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生活大爆炸前情回顾Previously on The Big Bang Theory.我和莱纳德 沃罗威茨 库萨帕里I am going to the Arctic Circle要去北极圈with Leonard,Walowitz,and Koothrappali.-去三个月 -没错- For three months? - Yes.你说会想我是什么意思What did you mean when you said you were going to miss me?意思是我不想你走It means I wish you werent going.三个月后谢天谢地 到家了Oh,thank God were home.难以置信我们在那冰冷的地狱呆了3个月I cant believe we spent three months in that frozen hell.简直就是个噩梦 梦里漫天飞雪 而又无法醒来It was like a snowy nightmare from which there was no awakening.我不知道你们对北极考察的感想I dont know what Arctic expedition you guys were on,我只觉得意犹未尽but I thought it was a hoot and a half.你好 妈妈Oh,hi,Mom.不 我说了 到家了再打电话给你No,I told you Id call you when I got home.我还没到家呢Im not home yet.行了 到家了All right,Im home.北极考察非常成功The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success.说不定我将来能得一个诺贝尔奖Im all but certain theres a Nobel Prize in my future.其实 不应该这样说Actually,I shouldnt say that.我完全确定能得Im entirely certain.不 妈妈 我感觉不到你的教会小组为我祈祷平安No,Mother,I could not feel your church group praying for my safty.就算我平安回家也不证明祈祷有效The fact that Im home safe does not prove that it worked.这个逻辑完全是个谬误The logic is post hoc ergo propter hoc.不 我没有用爱斯基摩口吻跟你顶嘴No,Im not sassing you in Eskimo talk.我去告诉佩妮我们回来了Im gonna go let Penny know were back.妈妈 我得挂了Mother,I have to go.爱你 拜Yeah,love you. Bye.好啊 老朋友Hello,old friend.爹爹回来了Daddys home.莱纳德 你回来啦Leonard,youre back.对 我过来跟你说.Yeah. I just stopped by to say- hmph!-嗨 -嗨- Yeah. So,hi. - Hi.妈的 早知道我先来说我们回来了Damn it,I should have gone over and told her we were back.就是 先到先得嘛Yeah,it was first-come,first-serve.先跟你们俩声明I just want you both to know,等我发表我的发现时When I publish my findings,我不会忘记你们的付出的I wont forget your contributions.-太好了 -谢谢- Great. - Thanks.但在诺贝尔领奖感言中不能提及你们Of course,I cant mention you in my Nobel acceptance speech,不过写传记时but when I get around to writing my memoirs,我会在注脚上提到你们或者给你们一本我签名的传记you can expect a very effusive footnote and perhaps a signed copy.我们得告诉他We have to tell him.告诉我什么Tell me what?该死的瓦肯听力星际迷航Damn his Vulcan hearing.你们打算给我办派对 是吧You fellows are planning a party for me,arent you?谢尔顿 坐Okay,Sheldon,sit down.如果要搞主题派对的话 先告诉你们If theres going to be a theme I should let you know我不喜欢夏威夷式 罗马式和海底式that I dont care for luau,toga or under the sea.我们会记在心里Yeah,well keep that in mind. Look.我们想谈谈在北极发生的一些事We need to talk to you about something that happened at the North Pole.如果是说没有暖气那晚的事If this is about the night the heat went out,没什么好害臊的theres nothing to be embarrassed about.不是那件事Its not about that.我们说好不再提这个And we agreed never speak of it again.不就是一起裸睡嘛So we slept together naked.这只是以防体温骤降而已It was only to keep our core body temperatures from plummeting.他还真说上了Hes speaking about it.对我觉得 这可以促进我们的感情For me,it was a bonding moment.谢尔顿 你还记得开始几周Sheldon,you remember the first few weeks我们在探测磁单极子We were looking for magnetic monopoles结果一无所获And not finding anything and you were acting你变成面目可憎的大JJ霸主吗like an obnoxious,giant dictator?我以为要婉转点跟他说呢thought we were going to be gentle with him.所以我才加了霸主Thats why I added the tator.接着终于测出一些可用数据时And then when we finally got our first positive data,你多高兴啊you were so happy.是啊Oh,yes.用表情字符表达就是:D笑脸In the world of emoticons,I was colon,capital D.其实 你的仪器侦测的数据Well,in actuality,what your equipment detected不是范式转变单极子的证据wasnt so much evidence of paradigm-shifting monopoles那是.as it was.电动开罐刀具的静电static from the electric can opener我们在不停开关we were turning on and off.他的表情一下变成了:O惊讶He just went colon,capital O.你们篡改了我的实验You tampered with my experiment?我们别无选择We had to.只有这样你才不会变成狄更斯专家(混蛋JJ)It was the only way to keep you from being such a huge Dickensian.懂吗 我加了专家You see that? I add the ensian.莱纳德知道吗Did Leonard know abouthis?他是我最好的朋友Leonards my best friend in the world.他肯定不知道Surely Leonard didnt know.其实 这是他的主意Actually,it was his idea.当然是莱纳德 试验计划是他制定的Of course it was. The whole plan weeks of Leonard.-我好想你 -我也好想你- I missed you so much. - I missed you,too你不在 我都没想其他人I couldnt even think of anyone else while you were gone.我也是Me,neither.除了没有暖气那晚Except for one night when the heat went out.说来话长 别问了Long story. Its. Dont ask.莱纳德Leonard.别出声Do not make a sound.你在低声说别出声Whispering,Do not make a sound.就出声了.is a sound.该死的瓦肯听力Damn his Vulcan hearing.现在没空 谢尔顿Not a good time,Sheldon.佩妮Penny.佩妮 佩妮Penny. Penny.啊 真是要命Oh,this is ridicules.干嘛What?你好 佩妮Hello,Penny我明白你现在正完全被最原始的野性冲动所控制I realize youre currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges,可是 反正你这辈子还会有无数错误的决定 我能不能打断这一个?but as you have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you,may I interrupt this one?我也很高兴见到你 请进Its great to see you too. Come on in.沃罗威茨刚告诉我你的那个大骗局W
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