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外研版五年级英语上册M34测试题五年级上学期Module3-4知识能力训练一、补全单词。1、pl_ce地方2、m_n_te 分钟3、h_ _ _ 小时4 、sh_ _ts短裤5、m_tter麻烦事6、w_ _ _穿7、r_ver河,江8、w_ _kend周末二、单词辨音。选择划线局部发音和所给单词划线局部相同的单词。1、pairA、 hereB、theirC、dear2、withA、lightB、arriveC、trip3、tookA、 dogB、bookC、food4、placeA、 cakeB、 lineC、bag5、howA、boatB、mountainC、 boy三、补全下面表格 ,再选词填空或根据汉语提示填空。人称代词某人 who物主代词 ( 某人的 whose)主格宾格形 容 词 性名词性物主代词物主代词第一人称Imyweours第一人称youyouryouyouyours第一人称himhissheherhersititsthemtheir1 、 _( 我 )likeplayingchesswith_. 他2、 Thiscap is_( you, yours , your)3 、 _(They, them) can help _. ( we , us, our).4、 That is_( 她的 ) sweater.5、The red T-shirtis _(我的 ).6、That s Sams bag. It s_.( he, him, his)四、根据首字母或提示写出单词的适当形式。1、You ha good day!2、What did you do last weekend? We vlots of places.3、Whose sweater is this? It is _( Daming的 )4、Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to wit.5、Whats the _(麻烦事 ) with Sam? He lost his bag.6、It s my cap. My mum _( 买 ) it for me last week.五、汉英互译。1、在周末 _2、许多 _3、照相 _4、一条短裤 _5、他的体恤衫 _6、乘公共汽车 _六、选词填空。1、Yesterday I _(go /went / going ) to the British Museum.2、Whats the matter _( for,/with / of) Sam?He losthis trousers.3、We _( visit /visited/ visiting ) Big Ben last weekend.4、_( When / What / Where ) did you go? I went to the park.5、Daming and his father_( take / took/ willtake )photos ofthemountain yesterday.6、_( What / Where / How ) did he go to school?He went to school _(by/ on/ in ) bike .7、 He got up _( in /on / at) seven o clock. But he didn t_( eat, ate) breakfast.8、_( Who / Whose / What ) T-shirt is this? Its hers.9、Did you _( clean / cleaned ) your bedroom? Yes, I _.10、 This red bag isn t _. _bagis under the desk. ( my /mine)11、 Did you _( wash /washing/ washed )_( your / yours)T-shirt?12、 This hat is _( his / he / him).Itisn t_.(/ yours )13、 He wants _( wear / to wear / wearing ) my T-shirt.14 、 I _ the yellow cap. She _ the blue cap . (like /likes )15 、 Look , Lingling is _ ( clean / cleaning / cleaned ) theyourclassroom.16、 Tomorrow we _( visit / visited / will visit ) the London Eye.17、 There _( is / are / were) lotsof people in the zoo yesterday.18、 Your T-shirt is _(in / on / of ) the line.19、 My father bought a pair of new sportsshoes _( to, for ) me.20. Did you _(go, went ) swimming? Yes, it _( take , took ) us two hours.七、按要求完成句子。1、They took photos of the mountains.一般疑问句:_否定句:_2、There were some children in the park.一般疑问句:_否定句:_3、Thisisyourbag.对划线部分提问_4、ThisisJimmy ssweater.改一般疑问句_5、Lingling, buy , trousers, did, she, for, new ?连词成句_6、matter, Daming, is, what, the, with ?连词成句_八、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写 F。Itwas Saturday. Igotup early.I sometimes stay in bed untillunch time.I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.“What a day! I thought.“It s rainingagain. Just then,the telephoner ang. It was my aunt Lisa.“Let s go to the park, she said.“But Im still having breakfast, I said.“Dear me, she said.“Do you always get up so late? It s one oclock! 1. ()The man gets up early on Saturdays.2. ()It was a sunny day.3 ()Lisa is his aunts name.4. ()The man was having breakfast.5. ()Itwas eight o clock.九、写作练习,请根据提示写写 Daming 和他爸爸昨天去大本钟的旅程。提示: visit the Big Ben,go by bus , a
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