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Unit 5 Travelling abroad.阅读理解(2017广西钦州高三一次质检)American Rosalie Stoke is one of the millions of college students with a bright future ahead of her.She was born in Baltimore,Maryland.She studies chemical engineering at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,also known as Virginia Tech.But the 22-year-olds path to college was very different from the majority of Americans like her.In the United States,it is common for young people to complete four years of high school at age 17 or 18.After they finish high school in the spring,those who decide to attend college usually do so two-to three-months later.However,Stoke learned about a different way of doing things from an older student.That student said that before going to college,she worked for a year helping with childcare for a family in Germany.This idea appealed to Stoke very much.Stoke is in her third year of studies at Virginia Tech.She took a gap year in 2013.“It just sounded like a really great idea to have a year off to figure out more of what I wanted to do in college and after,” she said.So,after finishing high school in 2013,Stoke decided she also wanted to take a gap year before starting college.In fall 2013,Stoke connected with a family in Barcelona,Spain.They agreed to let her live with them and paid her a small amount to help care for their children for seven months.Stoke studied Spanish during her free time in Barcelona.She then used money as well as money from her parents to travel for two months.Stoke said that she felt different when she returned to the United States to begin her studies at Virginia Tech in 2014.She said she felt at ease and that she knew more about herself as a person.Also,when talking with friends who went straight to college from high school,she found many had a difficult time in their first year of college.【语篇导读】本文介绍美国学生Rosalie Stoke一次偶然的机会确定了她的大学教育风格。1.Where is Stoke unique compared with most high school students?A.She put money before education.B.She had a bright future ahead of her.C.She valued practice more than theory.D.She didnt enter college directly after high school.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三段中“after finishing high school in 2013,Stoke decided she also wanted to take a gap year before starting college.”可知与多数高中生相比较,她高中毕业后没有直接上大学。故选D项。2.How did Stoke determine her style of college education?A.She did it quite by accident.B.She wanted to put off her college graduation.C.She was not satisfied with the traditional way.D.She needed to make enough money for college.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“That student said that before going to college,she worked for a year helping with childcare for a family in Germany.This idea appealed to Stoke very much.”可知偶然的机会她确定了自己的大学教育风格。故选A项。3.What was Stokes attitude towards her experience before college? A.Cautious.B.Confident.C.Ambiguous.D.Regretful.答案B解析推理判断题。根据最后一段前两句“Stoke said that she felt different when she returned to the United States to begin her studies at Virginia Tech in 2014.She said she felt at ease and that she knew more about herself as a person.”可知她对大学前的生活是“自信的”。故选B项。导学号29402150.完形填空Dr.Michael Schmoker is an educational author and former teacher.He shares in his book,Results Now,a 1 that found of 1,500 classrooms 2,85 percent of them had 3 less than 50 percent of the students.4,only 15 percent of the 5 kept more than half of the class paying attention to the lesson.He believes that the 6 of teachers can tell if a student is not 7.Most teachers act on what they see and 8 their instruction to try to attract all of their students.9,no matter how hard teachers work at making it interesting,a lecture is 10 a lecture,and having students simply listen is still a 11 action.The solution is simple: If a teacher wants to 12 student engagement(参与),then the teacher needs to increase student 13ask the students to do something with the knowledge and skills they have learned.14 the lecture with learning tasks.Let them practice.Have them moving.Get them 15.Make it so appealing that it will be 16 for students not to participate.The vital 17 to increase engagement is to put the learner in charge of learning.Create a 18 learning environment and a motivation to learn,and the students 19 do all the hard work of learning,while the teacher merely offers help and support.That sounds 20.【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。Michael Schmoker博士在他的研究中讲述了在课堂上观察到的现象,引出了一个教育问题并给出了建议:教师在课堂上应该怎样来提高学生的参与度,营造学习氛围,激发学习动机,让学生主动去学习。1.A.concernB.lesson C.studyD.treasure答案C解析根据语境可知,Michael Schmoker博士是一位教育作者,以前也是一位老师。他在他的书中分享了自己的研究。故选C项。2.A.visitedB.decorated C.usedD.noticed答案A解析根据上文中的“former teacher”和下文可知,该研究是在视察了1,500个教室后所写。visit意为“视察,参观”。故选A项。3.A.taughtB.admitted C.touchedD.absorbed答案D解析根据语境可知,85%的教室只能使不到50%的学生全神贯注。absorb意为“吸收,使全神贯注”。故选D项。4.A.In a wordB.Above all C.In other wordsD.To be honest答案C解析根据上文中的“85 percent of them”和下文中的“only 15 percent”可知,85%的教室能够使不到一半的学生集中精
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