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关于逛街购物英语怎么说 大约在过去的十年间,.科学家们在研究消费主义与幸福的关联时,大多都认为购物的经历相较于所买的东西,前者才是确保你的采购行为最终让你获得愉悦的最佳保障。我精心收集了关于逛街购物英语口语,供大家欣赏学习! 关于逛街购物英语口语篇1 A:May I help you find something, sir? 你需要我帮你找点什么吗? B:Im looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. I have an idea of what she likes, but I want to surprise her with something special, too. 我想为我女朋友买一个订婚戒指,我知道她喜欢什么样的,但是我想买一个特别的给她一个惊喜。 A:We have all shapes, sizes, qualities and price ranges, do you know about the four Cs of picking a diamond? 我们各种形状、大小、品质和价位的钻石,你知道挑选钻石的四C原则吗? B:I think so. Arent the four Cs, cut, clarity, carat and color. 我想是的,它们是切工、亮度、克拉数和颜色。 A:Youve got it. Tell me a little bit about what you might be wanted. 你说的很对,你可以多少告诉我点你要什么样的吗? B:Well, my price range is a 5,000 dollars to 7,000 dollars, Im looking for a marquise cut on the wide band. 嗯,我的价位范围5000美金到7000美金之间,我在找一枚镶嵌宽一点的卵型钻石戒指。 A:You have good taste. Let my show you what I have. 你很有品位,我带你看看我们有哪些。 关于逛街购物英语口语篇2 A:Im looking for a white purse as a gift. Could you show what you have in stock? 我想买一个白色的女士皮包作为礼物。你可以给我看看你们有什么备品吗? B:You are in luck. We just receive a shipment of several different styles of white purses. 你真幸运,我们刚刚船运到一批不同款式的白皮包。 A:They must be popular again this season. 这一季白色皮包还会很流行的。 B:Yes, I believe they are. Here are something that might interest you. 对的,我相信,我这里有些可能你会感兴趣。 A:Wow. this is nice. Ill take this one. I guess if she doesnt like it she can return it, right? 哇,太好了,我要买这个。如果她不喜欢这个可以退货吗? B:Sure. Let me ring this up for you at the register. If you would like, this can be gift-wrapped for free. Just take it to the customer service department. 当然,让我们去收银台结账,如果你要当作礼物我们可以帮你免费包装礼物。去客服部就可以了。 关于逛街购物英语口语篇3 A:Could you show me some scarves? 给我看看围巾好吗? B:What kind of scarf shall I show you? We have them in all sorts and sizes. 款式很多,拿哪种给你看呢? A:Show me some of the latest fashion, please. 请拿最流行的。 B:At your service. Will this suit you? 好的。这条合适吗? A:Yes, it will; this must be the foreign produce. 是的,可以。这条一定是外国货。 B:This is Chinese made. 这是中国制的。 A:Let me try it on. I think it really suits me. Can you give me some discount on it? 我戴上试试。确实挺合适。能打折吗? B:Yes, its already fifty yuan off the original price. 是的,这已经比原价低50元了。 A:But that still sounds expensive. 不过听起来还是贵。 B:Sorry, we cant come down any more. 对不起,我们不能再减价了。
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