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英语教师课堂用语存在的问题及对策提要:本文作者通过下班听课,从大量的课堂实录中,归纳整理了目前中学英语教师用英语组织课堂教学时存在的四个带普遍性的问题,并提出了针对所存在问题应采取的对策。主要对策是,要重视课堂用语的作用,处理好母语与英语,流利与准确这两个关系,扩大课堂用语的交际性。提高教师课堂语言能力的关键是虚心学习,敢于实践。关键词:课堂用语、问题、对策1.引言新大纲要求英语教师在课堂上要尽量用英语组织教学,营造一种良好的语言环境。教师究竟做得怎样?还存在哪些问题?解决的方法又是什么?带着这些问题,笔者在随堂听课时,记录了不少情况。总体感受是:教师课堂上能全部或大部分用英语组织教学,课堂上的外语气氛明显变浓了,而且很多教师不仅口语流利,体态语言也运用得好。如:l. 上课 (Beginning a class) Lets start now./Lets begin our class/lesson. Stand up, please. Sit down, please.)2. 问候 (Greeting)Hello, boys and girls/children. Good morning, class everyone /everybody /children/boys and girls. Good afternoon, class /everyone /everybody /children /boys and girls. How are you today?3. 考勤 (Checking attendance) Is everyone/everybody here/present? Is anyone away? Is anybody away? Is anyone absent? Is anybody absent? Try to be on time. Dont be late next time. Go back to your seat, please. What day is it today? 4. 宣布 (Announcing)Lets start working. /Lets begin/start a new lesson. /Lets begin /start our lesson. First, lets review/do some review. What did we learn in the last lesson? Who can tell /remember what we did in the last lesson /yesterday? Now were going to do something new/ different. Now lets learn something new.5. 提起注意 (Directing attention)Ready? Are you ready? Did you get there? Do you understand? Is that dear? Any volunteers? Do you know what to do? Be quiet, please. Quiet, please. Listen carefully, please. Listen to the tape recorder/the recording. Please look at the blackboard /picture /map. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.6. 课堂活动 (Classroom activities) Everybody together. /All together. Practice in groups, please. Everybody find a partner/friend. One at a time. Lets do it one by one. Now Your turn (Students name). Lets act out/do the dialogue. Practice the dialogue, please. Please take (play) the part of . Whose turn is it? Wait your turn, please. Dont speak out7. 请求 (Request)Could you please try it again? Could you please try the next one? Will you please help me?8. 鼓励 (Encouraging)Can you try? Try, please. Try your best. Think it over and try again. Dont be afraid/shy.9. 指令 (Issuing a command)Say/Read after me, please. Follow me, please. Do what I do. Repeat, please. Repeat after me. Once more, please. One more time, please. Come here, please. Please come to the front. Come up and write on the blackboard/chalkboard. Come and write it on the blackboard. Please go back to your seat. In English, please. Say it/Write it in Chinese/English. Please take out your books. Please open your books at page . ? Find page ./Turn to page . Please answer the question /questions. Please answer my question (s). Please read this letter /word /sentence out loud. Please read out this letter /word /sentence. Please stop now. Stop now, please. Stop here, please. Listen and repeat. Repeat after me. Follow the words. Bring me some chalk, please.10. 禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warning)Stop talking now, please. Everybody quiet, please. 1l. 评价Good, thank you. Good! Very good. Good job. Good work. Good example. A good answer. Nice work. Excellent. Great! Well done. Very good. I like the way you . Thats interesting! Dont worry about it./No problem. OK!/Thats OK. I dont think so. Thats not quite right, any other answers? Thats almost right. Not quite, can anyone help him/her? Try again. A good try.12. 布置作业 (Setting homework)For todays homework . . . Practice after class. Remember /Memorize these words /sentences. Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.13. 下课 (Dismissing the class)Hand in your workbooks, please. Time is up. The bell is ringing. Theres the bell. There goes the bell. Lets stop here. Thats all for today. Class is over. Goodbye./Bye./See you next time. 但另一方面,我也发现了四个较普遍的问题。对于这些问题,笔者认为不可忽视,值得中学英语教师注意。2.课堂用语存在的问题2.1课堂用语不规范教师的教学语言是学生学习的样板,要想培养学生正确使用语言的良好习惯,教师首先应当给学生作出榜样,外语教师尤应如此。而我曾听到下面这些不规范的语言: 表1 教师课堂用语不规范的实例:错误类别教师的说话教师要表达的意思词序不对1)Can you tell me when did the Second World War begin ? 2)Can you guess what does it mean?1)Can you tell me when the Second World War began?2)Can you guess what it means ?词形不准1) Lets see the two sentence. 2) One more students.1) Lets see the two sentences. 2) One more student.用词不当1) Id like some of the students to come to the blackboard.2) How is everything about you ?1)Id like some of you to come to the blackboard.2)How is everything with you?搭配不全When shall we discuss ?When shall we discuss it ?语态不通The letter a pronounces.The letter a is pronounced以上列举的各类错误,有些是因教师说话过快,而出现的种种口误。如名词的单复数,宾语从句的词序,动词短语的搭配,等。有的则是一些习惯性的错误,如:Teacher: Whats your English name?Student: Michael.Teacher: How to spell it?这段话毛病出在最后一句话上。不少英语教师经常说How to spell the name/word ? 或How to say in English ? 遗憾的是,这是个不被人注意的,不符合英语习惯的普遍错误。应该说How do you spell the word/name ? 当然不是说how to spell这个短语本身有误,而是不宜直接当作问题来问。这种习惯性的错误在课堂上很普遍。虽然口语不能象书面语那样严谨
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