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JAVA,继承和多态实验报告 实验项目名称 : 继承和多态 ( 所属课程 : Java 语言程序设计 ) 院 系: 专业班级: 姓 名: 学号: 实验地点: 指导老师: 本实验项目成绩: 教师签字: 日期: 1实验目的 (1)掌握类的继承机制。 (2)熟悉类中成员变量和方法的访问控制。 (3)熟悉方法或构造方法多态性。 2.实验内容 (1)模拟编写程序,理解类的继承、多态、继承和多态规则。 (2)独立编程,实现类的继承和多态。 3.实验作业 设计一个类 Shape(图形)包含求面积和周长的 area()方法和 perimeter()方法以及设置颜色的方法 SetColor(),并利用 Java 多态技术设计其子类 Circle(圆形)类、Rectangle(矩形)类和 Triangle(三角形)类,并分别实现相应的求面积和求周长的方法。每个类都要覆盖 toString 方法。 海伦公式:三角形的面积等于 s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)的开方,其中 s=(a+b+c)/2 程序代码为: Class 包 package Class; public class Shape private String color = while; public Shape(String color) this.color = color; public void setColor(String color) this.color = color; public String getColor() return color; public double getArea() return 0; public double getPerimeter() return 0; public String toString() return color: + color; package Class; public class Circle extends Shape private double radius; public Circle(String color,double radius) super(color); this.radius = radius; public void setRadius(double radius) this.radius = radius; public double getRadius() return radius; public double getCircleArea() return 3.14*radius*radius; public double getCirclePerimeter() return 3.14*2*radius; public String toString() return The Area is: + getCircleArea() + nThe Perimeter is: + getCirclePerimeter(); package Class; public class Rectangle extends Shape private double width; private double height; public Rectangle(String color,double width,double height) super(color); this.width = width; this.height = height; public void setWidth(double width) this.width = width; public double getWidth() return width; public void setHeight(double height) this.height = height; public double getHeight() return height; public double getRectangleArea() return width*height; public double getRectanglePerimeter() return 2*(width + height); public String toString() return The Area is: + getRectangleArea() + nThe Perimeter is: + getRectanglePerimeter(); package Class; public class Triangle extends Shape private double a; private double b; private double c; private double s; public Triangle(String color,double a,double b,double c, double s) super(color); this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.s = s; public void setA(double a) this.a = a; public double getA() return a; public void setB(double b) this.b = b; public double getB() return b; public void setC(double c) this.c = c; public double getC() return c; public double getTriangleArea() return Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c); public double getTrianglePerimeter() return a + b + c; public String toString() return The Area is: + getTriangleArea() + nThe Perimeter is: + getTrianglePerimeter(); Main 包 package Main; import Class.Shape; import Class.Circle; import Class.Rectangle; import Class.Triangle; import java.util.Scanner; public class test public static void main(String args) Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print(请输入圆的半径: ); double radius = input.nextDouble(); Circle circle = new Circle(null, radius); System.out.println(circle.toString(); System.out.print(n请输入矩形的宽: ); double width = input.nextDouble(); System.out.print(请输入矩形的高: ); double height = input.nextDouble(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(null, width, height); System.out.println(rectangle.toString(); System.out.print(n请输入三角形的第一条边 a: ); double a = input.nextDouble(); System.out.print(请输入三角形的第二条边 b: ); double b = input.nextDouble(); System.out.print(请输入三角形的第三条边 c: ); double c = input.nextDouble(); double s = (a + b + c)/2; Triangle triangle = new Triangle(null, a, b, c, s); System.out.println(triangle.toString(); 运行结果为: 4实验总结 (1)通过实验掌握了类的继承机制。 (2)熟悉了类中成员变量和方法的访问控制。 (3)了解了方法或构造方法多态性。
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