节454.4矿井通风总阻力计算474.4.1井巷阻力计算方法474.4.2绘制通风容易时期和困难时期的网络图484.5选择矿井通风设备504.5.1基本规定514.5.2基本数据的拟定524.6电动机的选择554.7矿井通风费用概算56第五章 安全设施及灾害防止解决计划585.1除尘系统及其布置585.1.1重要粉尘来源585.1.2喷水除尘措施585.2防灭火灌浆系统595.2.1煤层自燃防止措施595.2.2防止性灌浆595.2.3阻化剂防灭火605.3事故防止及避灾路线615.3.1事故防止措施615.3.2避灾路线61结 论63致 谢64参考文献65附录66CONTENTSAbstract AbstractChapter 1 Mine Profile11.1 Mine Profile11.1.1 Traffic position11.1.2 Topography11.1.3 Hydrological conditions11.1.4 Meteorological conditions11.1.5 Coal production21.1.6 Local economy conditions21.1.7 Water and power21.2 Mine geological features21.2.1 Geological structure31.2.2 Angle of dip of coal41.2.3 Case faults and folds41.2.4 Igneous intrusion case41.2.5 Coal seams and coal51.3 Mine Safety Profile51.3.1 Hydrogeological characteristics61.3.2Gas occurrence conditions71.3.3 Spontaneous combustionof coalandunderground fire81.3.4Measures to deal with underground heat9Chapter 2 Mine reserves and production capacity102.1 Ida realm and reserves102.1.1 Ida realm102.1.2Mine reserves102.2 Production capacity and service life of mine112.2.1 Mine work system112.2.2Minedesign and productioncapacity andservice life11Chapter 3 Minedevelopand mining area ventilation133.1 Mine development Scheme133.1.1 Mine development way133.1.2 Wellhead location choice133.1.3 level of division and exploitation of major tunnel arrangement143.1.4Mine mining area connection table preparation153.2main mine tunnel163.2.1 Main auxiliary163.2.2Transportation Roadway and down the mountain163.3 Mining Ventilation173.3.1 Profile mining area173.3.2 mining area ventilation design principles and requirements183.3.3 Parameters of mining area183.4 Tunneling ventilation203.4.1Tunneling ventilation system design principles203.4.2 Local ventilation203.4.3 Duct selection213.4.4 local fan se
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