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以阅读为主线的三种教学模式探究【摘要】 本文笔者主要结合教学理论,教材和教学实践中的案例来探讨以阅读为主线的,阅读和写作,阅读和语法,阅读和词汇相结合的三种教学模式,旨在逐步完善教学实践,提高教者自身的执教能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语成绩,也希望能达到和同行交流探究的目的。【关键词】教学模式 ,读写结合, 语法, 词汇 一、 以读促写的“阅读写作”教学模式目前的英语教学中存在一种现象,一提到写作,都是给学生提供一些写作要求和要点,进行格式化的写作训练。这种做法对英语基础好的学生来说有很大的好处,但对于许多基础差的学生来说,在这种写作教学模式下,他们往往感到吃力,写出来的句子漏洞百出,写作能力无法得到有效提高,甚至还会降低他们英语写作的积极性,出现这种情况主要有以下几个方面的原因: 1、英语基础的问题,主要是词汇,句型和语法掌握得不够好。2、学生的谋篇布局的思维能力较差。3、 写作的要求超出学生实际水平,有的甚至脱离学生的生活经验。针对这种情况,如果教师能够将阅读和写作教学结合起来,就能较好的解决上述问题。为了解决英语写作困难的问题,许多专家都采用了读写结合的方法。Krashen(1984,转引自曹敏,2011)认为,阅读能使读者感受外语文章的书面表达和组织结构。 Carson&Leki(1993,转引自曹敏,2011)也指出,“阅读能够使学生了解写作中所需要的各种知识。阅读通常是写作的基础。” Webb(1987, 转引自曹敏,2011)在谈到读写关系时指出,阅读从某种意义上说是写作的“彩排”,阅读材料提供了“彩排”的道具。教材中的语篇内涵丰富,包含了词汇的恰当运用,句型的准确使用,关联词巧妙联接作用,篇章结构的合理安排,不同文体写作特征的显现。教师如果能充分挖掘这些语篇中的营养元素并和写作教学结合起来,无疑能为学生的写作起到支架作用。以人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating Workbook 中的阅读材料为例,笔者从文体角度把这篇文章变成了一个议论文文体写作教学的案例。这篇文章围绕Whether Building a McDonalds is good Thing ?这个中心话题分为 For Building A McDonalds 和 Against Building A Macdonalds 两个部分。并出了一个理解性的练习:Topic For building a MacDonalds Against building a MacDonalds About healthy foodhigh quality, safe and healthyHigh level of fat, salt and sugarAbout transportThey will provide parkingToo many cars which produce fumes and slow down trafficAbout jobsThey will provide jobs and value employeesThey do not let employees join a workers union to speak up for them笔者在看到这篇文章分析后认为可以根据这篇阅读语篇引导学生进行议论文文体的写作教学。以下是作文的框架:Whether Building a McDonalds is a good Thing in Pujinag ?Para 1.(开门见山点明主题)Para 2. (支持方观点及理由 ) topic sentence : I was excited when I heard that our community was to has its own McDonalds restaurant . Supporting details 1: (about food) high quality, safe and healthy Supporting details 2 (about transport ) they will provide parking . Supporting details 3 ( about jobs ) they will provide jobs and values their employeesPara 3.(反对方观点及理由) topic sentence: I am very worried about McDonalds building a restaurant in our hometown.Supporting details 1: ( about food) high levels of salt, sugar and fat Supporting details 2: (about transport)there are too many cars which produce fumes and slow down the trafficSupporting details 3 :( about jobs ) they do not let employees join a workers union to speak up for them.Para 4 ( 结论或个人观点 ) 在理解文章的基础上笔者和学生一道分析了这篇文章的篇章结构,并一起列出这个写作提纲为学生的下一步写作奠定了基础,笔者发现在规定的十五分钟的时间里绝大多数同学都能写完这篇作文,以下就是其中一位同学写的作文:Whether Building a McDonalds is a good Thing in Pujiang?Today , we had a heated discussion about whether building a McDonalds in Pujiang is a good thing .Most of them support it . They have the following reasons . First, the McDonalds will provide high quality , safe and health food . Second, they will provide parking for the cars . Third , they will provide jobs for the local people and value them.However , some of them held the opposite opinion . They also have the following reasons: firstly, the food contains high levels of fat , sugar and salt . secondly , there will be petrol fumes, which will make our clean air dirty . thirdly , the McDonalds doesnt allow workers unions to operate in the restaurant and speak up for the workers.In my opinion , it would be better to build McDonalds restaurant , because I like eating McDonalds food very much . 教材中的语篇是词汇和句型的载体,课程标准要求掌握的词汇和句型分布在教材中的各个语篇之中,教材中的语篇也应成为学生写作中词汇和句型的酵母。教材语篇中的连接词的使用也非常丰富而恰当,笔者在语篇教学中经常将连词隐去,让学生用连词填空完成语篇,这类活动可以强化学生的语篇。语段意识。二、“ 阅读语法”相结合的教学模式目前语法教学中存在的问题:1、有些教师片面地理解新课改中与语法教学相关的理念,认为新课改的理念就是淡化语法,在课堂中不应直接讲解语法,甚至认为语法教学会减弱学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生产生厌学情绪。 于是这些教师在语法教学中一味要求学生进行机械模仿操练,不引导学生观察语言结构并归纳语法规律。表面上学生通过操练能流畅地进行简单的表达,但他们并没有真正理解和掌握语法知识,在实际交际中仍不能准确,得体地运用。2、直接讲解仍不时出现,有些教师怕学生记不住语法知识,于是采用“先操练后讲解”的方法。在学生操练之后,教师直接讲解语法知识,单向灌输,学生被动记忆。表面上看学生在较短时间内掌握了语法知识,但没有经过思考,被动获得的知识难以转化为语言能力,学生仍不会准确运用。3、训练内容缺乏情景支撑。 语言实践是提升语言运用能力的必要途径,这一途径的实现必须以具体的情景为依托。在模仿操练中,很多教师仅关注语言的形式,所设计的操练形式和内容存在“为了训练而设计”的现象,忽略了运用语言所需的情景。表面上看学生准确输出了语言,但在具体情景中仍不会灵活运用。笔者在分析人教版高中英语必修三unit3 The million pound bank note时发现,本单元的阅读教学和语法教学可以有机的结合起来,本单元的语法项目是宾语从句和表语从句,语法教学部分所设计的练习和阅读教学中的comprehending 中的练习性质类似,都是为了增进学生对文本的理解,如宾语从句教学中的练习就是以下列问题形式出现的:1 Can you tell me if you like this play ?2 What do you think of the bet the brothers have made?3 What does Henry tell the brothers about his job in America ?4 What else does Henry tell the brothers ?5 What do the brother want to know about Henry ? 6 What do you think will happen to Henry ?表语从句教学中的练习设计形式如下:1. Henry arrived in London by accident .the reason was_.2. Henry has a lot of problems . one of his problems is _. Another problem is _.3. Henry realized he needed help. The embassy was _.4. Henry tells the brothers about his job in America . his concern is _.5. The brothers ask Henry some questions . the brothers concern is _. 6. Henry is invited to the brothers house
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