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本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)( 2006届)(外 文 翻 译)题 目: 搬运工业机器人转台的设计 分 院: 机械工程系 专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班级: 2 姓 名: 学 号: 1 指导老师: 原文Humanoid Robots: A New Kind of ToolIn his 1923 play R.U.R.: Rossums Universal Robots, Karel Capek coined robot as a derivative of the Czech robota (forced labor). Limited to work too tedious or dangerous for humans, todays robots weld parts on assembly lines, inspect nuclear plants, and explore other planets. Generally, robots are still far from achieving their fictional counterparts intelligence and flexibility.Humanoid robotics labs worldwide are working on creating robots that are one step closer to science fictions androids. Building a humanlike robot is a formidable engineering task requiring a combination of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering; computer architecture; and real-time control. In 1993, we began a project aimed at constructing a humanoid robot for use in exploring theories of human intelligence. In addition to the relevant engineering, computer architecture, and real-time-control issues, weve had to address issues particular to integrated systems: What types of sensors should we use, and how should the robot interpret the data? How can the robot act deliberately to achieve a task and remain responsive to the environment? How can the system adapt to changing conditions and learn new tasks? Each humanoid robotics lab must address many of the same motor-control, perception, and machine-learning problems.The principles behind our methodologyThe real divergence between groups stems from radically different research agendas and underlying assumptions. At the MIT AI Lab, three basic principles guide our research We design humanoid robots to act autonomously and safely, without human control or supervision, in natural work environments and to interact with people. We do not design them as solutions for specific robotic needs (as with welding robots on assembly lines). Our goal is to build robots that function in many different real-world environments in essentially the same way. Social robots must be able to detect and understand natural human cuesthe low-level social conventions that people understand and use everyday, such as head nods or eye contactso that anyone can interact with them without special training or instruction. They must also be able to employ those conventions to perform an interactive exchange. The necessity of these abilities influences the robots control-system design and physical embodiment. Robotics offers a unique tool for testing models drawn from developmental psychology and cognitive science. We hope not only to create robots inspired by biological capabilities, but also to help shape and refine our understanding of those capabilities. By applying a theory to a real system, we test the hypotheses and can more easily judge them on their content and coverage.Autonomous robots in a human environmentUnlike industrial robots that operate in a fixed environment on a small range of stimuli, our robots must operate flexibly under various environmental conditions and for a wide range of tasks. Because we require the system to operate without human control, we must address research issues such as behavior selection and attention. Such autonomy often represents a trade-off between performance on particular tasks and generality in dealing with a broader range of stimuli. However, we believe that building autonomous systems provides robustness and flexibility that task-specific systems can never achieve.Requiring our robots to operate autonomously in a noisy, cluttered, traffic-filled workspace alongside human counterparts forces us to build systems that can cope with natural-environment complexities. Although these environments are not nearly as hostile as those planetary explorers face, they are also not tailored to the robot. In addition to being safe for human interaction and recognizing and responding to social cues, our robots must be able to learn from human demonstration.The implementation of our robots reflects these research principles. For example, Cog began as a 14-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) upper torso with one arm and a rudimentary visual system. In this first incarnation, we implemented multimodal behavior systems, such as reaching for a visual target. Now, Cog features two six-DOF arms, a seven-DOF head, three torso joints, and much richer sensory systems. Each eye has one camera with a narrow field of view for high-resolution vision and one with a wide field of view for peripheral vision, giving the robot a binocular, variable-resolution view of its environment. An inertial system lets the robot coordinate motor responses more reliably. Strain gauges measure the output torque on each arm joint, and potentiometers meas
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