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商务英语信函的词汇特征分析毕业论文漳州师范学院毕业论文An Analysis of Lexical Features of English Business Correspondence商务英语信函的词汇特征分析姓名:学号:系别:专业:年级:指导教师:2012年 12月20日AbstractChinas foreign trade and other relevant economic activities develop fast. As one of the most effective tools of business communication, business correspondence is used in every field of business activities. While lots of problems result from improper diction, meaning vague in business correspondence. It is therefore very significant for people to have a good command of writing skill of business correspondence. The present study takes business correspondence as a research object. This paper analyzes the writing principles of business letters-7C principle and on the theory basis, it summarizes the business letters vocabulary characteristics. Then it is proposed that the business letter?s writing must be under the guide of 7C principles, emphasizing the writer of the business English correspondence must be familiar with the relevant professional knowledge, follow the characteristics of its wording, correctly grasp the particularity of its language.Key words:business correspondence; lexical features; communicationI摘要我国对外经济贸易及其他相关活动日益频繁。商务沟通的最有效的工具之一就是商务信函,其使用己经遍及商务活动的各个领域。作为进出口业务进展情况的专业性书面记录,商务信函十分重要。在对外经济贸易日益频繁的同时,公司间产生了不少经济纠纷,并且在很大程度上是由商务英语信函等文件的措词不当、词义含糊不清等原因造成的。因此,掌握商务信函的写作技巧非常重要。本文以商业信函作为研究对象,分析了商务信函写作的7 C原则,并以它为理论基础,总结了商务信函的词汇特点,提出了商务信函写作必须遵循7C原则, 强调了必须熟悉国际商务英语信函的相关专业知识,遵循其措词的特征,正确把握其语言的特殊性,准确使用国际商务英语信函。关键词:商务信函;词汇特点;交流IIContents AbstractI1.Introduction (1)2. An overview of business English correspondence (2)2.1 Definition of business English correspondence (2)2.2 The classification of business correspondence (2)2.3 The functions of business correspondence (3)3. Theoretical foundation - 7C principle (3)3.1 Completeness (4)3.2 Clarity (4)3.3 Conciseness (4)3.4 Courtesy (5)3.5 Consideration (5)3.6 Correctness (5)3.7 Concreteness (5)4. The lexical features of business English correspondences (6)4.1 Using polite expressions (6)4.2 Using the jargons (7)4.3 Using the acronym (8)4.4 Using formal words (9)4.5 Using archaic words (11)5. Conclusion (11)References (13)Acknowledgements (14)1. IntroductionNowadays, not only many Chinese go abroad to do business, but also many foreigners come to China to invest in China. The opportunities that we make direct or indirect contact with foreigners have become more and more, and the amount of foreign trade in our country has also increased rapidly. We have been doing business all over the world and English is used as the common language to communicate between business people from different countries.English has been used in letter-writing, telephone conversations, telexes, telegraphs, faxes, e-mails and other forms of communication ever since the very beginning of our foreign trade. And now English is increasingly acceptable as a medium for international business transactions.Since the 1960s, as a special branch of English, Business English has been separated by its unique technical terms from general English. Gradually, it is regarded as an independent language course and many universities have set it up. More than 400 colleges and universities in our country have the business English major. (Liu Baiyu, 2007:34)It can be said that we use business correspondence to exchange ideas, to get information, to express feelings, to deal with business, and to keep in touch with our partners. It is taken as a bridge between the writer and the reader( Huang, Yao, 2011:1)Without business correspondence, all foreign trade and international business may not go on.With the development of the global economy, international business communications play an important role in foreign trade. If you can write a good business letter, you will find a ready market as soon as possible. A business letter does not call for elegant language, but it does require us to express ourselves appropriately in plain language that is clear and readily understood. However, poor writing reflects badly on us and it limits the influence we can have on others.Business activities and information exchange has been rapidly increasing in 21st century. Today almost all the business communities recognize the significance of essential communicating skills, for all business activities relay on effective exchange of information. Communication is one of the most important aspects of a business life. Effective communication may take various forms-oral or written. But in comparison with oral communication, written communication has its own advantages of providing records, references, and legal defense. Also the written message can be carefully prepared and structured, and it can be well delivered to the recipient, thus promoting a better understanding and comm
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