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100:02:14,330 - 00:02:16,240 我叫Walter Hartwell White My name is Walter Hartwell White. 200:02:16,450 - 00:02:19,310 住在新墨西哥州阿尔布开克 I live at 308 Negra Arroyo lane 300:02:19,350 - 00:02:21,930 内格拉阿罗约巷308号 邮编87104 Albuquerque New Mexico 87104. 400:02:21,980 - 00:02:23,610 我要告诉所有的执法者 To all law enforcement entitles, 500:02:23,610 - 00:02:25,400 这不是一段认罪声明 this is not an admission of guilt. 600:02:26,060 - 00:02:28,200 而是我跟家人之间的对话 I am speaking to my family now. 700:02:35,870 - 00:02:36,960 Skyler Skyler. 800:02:37,930 - 00:02:39,630 你是我今生的挚爱 You are the love of my life. 900:02:40,240 - 00:02:41,810 我希望你能了解这点 I hope you know that. 1000:02:43,570 - 00:02:45,060 Walter Junior Walter Junior. 1100:02:46,080 - 00:02:47,480 在我心中你是个男子汉了 Youre my big man. 1200:02:48,610 - 00:02:49,820 在接下来的几天里 There are. 1300:02:49,910 - 00:02:51,900 你们会 There are going to be some. 1400:02:52,390 - 00:02:53,940 你们会知道 Things. things. 1500:02:54,640 - 00:02:55,430 关于我的 That youll come to Come to 逐渐1600:02:55,430 - 00:02:57,770 关于我的一些事情 learn about me in the next few days. 1700:02:57,790 - 00:02:59,820 我只想你们清楚一点 I just want you to know 1800:03:00,270 - 00:03:03,600 无论发生什么事 That no. no matter how it may look, 1900:03:03,600 - 00:03:05,450 我心里牵挂的只有你们 I only had you in my heart. 2000:03:12,510 - 00:03:13,590 永别了 Good-bye. 2100:04:10,010 - 00:04:12,650 三周前 2200:05:00,180 - 00:05:02,250 Walter H White 结晶学质子辐射效应研究带头人 2300:05:02,250 - 00:05:04,770 诺贝尔获奖研究项目杰出贡献奖 2400:05:16,080 - 00:05:17,540 生日快乐 Happy birthday. 2500:05:20,060 - 00:05:21,180 瞧瞧这个 Look at that. 2600:05:22,110 - 00:05:24,120 这是素培根 That is veggie bacon. 2700:05:24,920 - 00:05:26,680 不管你信不信 零胆固醇的 Believe it or not. zero cholesterol. 2800:05:26,680 - 00:05:29,090 吃起来也是一个味儿 You wont even taste the difference. 2900:05:30,270 - 00:05:31,920 你觉得自己大概几点能到家? What time do you think youll be home? 3000:05:31,920 - 00:05:32,990 老时间 Same time. 3100:05:33,060 - 00:05:35,340 我不希望他又缠你一整晚 I dont want him dicking you around tonight. 3200:05:35,420 - 00:05:36,870 你的工资给到5点 You get paid till 5, 3300:05:36,870 - 00:05:38,960 你就工作到5点 You work till 5 no later. 3400:05:43,500 - 00:05:45,390 -生日快乐啊 -谢谢 - Hey, happy birthday. - Well, thank you. 3500:05:45,430 - 00:05:47,380 你又起晚了 Youre late. again. 3600:05:47,560 - 00:05:50,380 又没热水了 There was no hot water. again. 3700:05:50,450 - 00:05:52,210 我有个简单的办法解决 I have an easy fix for that. 3800:05:52,350 - 00:05:53,810 你早点起床 You wake up early 3900:05:53,950 - 00:05:56,840 然后就可以第一个洗澡了 And then you get to be the first person in the shower. 4000:05:57,130 - 00:05:58,480 我也有个办法 I have an idea. 4100:06:00,640 - 00:06:04,900 为什么不买个新热水器呢? How about buy a new hot water heater? 4200:06:04,900 - 00:06:06,100 这主意怎么样? Hows that idea? 4300:06:06,100 - 00:06:09,420 我都提了成千上万次了 For the millionth and billionth time. 4400:06:11,510 - 00:06:13,960 -止咳药喝过没? -喝了 - Did you take your echinacea? - Yeah. 4500:06:14,150 - 00:06:15,840 我觉得好多了 I think its getting better. 4600:06:16,170 - 00:06:19,330 这是什么鬼玩意儿啊? What the hell is this? 4700:06:19,850 - 00:06:23,470 素培根 我觉得我们该注意下胆固醇了 Its veggie bacon. Were watching our cholesterol, I guess. 4800:06:23,470 - 00:06:25,600 别给我 我要真培根 Not me. I want real bacon. 4900:06:25,600 - 00:06:27,440 不要这假冒的破烂 Not this fake crap. 5000:06:27,440 - 00:06:28,440 真是糟糕 Too bad. 5100:06:28,590 - 00:06:29,590 吃了它 Eat it. 5200:06:30,220 - 00:06:32,940 这闻上去就像创口贴 This smells like band-aids. 5300:06:32,940 - 00:06:35,060 给我吃了 Eat it. 5400:06:39,810 - 00:06:42,080 成为老人家感觉怎么样? So hows it feel to be old? 5500:06:42,440 - 00:06:44,690 当个小破孩感觉怎么样? How does it feel to be a smart ass? 5600:06:44,990 - 00:06:46,020
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