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课时训练(五)Units 12(八上)(限时:30分钟) . 单项选择1.2019随州Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? is at home.A.IB.MeC.MyD.Mine2.2019原创Look at the dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly.It that a typhoon is coming.A.feelsB.soundsC.seemsD.looks3.Our country encourages more students football. Now many football clubs have been set up in schools.A.playB.playingC.to playD.will play4.2018江西Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line. She is very .A.shyB.honestC.funnyD.patient5.2018宜昌It has been much easier for me to go to work shared bikes appeared.But they also caused plenty of problems.A.sinceB.beforeC.unlessD.though6.2019黄冈I dont know how to the old books.Why not give them away to poor children?A.hand outB.give upC.deal withD.take up7.Earthquakes always happen , so it is difficult to know when they come.A.hopefullyB.suddenlyC.usuallyD.luckily8.2018辽宁Evans had a sore throat. His friend advised him some hot water.A.drinkingB.to drinkC.drinkD.drank9.2019温州Betty felt so tired last night that she fell asleep in bed after lying down. A.recentlyB.suddenlyC.frequentlyD.immediately10.2019安徽Its ten years since we came here. How time flies! We in China for so long.A.workB.workedC.will workD.have worked.2019天津 完形填空Miss Chan, our class teacher, is my favorite teacher. We are going to 11 this school and I will miss her very much.Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we12 questions in class, she explains to us very carefully. She is also 13 because she cares much about us. She often says to us, “Tell me immediately if you feel unhappy. Share your 14 with me and do not just try to solve it by yourself.”Miss Chan is very generous(慷慨的). One day, she gave each of us a book, Three Days to See, and told 15 we should read more. She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student, and gave him a set of stationery(文具) as a 16. When she is free, she 17 helps us with our studies and weve made great progress.Not only do all of us like Miss Chan, but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us are 18. She always says she thinks herself very 19 to be the teacher of my class. In fact, Miss Chan is the most thoughtful(体贴的) teacher I have ever met. She always thinks about our feelings. I hope I will go to a high school with 20 as good as Miss Chan. B.know C.meetD.chooseB.train C.ask D.rememberB.humorous C.strange D.kind()14.A.chance B.problem C.advantageD.skillB.you C.us D.himB.mark C.smile D.jokeB.often C.neverD.hardlyB.careless C.unable D.excellent()19.A.lucky B.silly C.angry D.worriedB.tourists C.teachersD.scientists.2019乐山 阅读理解What subject do you worry about the most at school? Many students worry about math. Some students cant sleep well the day before a math exam. Others may feel very nervous during the exam itself. But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful(压力大的). “For people who are worried about math, posture(姿势) makes a big difference,” Erik Peper from San Francisco State University told the Daily Mail. Thats rightsitting up straight can help you do better on math exams. Scientists tested 125 college students. They asked them to do a simple math exam while sitting in a slumped-over(趴倒的) posture, or sitting up straight. After the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight. Slumping over is a defensive(戒备的) posture. It can bring about bad memories in the body and brain. This can stop you from thinking clearly, Peper said. Students who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit(受益) from better posture. But they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Daily reported. Good posture isnt just helpful for taking math exams. Sportspeople, musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture. When you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more certain and focus better.21.What posture can make people feel less stressed during math exams?()A.Sitting up straight.B.Hanging your head.C.Lying on your back.D.Raising one hand. 22.What did the scientists ask the college students to do during the test?()A.To do sit-ups.B.To count numbers.C.To think carefully.D.To sit in different postures. 23.How many students in the test benefited from the better posture?()A.All the 125 students.B.Less than half of them.C.56 percent of them.D.None of the students. 24.The fourth paragraph is written to explain .()A.why slumping over makes exams harder to doB.why slumping over is bad for one
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