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2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、If you can speak English well, you will have a great _ over others while looking for a job.AactivityBarticleCadvantageDagreement2、The earth is the only planet _ provides us with everything we need. Its our duty to protect it.Awho Bwhat Cthat3、Ill miss _ kind and caring teacher along with the sweet memories of _.Aour; ours Bours; ours Cours; our Dour; our4、Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu?Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support we met difficulties.AwhateverBwheneverChowever5、I cant _ you the moon, but Ill do the best job I can.ApreferBmanageCvisitDpromise6、_ Jackie Chan is old now, he is still popular with people around the world.AAlthoughBBecauseCButDSo7、 Why is your spoken English so good?Because I keep practising and Im improving all the time.Ain a wayBall the wayCup and down8、Nowadays schools should care for the full _of a students talents.AsatisfactionBcommunicationCdevelopmentDpreparation9、What does your new English teacher look like? She is a pretty lady_ long hair.Aof Bfor Cwith10、The worlds longest cross-sea bridge, the 55-km-long Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) _ on Oct 24. The HZMB will make it much easier to travel between the three areas.AopensBwas openCopened. 完形填空11、There was a time when Whitney didnt have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy and didnt 1 much. She never really wanted to be popular, 2 she did want to have someone to share secrets and laughs with. All through high school, though, she didnt find a lot of 3 When it came time to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to room with someone she didnt 4 and live in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldnt be any person she knew in town. She had no idea 5 she was going to make friends in this new environment.The first week of classes, 6 happened and it changed Whitneys life forever. In her English Composition class, every student was 7 to share a little about herself. Whitney told everyone where she called home and all of 8 things that students share in such situationsThe final question for each student was always the 9 :“What is your goal for this class?”Now, most of the students said it was to get a good grade, pass the exam or something 10 that, but for some reasons, Whitney said something very different. She said that her goal was to make just one good 11 .While 12 of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney and held out her hand and introduced herself. The girl asked 13 she would be her friend. The whole room was silent-all eyes looked at Whitney and the hand extended (延伸的)just in front of her. She smiled and reached her hand out to take the girls hand and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that 14 all through college and many years after that. It was a friendship that brought two people together.Whitney learned the power of asking for what she wanted, being 15 and taking actions.1Aspeak Btell Csay Dtalk2Abut Band Cso Dbecause3Afriendship Bknowledge Cmoney Dhappiness4Alike Bwant Cknow Dtell5Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere6Anothing Banything Ceverything Dsomething7Aasked Btaught Cwarned Dordered8Athe other Bany other Cothers Dthe others9Adifferent Bsimilar Csame Ddifficult10Aas Bwith Ctogether Dlike11Aclassmate Bfriend Csister Dbrother12Amost Ball Cevery Deach13Awhen Bhow Cwhy Dif14Alasted Bmade Cbroke Dhad15Ahappy Bkind Chonest Dstrong. 语法填空12、Stanford is a world famous university on the west coast of the U.S. It was built by Stanford and his wife in memory of their only son who 1 (die) of a strange disease.Tourists are often surprised at the beauty of Stanford. Among the green trees, buildings 2 yellow walls and red tops make up a beautiful picture. Many tourists wonder 3 yellow and red were chosen. Thats because they were the 4 (favorite) of Mrs. Stanford.The big church is 5 (important) building in Stanford. It stands at the centre. It was built by Mrs. Stanford to remember her husband who devoted (贡献) 6 (him) to the university. There, students and teachers can communicate with God and hold great activities, such as concerts and celebrations.The tallest building in Stanford in Hoover Tower, which is the land mark of 7 university. A man named Hoover had done a lot for the university. The things he once used can 8 (see) on the first
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