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试论培根论说文的语言特色On the Linguistic Features of Francis Bacons EssaysContentsAbstract.1Key words 1I:Introduction of Francis Bacon 2 1. Life and Political Career 2 2. Thought and Writings3 2.1 Literary Works4II: The Background of Francis Bacons Literature Career 51. The Setting of the 17th Centure and the Elizabethan Time52. Montaignes influence on Francis Bacons essays.6III: Bacons essays have many obvious features peculiar to their own61.Clearness 62.Force of expression 73.Rhetoric devices 83.1 Analogy83.2 Parallelisms83.3 Antithesis 93.4 Quotation.93.5 Witticism9IV: The Affections of These Essays on The Literature of Britain and China10V: Conclusion11References.11On the Linguistic Features of Francis Bacons Essays摘要:弗兰西斯培根是中世纪文明向欧洲现代文明过渡起关键作用的人物。培根对事物的理解力是独一无二的。在他一生中没有他不能描述的事物。弗朗西斯培根的著作可以被分成三类:哲学作品,文学作品和专业著作。培根主要的作品是他的哲学的作品,其中最著名的是论学术的进展。培根主要的文学作品是他的散文。散文论人生在1597年首次出版。因此弗朗西斯培根成为第一个英国散文家。 他给英国文学带来一个新时期。 散文在英国变得越来越受欢迎。培根的散文以他语言的简明和强有力而闻名于世。他们是最早的真正的英国散文体。 弗朗西斯. 培根的散文有他自己特有的文学风格。 他们以清晰,简洁和力量著名。 他的句子简短,锐利而且经常以平衡的结构出现。 作为一个复兴学者,培根写作用拉丁文的次数比用英语的多,或许这就是读者觉得英国文体风格看起来模糊难懂的原因。这篇论文主要是以强有力的证据来论述上述培根的语言特色。关键词:语言特色 论说文 修辞 清晰 简洁 语言强有力Abstract: Francis Bacon was a key figure in the translation from the intellectual world of the late middle Ages to that of modern Europe. Francis Bacons mind was universal in its comprehensiveness. There was nothing in the world he could not write during the course of his lifetime. Francis Bacons works may be divided into three groups: the philosophical works, the literary works and the professional works. Bacons chief works are his philosophical works, of which the best known is the advancement of learning and the new instrument. Bacons literary works are his essays. It first published in 1597. He became the first English essayist. He brought a new period in English literature. The essay became more and more popular in England. Bacons essays are known for their conciseness and brevity, simplicity and forcefulness. They are noted for their style and striking observations about life. They are the first true English prose classic. Francis Bacons essays have a literary style peculiar to their own. They are noted for heir clearness, brevity and force of expression. His sentences are short, pointed, incisive and often of balanced structures. As a Renaissance scholar, Bacon wrote more often in Latin than he did in English which perhaps accounts for the fact that his English style sometimes seems difficult or obscure to modern readers. This paper mainly shows the linguistic features that are mentioned above with enough evidences. Key words: linguistic features, essays ,rhetoric devices, clearness, brevity ,force of expression.On the Linguistic Features of Francis Bacons EssaysI: Introduction of Francis Bacon 1. Life and Political Career Sir Francis Bacon was born in London in 1561 to a prominent and well-connected family. His parents were Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal, and Lady Anne Cooke, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, a knight and one-time tutor to the royal family. Lady Anne was a learned woman in her own right, having acquired Greek and Latin as well as Italian and French. Bacon was educated at home at the family estate at Gorhambury in Herfordshire. In 1573, at the age of just twelve, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where the stodgy Scholastic curriculum triggered his lifelong opposition to Aristotelianism (though not to the works of Aristotle himself).In 1576 Bacon began reading law at Grays Inn. Yet only a year later he interrupted his studies in order to take a position in the diplomatic service in France as an assistant to the ambassador. In 1579, while he was still in France, his father died, leaving him (as the second son of a second marriage and the youngest of six heirs) virtually without support. With no position, no land, no income, and no immediate prospects, he returned to England and resumed the study of law. Bacon completed his law degree in 1582, and in 1588 he was named lecturer in legal studies at Grays Inn. In the meantime, he was elected to Parliament in 1584 as a member for Melcombe in Dorsetshire. He would remain in Parliament as a representative for various constituencies for the next 36 years.In 1593 his blunt criticism of a new tax levy resulted in an unfortunate setback to his career expectations, the Queen taking personal offense at his opposition. Any hopes he had
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