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图书馆图书采购项目 Library Books Purchasing Project采购招标书目录Contents of Purchasing Bidding Document一、招标项目名称Bidding Project Name二、招标标的Bidding Object三、标书有效期Bidding Document Validity Period四、投标要求Bid Requirements4.1 投标文件提交Bid Document Submission4.2 投标人要求Requirements on bidders4.3 投标文件要求Requirements on Bid Documents五、投标书主要内容要求Requirements on Bid Document Content5.1 经济标书内容Content of an Economic Bid Letter5.2 技术标书内容Content of the Technical Bid Letter六、开标、评标与中标Bid Opening, Bid Evaluation, and Bid Winning七、其它要求Other Requirements八、附件Annexes(采购招标书)25th May 20122012年5月25日GAC FIAT AUTOMOBILES CO., LTD广汽菲亚特汽车有限公司BID NUMBER 标号 敬启者:Dear Sir or Madam,贵司已被选定参与本项目的报价,请贵司按本招标书要求在2012年6月5日下午13:30之前提供投标文件,如果报价文件的提交是通过邮寄形式的,需要自行考虑提前寄出,并确保投标文件能够在2012年6月5日下午13:30之前送达,我们有权自行决定对在投标规定最后期限后收到的投标书是否进行审查。Your company has been selected as a bidder for this project. Please submit your bid document in accordance with the present bidding document before 13:30 of June 5th,2012. If your bid document will be sent to us by post, it shall be mailed as early as appropriate so that it can arrive at us before the deadline. We reserves the right to decide whether to examine bid documents received on the deadline.一、招标项目名称: 广汽菲亚特汽车有限公司图书室图书采购 Bidding project name: Library Books Purchasing Project of GAC FIAT AUTOMOBILES CO., LTD. 二、招标标的: 图书及相应服务 Bidding object: Books and services 三、投标文件有效期:120天。Validity period of a bid document: 120 days四、投标要求:Bid requirements:4.1、投标文件提交:Bid document submission:投标文件提交地点:湖南省长沙经济技术开发区映霞路18号 410100Bid document receiving address: No. 18 Yingxia Road, Changsha Economic & Technical Development Zone, Hunan Province, P.R.China 410100投标文件接收人: 杨楼 电话: 151 1620 1066 Bid document receiver: Yang Lou Telephone: 151 1620 1066 注意事项:Precautions:投标书必须按照本文件及其附件的要求填写完成(包括目录、顺序、无漏项等);The bid document shall be filled out in compliance with the requirements (in terms of contents, sequence, completeness, etc.) provided in the present document and its annexes.投标书必须分“经济标书和技术标书”分开密封包装,包装加贴封条,并在封套的封口处骑缝加盖投标人单位章;经济标书、技术标书均应提交对应的电子版文件(电子光盘或U盘),并分别密封在经济标书及技术标书中;The economic bid letter and technical bid letter shall be enveloped separately from each other; the envelops shall be sealed; the seals shall be stamped with the bidders company chop. Moreover, the electronic versions (CD-ROM or USB flash disk) of the economic and technical bid letters shall be enveloped respectively. 所有投标文件必须有法定代表人或委托代理人签字和投标人单位公章,否则投标方所提供的投标文件将视为未对招标给予实质性偏离被拒绝。Each bid document shall have the signature of the legal representative or his/her power of attorney and the bidders company chop. Otherwise, the bid document shall be regarded substantially deviating and ineffective and shall be rejected.其它:Miscellaneous:此投标应取消并代替任何以前的投标说明和后续更新,应严格遵守本文件、技术规范和本文件附件的所有条款(包括任何合同和经济方面的内容)。投标单位如要求业主对招标文件的内容进行澄清,应按招标文件中规定的地址电子邮件的方式通知业主采购联系人及技术联系人。凡在2012年5月3日17:00时前提出澄清的问题,业主均将予以答复。业主的答复的副本将交给所有已获得招标文件的投标单位,该部分答复与招标文件具有同等法律效力。如贵司想提交其它解决方案,除按本要求提交标书外,再把与原要求不同的内容强调标出,且标书应仅发给下面列出的采购部门联系人。The bid interpretations in this document cancels and replaces any previous bid interpretations or future updates. All provisions (including any contractual and economic contents) of this document, relevant technical specifications and the annexes of this document shall be observed strictly. If a bidder requires the bidderee to clarify the content of the bidding document, the bidder shall send an email to the purchasing coordinator or technical coordinator of the bidderee at the email address specified in the bidding document. The bidderee shall reply on all issues clarified before 17:00(time) of ay. 3th,2012 (date). A copy of the reply shall sent to all bidders that have obtained the bidding document. The reply has the same legal force as the bidding document. If your company wants to submit another solution, besides submitting the bid document according to this requirement, you also need to mark out the content that is different from the original requirement and the bid document shall be sent only to the purchasing coordinator.联系类别Contact Type姓 名Name邮 件Email电 话Telephone采购联系人Purchasing coordinator杨楼yanglgacfiatauto.com+86 731 8998 9680(86) 151 1620 1066技术联系人Technical coordinator程石妮chengsngacfiatauto.com+86 731 8998 9566(86)180 0841 16974.2、投标人要求:Requirements on bidders:投标人必须是具有独立法人资格的机构(单位),并对按投标承诺书的内容对本次投标的全部内容承担法律责任。A bidder must be an organization (company) with independent legal representative qualification and shall take all legal responsibilities for all contents regarding this bidding project according to the content of the letter of bid commitment.(不允许)投标方中标后将本次投标的图书供应项目分包给其它企业供货。(Not allowed) The bid winner can subcontract this project to a third party.(允许)联合投标。允许联合投标,必须确定其中一个单位为投标的委托代理人参加投标活动,并
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