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DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES1X21: SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE-Mary Alice Voiceover: Previously on Desperate Housewives-INT:Mayer House-Kitchen-Day (Sophie and Susan are making dinner.) Sophie: I left Morty. (Susan turns around shocked at what her mother said.) Mary Alice Voiceover: Susans mother left quite an impression. EXT :Car Park of Mortys Restaurant-Day (Susan turns around to look out the restaurant window at her mother and Mortys attempt at reconciliation-where Sophie ends up biting him on the arm.) Mary Alice Voiceover: Bree made a secret commitment. INT : Pharmacy-Day George: Hes not going to let us be friends. Bree: Who says he has to know how I spend my free time? Mary Alice Voiceover: Gabrielle made a discovery. INT:Solis House -Bathroom - Day (Gabrielle hits her birth control pills and finds theyve been tampered with.) EXT:Solis House -Garden -Day (Gabrielle walks up to Carlos and slaps him across the face.) Gabrielle: I am pregnant and it is all your fault. Mary Alice Voiceover: Tom made a mistake. INT: Petersons -Toms Office-Day (Tom is in the very awkward situation of having his jealous wife watching him with his playful ex-girlfriend.) INT:Scavo House-Kitchen-Night Lynette: You hired your old girlfriend and you didnt tell me for three months? Mary Alice Voiceover: And Susan made an appointment. INT:Mayer House-Drawing Board-Day (Susan flicks through the Yellow Pages.) INT:Hafts Detective Agency -Day Susan: Do you think you can help me? PI: As a matter of fact, I know I can. End of Recap -INT:Mayer House-Sophies Bedroom-Night (Sophie is sat cross legged on a chair in her bedroom thinking about the past. Shes looking at her old engagement rings which are kept in a box and she looks very sad.) Mary Alice Voiceover: When she was younger, Sophie Bremner was a hopeless romantic. She was also hopelessly na飗e, which was how she came to be married four times. INT:Casino-Night (A smartly dressed man slides an engagement ring across the table to a young Sophie with long straight hair who has her back to us.) Mary Alice Voiceover: The first time to a man who liked to gamble. INT:Bar -Night (A man dressed in a tacky blue suit slides an engagement ring across the bar to a young Sophie with short curly hair, and then takes a drink.) Mary Alice Voiceover: The second time to a man who liked to drink. INT:Restaurant -Night (A man with long blond hair and a moustache, dressed in a bright shirt open to the chest which reveals a gold medallion slides an engagement ring across the table to a young Sophie with very short hair and gives her a huge smile.) Mary Alice Voiceover: The third time to a man who liked other men. INT:Bar-Night (Ex-husband number 2 slides an engagement ring across the bar to a young Sophie with long curly hair, and then takes a drink.) Mary Alice Voiceover: And the fourth time to the same man she married the second time. INT:Mayer House-Sophies Bedroom-Night (Sophie sadly touches her collection of engagement rings.) Mary Alice Voiceover: Yes, Sophie was tired of having her heart broken. So she decided she would never get married again. (Sophie closes the lid on the box of rings.) Mary Alice Voiceover: And then one night-Morty: (offscreen) Sophie! Mary Alice Voiceover: -she had visitor. -EXT:Wisteria Lane-Outside Mayer House-Night (Morty is standing in the Mayer Garden shouting at the house.) Morty: Sophie! INT:Mayer House-Sophies Bedroom -Night (Sophie goes to the window to see whats going on.) EXT:Wisteria Lane-Outside Mayer House -Night (Susan opens the door, confused by whats happening.) Susan: Morty? What are you doing? Morty: I need to talk to Sophie. Susan: NOW? Are you drunk? Morty: Just a little bit. (Susan ushers Morty inside.) Morty: How are you? INT:Mayer House -Sophies Bedroom -Night (Sophie is still at the window. She bites her lip wondering whats going on. We see her creep downstairs to listen in on the conversation.) INT:Mayer House-Living Room-Night Morty: Ive got to speak to Sophie. Susan: Are you crazy? Its one oclock in the morning. Shes sleeping. Morty:Im gonna ask her to marry me. Susan: What? Morty: I thought I could be happy. The restaurant is starting to make money. I just bought a new jet ski. My cholesterol is down. But none of it is any fun without her.(Shots of Sophie listening at the door, her face lights up at what he says.) Susan: Ah, Morty. I just dont think its going to happen. Shes moved on. Why dont you sit down, Ill call you a cab. (Sophie enters into the room.) Morty: Sophie. Sophie: (quietly reprimanding him) Your do
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