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教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级四年级教学形式情境教学教 师闫媛单 位方新小学课题名称 Unit 1 My classroom Part B 学情分析 The student like this topic very much, they have learned some words and expressions about this it before. This lesson they are going to learn and practice in a real situation. And I will encourage them to express their own ideas using what they learned as possible as they can.教学目标 Teaching aims:1. Be able to listen, speak and read the key words.2. Be able to practice and use the key words and main sentences.3. Encourage the students to express their own ideas using what you learned.教学过程 Unit 1 My classroom Part B Teaching contents:1. Key words: Computer, fan, floor, wall, teachers desk2. Main sentences: Lets clean the Let me clean theTeaching important points and difficult Points:1. Let students read more to remember the key words after they get the correct pronunciation.2. Learn to describe the classroom.3. Try to use “Lets clean the”, “Let me clean the”4. Get the correct pronunciation and intonation of the key words and main sentences. 5. Learn to talk more using the words and sentences they learned. (Computer, fan, floor, wall, teachers desk)Teaching Aids:CAI,cards.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings.2Sing an English song “In the classroom”.Step 2 Preview Step 3 Presentation1. Teach new words with a chant of B. In our classroom, there is a computer, a fan, a teachers desk, wall and floor.2. PracticeAsk the students to point to something in their classroom. (Point to the)3. Guess: Is it the Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.4. Try to use the words they learned.Lets clean the classroom.Let me clean the (Computer, fan, floor, wall, teachers desk)5. Lets PK6. Lets actStep 4 ConsolidationColor the picture and describe it.Step 5 AssignmentSay these words and sentences to your friends and parents. 板书设计 Unit 1 My classroom Part B Computer fan floor wall teachers desk Lets clean the Let me clean the作业或预习 1. Listen, read and write the key points several times. 2. Say what you learned to your friends and parents.自我评价教学反思: 本节课基本达到了预想的效果,课堂上学生的表现感染了我。师生都融于学和玩的欢乐气氛中,营造了一种和谐的教学氛围。如何优化教学手段,提高单词和句型的教学效果,是我本节课着力想解决的问题。课上我做了如下尝试: 第一,丰富训练单词发音的方法。齐读,小组读,个别读,高低音读,做动作读。通过方法的交替使用,避免枯燥乏味,提高教学效果。 第二,运用整体教学法,情境教学法优化课堂英语学习环境,来突出重点和突出难点。在呈现新课时,我运用多媒体课件直观的展现一个zooms classroom,把学生带到一个new classroom这一个情境中来,让学生自由的在其中搜寻新知识。之后,回到真实的classroom 里来,让学生在无限宽广的情景中理解和学习,突出本课的重点。 第三,小学生生性活泼好动,采用TPR和游戏等多种教学手段,有唱有玩,动静搭配,丰富多彩,使得课堂教学张弛有度,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生运用语言的能力使得课堂教学张弛有度。 在本课的教学实践中,我运用了小组合作。小组合作能够树立起学生的主体地位,提高学生自主学习的能力,有利于培养学生的主动交流,有利于培养学生的交际能力。本堂课在巩固新知部分有效的采用了小组合作竞赛的形式,无形中激发学生的兴趣,渗入竞争意识,促进学生相互协作的精神,培养学生的合作学习和自主学习的能力。 评价是英语课程的重要组成本分,本节课的教学过程中注重过程评价,当孩子出错时,我不是指责,而是鼓励,让每个学生身心愉快,有信心学好英语。 纵观全课,深切的感悟到我们教师要做到是一个设计者,一个表演者,还是一个成功的观众。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 本课恰好的讲教室,在契合丰富的情境中调动学生的学习兴趣。鼓励他们大胆表达、讨论、参与活动,达到了很好的教学效果。学生是课堂的主人,在课堂上给予学生充分的表达机会、激发他们的兴趣、培养他们相互协作的精神,才是真正有效高效的课堂。 评议一单位:方新小学姓名:闫媛 日期:2013.11
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