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Unit 5单元检测卷(100分90分钟)题号一二三总分得分第一部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(B)1.The Shaolin Temple isaction movie.action movie is very exciting.A.an;AB.an;TheC.the;AD.a;An(A)2.Why do you like watching Whos Still Standing (一站到底)?Because I can learn a lotit.A.fromB.ofC.forD.with(D)3.These trees are very.You can see them everywhere in our country.A.specialB.freshC.greenD.common(D)4.I heard Mary make much noise in her room last night.Do you know whatto her?A.cameB.reachedC.laughedD.happened(B)5.The old man lives a simple life,though he is very.A.thinB.richC.poorD.healthy(B)6.I think this movie is very.All of us enjoy it.A.unluckyB.educationalC.meaninglessD.beautiful(D)7.Zhang Ziyi becomes very popular now.One of the mainis that she acts very well in many movies.A.newsB.competitionsC.menusD.reasons(A)8.Do you know Mickey Mouse?Yes.It firstin the cartoon Steamboat Willie about 90 years ago.A.appearedB.actedC.triedD.touched(A)9.Iin the Chinese exam.A.did a good jobB.did a good workC.did good jobD.did good work(C)10.Bills parents are readyeverything for him.A.doingB.doC.to doD.does(C)11.Sarahto watch the game show.A.standsB.sitsC.expectsD.minds(A)12.Did youwhat was going on with Joe?A.find outB.give outC.put outD.look out(D)13.Why do you come back so early,Amy?Why didnt you watch the movie?Because Imy ticket on the way.A.gaveB.boughtC.choseD.lost(B)14.How aboutsports news,Maria?A.watchB.watchingC.to watchD.watched(C)15.Juliaas Snow White at the party yesterday.A.found outB.came outC.dressed upD.thought of.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Maybe you dont know Walt Disney,but you must know Disneyland.16you dont know Disneyland,you must know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.Walt Disney was an American.He17on December 5,1901.And he died on December 15,1966.He died of illness.Walt Disney had three brothers and one sister.He enjoyed18when he was very young.He was good at drawing.When he sold his first drawing19his neighbors,he was only seven years old!He got20in 1925.And he had two daughters.Disney was very rich,21he was frugal(朴素的).He spent most of his money22his work.In 1928,he created the famous characterMickey Mouse,which made him famous to the world.Walt Disney is a great person.23he died,people all over the world will remember him for ever.He is deeply24by worldwide people.He was a clever,imaginative and creative man.He25enjoyment and happiness to the people of every country.He is a hero of the 20th century.(C)16.A.WhatB.WhetherC.IfD.How(B)17.A.is bornB.was bornC.was famousD.was out(C)18.A.to drawB.drewC.drawingD.was drawn(C)19.A.inB.fromC.toD.at(D)20.A.to marryB.marryC.marryingD.married(D)21.A.andB.soC.orD.but(B)22.A.inB.onC.withD.of(B)23.A.SoB.AlthoughC.ButD.In spite of(C)24.A.hatedB.lovingC.lovedD.hating(D)25.A.showsB.lendsC.borrowsD.brings第二部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分35分).补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。Mary:Hi,Alice!Next Saturday is my birthday.26.CAlice:Oh,Id love to.27.EMary:At 3:30 p.m.Alice:OK.Ill remember it.Mary:Dont forget to tell Peter.I hope he can come,too.Alice:Peter?Look!There he is.Lets go and tell him.Mary:Hello,Peter.28.APeter:Nice to see you,too.Mary:I hope you can come to my party next Saturday.Peter:Party?What kind of party?Mary:29.GWould you like to come?Peter:30.DMary:Thank you very much.See you then.Peter:See you.A.Nice to see you!B.Im afraid I cant go.C.Can you come to my party?D.Sure,Id love to.E.What time does the party start?F.Thanks a lot for the invitation.G.Its my birthday party.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AChannel 17:30 Morning News14:40 Olympic Games:womens tennis single final16:50 Cartoon:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf18:20 Olympic Games:mens high jump finalChannel 29:00 Olympic Games:mens 100-meter race final11:30 Face to Face22:09 TV play series:Liberation23:57 Olympic Games:mens table tennis double finalChannel 59:00 Chinese History10:30 Cartoon:Tom and Jerry21:15 English Classroom22:30 Olympic Games:special(特别的) report(C)31.Mary wants to know something about Chinese history,she can choose(选择).A.Channel 1B.Channel 2C.Channel 5D.none of them(B)32.If you are a tennis fan,you may watch TV at.A.18:20 on Channel 1B.14:40 on Channel 1C.22:30 on Channel 5D.22:09 on Channel 2(A)33.Li Lei likes cartoons very much,but in the morning he must visit his grandpa.So which can he choose?A.Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.B.Face to Face.C.Tom and Jerry.D.Liberation.(C)34.Jim wants to learn English,so he can watch T
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