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七年级英语期末复习(7A Unit 7Unit 8)重点短语与句型Unit7一、词组1. walk down/along the street 沿着街道走2. go shopping/do some shopping去购物3. come with me跟我来4. need sb./sth. to do sth.需要某人(物)做某事5. carry all the bags提所有的包6. many different shops许多不同的商店7. a clothes shop 一家衣服店8. a sports shop一家体育用品商店9. buy a Christmas present for Simon=buy Simon a Christmas present给西蒙买份圣诞礼物10. ask sb. for help向某人求助11. be sure of/be sure that+从句 对确信 be sure to do 一定会做某事12. be interested in sth/ doing sth 对感兴趣13. collect stamps集邮14. look for Christmas presents寻找圣诞礼物15. just a minute=wait for a short time稍等16. last years cards 去年的卡片17. match sth. (well)=go well with sth.与很相配18. be different from 与不同be the same as 与一样19. plan to have a Christmas party计划开圣诞晚会20. use paper cups to drink some juice用纸杯喝果汁21. some exercise books一些练习本22. shops around my school我学校周围的商店23. music boxes音乐盒24. far away from 离很远25. use ones pocket money用零花钱26. learn a lot from books从书中学到很多27. walk a long way to school走很长的一段路到校28. most of the students/most students大多数学生29. help the children in poor areas帮助平困地区的孩子们30. need sth. most最需要某物31. try sth. on/try on sth.试穿 try it/them on32. one floor of restaurants 一层楼的餐馆33. the kites flying in the sky飞在空中的风筝34. a group of little people一群小人儿35. near a bus stop在公交车站附近36. five floors of shops五层商店37. take notes 记笔记38. like watching films喜欢看电影39. know sb./sth. well熟悉某人/某物二、句子1. Maybe she is interested in music./ She may be interested in music.她也许对音乐感兴趣。 be/become interested in = have interest in 对感兴趣 E.g. I am / become interested in collecting stamps. 我对集邮感兴趣。 = I have interest in collecting stamps. 2. -What about some hair clips? -(Thats a)Good idea. -(买些)发卡怎么样? -好主意。3. What can I do for you? / Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗?/您要买什么?4. How much does this skirt cost? / How much is this skirt? / Whats the price of this skirt? 这条短裙多少钱?It costs 200 yuan. / Its 200 yuan./ The price of this skirt is 200 yuan.5. The trousers cost my mum 380 yuan. 这条裤子花了我妈妈380元。sth cost sb (money) My mum spends 380 yuan on the trousers. sb spend (money/time) on sth My mum spends 380 yuan (in) buying the trousers. sb spend (money/time) (in) doing sth My mum pays 380 yuan for the trousers. sb pay (money) for sth 6. The skirt fits me very well. Ill take it. 这条短裙很合我的身。我买了。 fit还可以用于形容词,意思是“适合的”、“健康的”。E.g. Sports shoes are fit for a long walk. 运动鞋适合长时间的旅行。 You need to do more exercise to keep fit. 你应该多运动以保持健康。7. I want to buy some presents different from Amys. 我想要买一些和艾米不同的礼物。 be different from 与不同 American school life is different from Chinese school life. 美国的学校生活和中国的学校生活不同。8. I have enough money for the computer. 我有足够的钱买这电脑。=I have enough money to buy the computer.9. -Would you like some tea? -Yes, please. /-No, thanks. 你要喝些茶吗? 好的。/不,谢谢。10. -Can I have some oranges? -Of course, help yourself (to some oranges.) -我可以吃些橘子吗? -当然可以,随便吃些吧。11. How do you use your pocket money? 你怎么使用你的零花钱?12. Would you like to help the children in some poor areas? 你愿意帮助一些贫困地区的孩子们吗?13.We can use our pocket money to buy them these things.我们可以用我们的零花钱给他们买这些东西。14. Whats your size?/ What size are your feet?/ What size do you wear? 你穿多大码的? Size 40. 40码。15. This pair of shoes looks nice. Can I try them on? 这双鞋看上去很漂亮。我可以试穿一下吗?16. These apples are very sweet. Can I have another one? 这些苹果很甜。我可以再吃一个吗?17. This pair of shoes is too large. Can I try on another pair? 这双鞋子太大了。我可以再试一双吗?18. The shopping mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun. 这家购物中心是会见朋友和玩乐的好地方。 be a good place to do sth. 某地是做某事的好地方。E.g. The park is good place to fly kites. 这个公园是放风筝的好地方。 Sanya is a good place to spend your holiday. 三亚是度假的好地方。20. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。21. There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。22. There is a girl waiting for you at the school gate. 校门口有个女孩在等你。23. There are five floors of shops in the shopping mall. 在这个购物中心有五层楼的商店。24. There are foods from different areas in the restaurant. 在这家餐馆有来自各地的食物。Unit8一、词组1. think about 考虑 2. spend ten more minutes in bed spend another ten minutes in bed在床上多呆10分钟3. lend sb sth. us your red blouse =lend your red blouse to us 把你的红衬衫借给我们4. too large for me 对于我来说太大了 too adj. for sb. 对于某人来说太5. hold/have/give a fashion show 举办一个时装表演会6. different styles of clothes 不同风格的衣服7. be popular among/ with sb. 受欢迎8. wear a blue scarf 带一条蓝色围巾9. both of them 他们两个都10. a red silk blouse 一件红色丝绸衬衫 a black wool skirt 一条黑色羊毛短裙 leather 皮革 cotton 棉11. a pair of boots/ shoes/ trousers 一双靴/鞋/一条裤子12. go for a big dinner 去吃大餐13. go to Sunshine Park with Millie 和Millie 一起去阳光公园14. feel soft and smooth 摸上去又软又光滑15. be made of wool 用羊毛制成的 be made of由制成(看得出原材料) be made from由制成(看不出原材料)16. match/ go well w
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