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Executive SummaryKenya is among a number of progressing countries put under camera surveillance in their fight against corruption. For close to a decade, this East African country has been among the top ten most corrupt countries in the Corruption perception index annually released by Transparency International. Among the steps the government is taking is to undertake reforms in its management and governance practices to improve service delivery to the public. There have been efforts by the executive arm of the govemrnent to increase intradepartmental oversight by contracting technocrats to provide guidance in meeting set goals and objectives. On the other hand, external oversight bodies such as Parliament have woken up to the challenge and insisted on a greater role in monitoring government performance.In giving a view of the Kenyan situation of legislative oversight role, this presentation discusses four key areas considered important in the provision of oversight to the government:i) The need to make the executive systematic in the style of service delivery to the public. Emphasis has been put on the need to de-1 ink success in service delivery front individuals and instead attach it to appropriate institutions because institutions outlive office holders. The need to develop a system with parameters by which the government can judge its departments and institutions has been emphasized.ii) The need to define a procedure for prosecution and punishment for corruption and other related crimes. Observation has been made of the Kenya Governments initiatives to fight corruption, viz:a) Increased awareness campaign against corruptionPublic Officer Ethics Actb) Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes ActAnti-corruption Police Unitc) Increased Government will to fight corruptionHi) The need to give more weight to the reports of the governments audit department 一 The reports of the Controller and Auditor Generaliv) The need to strengthen Parliaments watchdog and departmental committees by emphasizing the need for political parties to nominate appropriately qualified persons to sit there in among other measures.4.0 Controller and Auditor General and the Fight Against CorruptionMany countries have an established office of the controller and auditor general as a constitutional office, as does Kenya. The section that establishes this office in Kenya states thus:105 (1) There shall be a Controller and Auditor-General whose office shall be an office in the public service.(2) It shall be the duty of the Controller and Auditor General-to satisfy himself that any proposed withdrawal from the Consolidated Fund is authorized by law, and, if so satisfied, to approve the withdrawal;(a) To satisfy himself that all moneys that have been appropriated by Parliament and disbursed have been applied to the purposes to which they were so appropriated and that the expenditure conforms to the authority that governs it; andAt least once in every year to audit and report on the public accounts of the Government of Kenya, the accounts of all officers and authorities of the Government, the accounts of all courts in Kenya (other than courts martial no part of the expenses of which are defrayed directly out of moneys provided by Parliament), the accounts of every Commission established by this Constitution and the accounts of the Clerk of the National Assembly.(3) The Controller and Auditor-General and any officer authorized by him shall have access to all books, records, returns, reports and other documents which in his opinion relate to any of the accounts referred to in subsection (2).(4) The Controller and Auditor-General shall submit every report made by him in pursuance of subsection (2) to the Minister for the time being responsible for finance who shall, not later than seven days after the National Assembly first meets after he has received the report, lay it before the Assembly.(5) In the exercise of his functions under subsections (2), (3) and (4), the Controller and Auditor-General shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person.Admittedly, corruption involving theft or misappropriation of public resources may not go unnoticed by the controller and auditor general. Prominent persons have been named in reports tabled in parliament over the years implicating them in misappropriation of public resources. The villains in official corruption are known in Kenya. And the reports of the controller and auditor general all over the world seek to do one thing 一 expose these enemies of the people while providing substantive evidence.But the creators of conduits through which public funds have disappeared are yet to face the law. These receivers of kickbacks for expensive tenders, the illegal importers, the paper thieves hard to detect, the tax evaders and money launderers - the list can be long - are the real thieves, yet we punish burglars and chicken thieves more than them.Unfortunately,
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