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2023我的妈妈英语作文我的妈妈英语作文3篇在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都不生疏吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是办公室王秘书为大家整理的我的妈妈英语作文3篇,仅供参考,欢送大家阅读。我的妈妈英语作文 篇1It was a sunny morning, we are quietly listening to the teacher. Suddenly, a downpour. Is it right Dad and mother quarrel cloud cloud, rain are quietly slipped out. Oh, that s too bad. I almost cried, I also did not take an umbrella!Soon after school, I and the students were umbrella, walked out of the school. I am very anxious, suddenly, I saw a mother figure, because mom is a near-sighted, she cant find me, where to look east look west also very anxious, I thought: mom really hard, so big rain, but also to meet me. I picked up the pace, walked to the front of her mother, said to his mother: Mom, Im here! Her mother turned, said to me: the cold, dont catch a cold. We go home quickly! I nodded. Then, my mother took me by the hand, and went to the home.Along the way, mom always afraid I was the rain dolls hit, therefore, always an umbrella to my side, but, she was drenched through with rain. More rain under the greater, mother let me go to a place where there is no water, and she went on very wet ground, sometimes, she stepped on a puddle, her pants are wet.After a while, we returned home, my mother gave me to wear a coat, I was touched.那是在一个晴朗的早晨,我们正在安宁静静地听老师讲课。突然,下起了滂沱大雨。是不是云爸爸和云妈妈吵架了,小雨点们都静静地溜了出来。“糟糕!我差点叫了起来,我还没有带雨伞呢!很快就放学了,我先和同学共伞,走出了校门。我非常着急,突然,我看到了妈妈的身影,因为妈妈是一个近视眼,她找不到我,在那儿东看西看也非常着急,我想:“妈妈真辛苦,这么大的雨,还来接我。我加快了脚步,走到了妈妈面前,对妈妈说:“妈妈,我在这儿呢!妈妈转过身来,对我说:“冷吗,可别着凉了。我们快回家吧!我点了点头。说完,妈妈就拉着我的手,向家走去。一路上,妈妈总怕我被雨点娃娃打到,所以,总是把雨伞向我这边靠,可是,她却被雨淋得全身湿淋淋的。雨越下越大,妈妈让我走到没有水的地方,面她却走在非常湿的地面上,有时,她却踩在水坑上,她的裤子也湿了。过了一会儿,我们就回到了家里,妈妈给我穿上了一件棉衣,我非常感动。啊!妈妈的爱是世界上最宏大的!我的妈妈英语作文 篇2There is a person, she is like the sun in the family, forever care of my tree seedlings, she is - my mother.Mother has a round face, inlaid with a pair of watery eyes. This pair of big eyes seem to speak, whenever I took Miyoshi students certificate, my mother will reveal the joy of eyes, smiling at me, I read the mothers eyes said: do well, to continue to work hard. Whenever I do the subject careless, made a mistake, my mother frowned, her eyes seemed to say: what should be careful, every job is like a small test.Mother is particularly concerned about my study and life. I participated in the mental arithmetic, Go, etiquette and other games, my mother will support me, accompany me, encourage me. Win, she will say: Do not be proud, not after the game will be smooth sailing. Lost, she would say: Do not be happy, win or lose is commonplace, there are opportunities. Every time I was sick, my mother Particularly anxious, and quickly give me medicine, afraid of my illness more and more serious. Every summer, my mother will take me out to travel, increase my knowledge.This is my mother, I love my dear mother.我的妈妈英语作文 篇3The only mother in the world is good! I love this song very much because I have a good mother too.In life, mother is a loving mother. Once, I was very ill. My mother put down her work and went to the hospital with me every day to hang up the water. When I hung up the water, she was afraid that I would buy water and bread for me when I was hungry; when she left the hospital, she pushed me home with her bicycle. Every time I think of it, I am particularly touched.In study, mother is a good teacher and a good friend. When I got good results, her face was like a beautiful flower, and encouraged me to dont be proud, make persistent efforts; if I did not test, she never gave me bamboo shoots, but gave me analysis of the reason, experience, and let me go on. At this time, I will be more confident.My mother is my good partner when we rest and relax. One day, we played badminton, and dozens of balls were played by my mother, but I could not hit one. With the help of my mother, I could play dozens of games later. At this time, my heart is very happy.The only mother in the world is good! I am proud to have such a good mother!“世上只有妈妈好!我特殊爱唱这首歌,因为我也有一位好妈妈。生活中,妈妈是一位慈祥的妈妈。有一次,我病得不轻,妈妈放下手中的.工作,每天陪我去医院挂水。我挂水时,她生怕我饿就去给我买水和面包吃;离开医院时,她用自行车推我回家。每想起这些,我就特殊感动。学习上,妈妈是一位良师益友。每当我取得优秀成果时,她的脸就像一朵漂亮的花,同时鼓励我“不要傲慢,再接再厉;假设我考差了,她也从来不给我吃“竹笋烧肉,而是给我分析缘由、总结阅历,让我“接着加油。每当这时,我就会信念倍增。休息放松时,妈妈是我的好伙伴。有一天,我们打羽毛球,妈妈打了几十个垫球,而我却一个也打不到。在妈妈的帮助下,后来我也能打十几个了。这时,我的心中无比欢乐。“世上只有妈妈好!。我为有这样一位好妈妈而感到傲慢!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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