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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑暑假回忆英语对话【关于暑假的英语对话精选】 话教学是整个学校阶段英语学习中必不行少的组成部分,对话贯穿于教材和老师教学及同学学习的始终。我细心收集了关于暑假的英语对话,供大家观赏学习! 关于暑假的英语对话1 A:Are you still on your summer vacation? 你还在休暑假吗? B:Yes. 是的。 A:When will school start? 什么时候开学? B:Itll start on lst September. 9月1号. 关于暑假的英语对话2 Todd: OK. Were back with Jeanna. You wanna talk about your summer vacation. Jeanna: Sure. I went to Las Vegas, Nevada; Reno, Nevada; Tahoe, California; and San Diego, California and I went to Disneyland. Todd: Wow! Sounds like a really good time. Jeanna: Yeah, it was. It was a lot of fun. Todd: What was the best place? Jeanna: Probably Las Vegas. It was the most interesting. Todd: OK. why was it the most interesting? Jeanna: It was just really busy and there was always stuff going on. Ya know, never resting. Todd: OK. Ah, for example what stuff is going on? Like, what did you do? Jeanna: Well, we went shopping a lot, in a lot of different casinos that had malls in them, we went and visited the Hoover Dam. Todd: Oh, wow! Its pretty big. Jeanna: Yeah, really big. Todd: Thats a lot of water. Did you go swimming? Jeanna: No. Todd: Can you swim in the Hoover Dam? Jeanna: You can swim in the reservoir. Todd: I mean in the reservoir. Yeah. OK. How did you get to Las Vegas? Jeanna: By plane from Oakland to Las Vegas. Todd: OK. How long did it take? Jeanna: About an hour and forty-five minutes. Todd: OK. Do you think youll go back to Las Vegas someday in the future? Jeanna: Hopefully. Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot Jeanna. Jeanna: Youre welcome. 关于暑假的英语对话3 Sophie: What will you do this summer vacation? Billy: Ill learn magic tricks. Billy: What about you, Sophie? Sophie: Ill go on a trip. Mr.X: Sounds great! Where? Sophie: Ill go to New York with my family. Billy: Whats your summer plan,Mr.X? Mr.X: Well.Ill visit my grandparents. Billy: Great! Where do they live? Mr.X: They live next to my room. We live together! 苏菲:这个暑假你干什么? 比利:我要学习魔术。 比利:你呢,苏菲? 苏菲:我会去旅行。 X先生:好极了!去哪里? 苏菲:我会和我的家人去纽约。 比利:X先生,你的暑假方案是什么? X先生:嗯.我会去看我的祖父母。 比利:太好了!他们住在哪里? X先生:他们住在我的房子旁边。我们住在一起! 看了关于暑假的英语对话的人还看了: 1.关于暑假的英语对话 2.有关暑假的英语对话 3.关于暑假英语对话 4.关于假期生活英语对话 5.有关假期的英语对话 6.关于国庆假期的英语对话 第 1 页 共 1 页
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