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STATUTORY DECLARATION I, name , a Chinese national, passport No , residing in Shanghai hereby declares that: 1. I am going to visit France (and other European Countries) from 17/5/2013 to 5/6/2013. The purpose of my trip is tourism only. I will not seek any employment or residency in France (and other European Countries) and will return to China prior before the expiration of my authorized visa;( 我将访问法国(和其他欧洲国家)从17 / 5 / 2013至5 / 6 / 2013。我此行的目的只是旅游。在法国(及其他欧洲国家),我不会寻求任何就业或居住,并将在我的授权签证到期前返回中国)2. So I am a freelancer now. I am preparing to win my new job as a HR manager or recruitment manager when I come back from European at the early of this June. At the same time, I also work part-time as an insurance salesman from 2005 and earn a commission of about XXX Yuan a month. Besides, I own a house in the Shanghai downtown. Last year I had the house rented out, so I charge XXX Yuan per month rent now. Thus I have sufficient financial resources to defray all expenses during my trip in France (and other European Countries); (我是一个自由职业者,现在。我准备在今年六月初从欧洲回来时,为我的新工作赢得我的新工作,作为一个人力资源经理或招聘经理。同时,我还兼职做一名保险推销员,从2005个月到一个月的三十元。此外,我在上海市中心拥有一栋房子。去年我把房子租了出去,所以我每月收取三十元的房租。因此,我有足够的资金来支付所有费用我旅行时在法国(以及其他欧洲国家);)3. I will comply with the laws and regulations of during my stay;( 我将遵守我的逗留期间的法律法规;)4. I execute this statutory declaration for the purpose of the tourist visa application from the embassy of France (and other European Countries).( 我在法国大使馆(及其他欧洲国家)执行此项法定声明,目的是从法国大使馆申请入境签证。) Signature: 签名 Dated: 日期自由职业者准备材料的建议对于自由职业者,收入项恐怕比较让人头大,收入的来源复杂,金额不固定,时间不固定等因素都让会材料准备起来比较困难。几点建议:1. 抓重点金额大的某个项目收入或是长期合作的某个客户的长期收入,重点做好这些项目的证明2. 材料上明确标识出收入项支付宝现在推出了收支明细证明,可以直接打印出有公章的清单,这个很方便(但居然是全中文,还要自己打了出来翻译,这个又很无语)。加上支付宝电子对账单,还是能比较清楚的反映出收入情况。(建议收入项上用马克笔重点标识出来)如果你不用支付宝的话,道理也是一样,要在对账单上明确标识出收入项!3. 如果你的收入来源确实比较杂,建议写一份收入情况说明说明的格式不限,大致包括:个人情况、收入来源、收入年总额。在能说清楚情况的前提下字数越少越好,控制在半页到1页纸间。4. 强烈不建议挂靠朋友公司出假收入证明身边有人这么干有成功的也有失败的。撒谎圆谎不是每个人都能做到的暗黑技能。诚实是准备签证材料的第一法则。
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