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单元:Unit 3 课题: Our animal friends 课时: 2 课型: 新授 【教学内容】Grammar time、Fun time、Sound time and Culture time【教学目标】(一)知识目标1. 能正确掌握七个人称代词以及它们后面所接动词的变化形式。2. 能理解并掌握Grammar time中的三单形式及其一般疑问句和回答Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.3. 能合作完成Fun time中的任务。4. 了解字母u在单词中的发音。5. 了解中西方国家的动物品种。(二)能力目标1. 学生能正确流利地使用本单元的重点词汇和句型。2. 能对谁有什么东西进行陈述和提问。 3. 通过小组合作初步了解辅音字母u在单词中的发音。(三)情感目标了解不同国家的特色动物。 【教学重点】1. 进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇和句型。2. 能理解并掌握Grammar time 中的内容,并能正确运用have、has/ Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.【教学难点】1. 了解中西方国家的特色动物。2. 能正确掌握七个人称代词以及它们后面所接动词的变化形式。【教学准备】PPT课件、先学单等。【课前先学】1. Please think of an animal friend.请同学们思考一下自己有没有动物朋友,它有什么特征。2. 读一读下列单词,体会字母“u”的发音。bus duck summer sun umbrella以上单词中“u”的发音是/ /请任选上面的两个词写一句话。_【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. PreparationLets make a introduction(1) Please introduce your animal friend to us. You can use these sentences:I haveIt has/ They haveIt/ They canStep 2. Presentation & Practice(一) Grammar time阅读两个表格信息,要求个别学生复述表格中句子。There is a house in the forest.There is some soup on the table.There are three beds in the bedroom.This soup is too hot.The usage of the word “have/ has”You have many animal friends. Can you tell me what do you have?What do you have?What do they have?Can you describe these people?(拿出story time的图,让学生形容谁有什么东西)He has a dog. It has four legs.He has a rabbit. It has four legs.She has a parrot. It has two legs.Fill in the blanks.I have an animal friend,. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ have an animal friend?并做肯定和否定回答。They have an animal friend.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答)仿照上面例句,让学生对不同的对象进行提问。遇到第三人称单数时要用does提问。肯定回答Yes, he/ she/ it does.否定回答No, he/ she/ it doesnt.(二) Fun timeYou all have animal friends. Now, lets do a survey.You can ask your friends some questions and guess what animal is it.You can use: Do youDoes itWhat can it/they do?( 三)Sound timeLook and talk:Whats in the picture?(出示图片)Can you use these words to make some sentences?Look and guess:Does the rubber duck like the sunny weather?What does he like?Listen to the tape and try to find the answers.Follow the tape.Look at these words: rubber/ duck/ but/ sunny/ summer/ sun/ umbrella. What is the letter u pronounced? /Write them down.Let the students say the words. Try to read the new words Cut funny jump hungry cup subject(四)Culture timeYour animal friends are so cute, but there are a lot of different animals in the world.Lets look at the pictures.Teacher introduces these animals:You can see pandas in China.You can see bald eagles in the US.You can see polar bears in Canada.You can see kangaroos in Australia.Step 3. ProductionTry to say moreThere are so many different animals in the world, what else do you know about animals.If you dont know, you can describe one of the animals.这个环节中是对Story time知识的回顾复习。向同学们介绍你的动物朋友也是检查先学作业的一部分,为后面的部分做铺垫。对于学生可能出现动词的三单形式混淆,教师要做强调补充说明。这部分可以要求个别学生或者全体学生逐一复述表格。教师可以复述第一个句子。大部分学生对第一和第二人称的用法比较熟悉,可采用提问的方法一带而过。当然有个别学生可能一二人称都会出现混淆,教师就要适当地引导一下他们。教师示范一组,然后让学生跟同桌之间来说出另外三幅图的内容,掌握has的用法。第三人称he/ she/ it 后面加has.学生对于课文内容已经熟悉了,在此基础上,师可让学生脱离课文来阐述一下,基本意思到位,教师应当给予肯定和奖励。在学了三单的基础上学生可能会填Does you,可提示学生注意主语。老师对学生进行提问,操练肯定回答和否定回答的用法。学生对于does 和 doesnt 的拼写普遍出错较多,要多强调,加强记忆。这部分内容要求小组内相互提问完成。要求学生通过提问,获取小动物的体貌特征信息,从而猜测出动物的名字。学生可以自由选择要询问调查的学生,并记录下调查结果。引导学生尽可能把图片描述完整,把图中的几样事物用自己的话描述出来。第三句话对于学生来说是难点,可出现多一点的关键词。学生带着问题听录音,找出这两个问题的答案。然后小组内一问一答来校对答案,学生可能不理解weather,when,carries这几个单词,可让他们结合图片来理解。在总结读音时可以让学生进行小组讨论,并让学生讨论other words have this sound。 组长负责组织讨论,请记录员负责记录,最后请另外的组员汇报结果,同时教师把单词写在黑板上。此内容是学生较为感兴趣的,教师在给出这几个图片时可以对这几个动物进行一些介绍,如他们的体型特征,它们生活的环境特点等,对学生的知识面进行拓展,从而引出下面的内容。教师可以适时熏陶,动物是我们的朋友,我们要尽自己的所能来保护动物,特别是一些珍稀动物。作业设计1. Copy the new vocabulary.2. Read, recite and act this cartoon story.教后反思
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