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冀教版精品英语资料(精校版) 新冀教版七年级上册Unit1课文重点整理Lesson 5: May I Have a Book?1、何时向对方表示感谢?_如何向对方表示感谢?_怎么回答对方的感谢?_2、May I have a book? = May I _ a book?3、你能区分borrow和lend吗?borrow _lend _例:我不想把我的尺子借给张亮。_我昨天从Kimi那里借了一支铅笔。_4、(2014.1邯郸市七年级抽测试题) You help me a lot. Thank you very much._.A. Please dont say thatB. Thats rightC. Youre welcomeD. It doesnt matter5、dont, any, I, crayons, have (连词成句)_.6、(2013河北省中考) _ I see your ID card, sir? We have to check your information.A. MayB. MustC. ShouldD. Need7、I can get some for you. (写出同义句)I can get _ _.(2013.9英语学习辅导报) 【考点搜索】小小请求,May来说话 在英语中,表达“我可以吗?”,可以用“Can I ?”,但较为正式的一种表达为“May I.?”。对于这样的请求,肯定回答为“Yes, you may.”或者“Yes, you can.”,也可以用“Certainly. / Sure.”来回答;其否定回答为“No, you may not.”或“No, you cant.”;若是表达“绝对不行”,则用语气较为强烈的“No, you mustnt.”来回答。如: May I go with you? 我可以和你一起去吗?Yes, you may. / Certainly. 可以。/ 当然可以。May I smoke here? 我可以在这儿抽烟吗?No, you mustnt. / Of course not. 不,绝对不行。【中考引路】8.May I try on the jeans? Yes, you _. A. should B. can C. must D. need (2013镇江)9.May I swim in the lake, please?No, you _. Look! Here is a notice “No Swimming!”. A. may not B. mightnt C. mustnt D. neednt (2013安徽芜湖)10.Mum, _ I play computer games?Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. A. must B. may C. will D. need (2013北京)
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