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Animals(动物的认识)微课说明长沙市实验小学 胡瑾作品主题:Animals(动物的认识)微课作品类型:单词教授作品形式:PPT+语音说课制作人:胡瑾作品内容: 本节课主要教授动物单词,区分东区名词的单、复数本节微课以拯救白雪公主和她的农场为主线,通过学生们喜爱的闯关游戏,进行新知的教授。适应对象分析: 本节课适用于一年级的小学生,对英语有了一定的基础的小学生。学习指导:跟随主讲老师,开动脑筋,积极热情、思维活跃地参与到各个教学环节中来。积极参与到视频教学中的各个操练项目中,巩固所学知识,提高运用对知识的运用能力。对于难点问题和自己没有完全掌握的知识点或者有疑问的地方,可以通过微视频的优势,反复点播,循环播放,反复观看,解决自己的难点问题。配套学习资料:外研社新标准(一起)第二册制作技术: 本微视频采用微课录屏软件制作,利用软件进行了音频与视频的结合教学目的: 1、知识目标:使学生能听懂、会说一些动物复数的单词:责任制cows/chickens/pigs/cats/dogs/birds。能认读句子: What are they? Theyre 2、能力目标: 能在实际情景中运用上述句型,要求模仿正确的语音、语调。 3、情感目标:培养学生对动物的热爱。教学重、难点: 能听懂、会说关于复数动物的单词,能在实际情景中运用并做到语调自然。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting.2. Introduce a new friend - the princess Snow White.Step 2 Lead-in1. Introduce the task and rules of this lesson: Our new friend Snow White is caught by a monster to a farm. (Show a picture of a farm.) She needs our help. Today, our task is to save princess Snow White. We must collect twelve red flowers, and then we can save her out! *To teach the new word: farm.2. T: Boys and girls, lets save Snow White! Are you ready?Ss: Go!Step 3 PresentationLever 11. Look at the farm and say: birds, cats, dogs, ducks.*To teach new words: duck ducks 2. Lets learn more animals. (1) Show a picture of a nose a pig*To teach the phonetic: i I pig i is this his pink chicken*Practice the tongue twister: Is this his pink chicken? (Pick up the first flower.)*Look at these. What are they? -Theyre pigs.(2) Show a picture of a face a cow *Look at these. What are they? -Theyre cows.(3) Show a picture of two legs a chicken *Look at these. What are they? -Theyre chickens. (Pick up the second flower.) (Write the key sentences on the Bb)(4) Show a flash of a falling egg from a chicken an egg *Look at these. What are they? -Theyre eggs.Lever 2Magic ears! Listen to the sounds and guess: What are they? -Theyre (1) dogs (2) pigs (3) ducks (4) cows (5) chickens (6) cats (Pick up the third flower.) *Chant and act: Dogs, dogs, woof, woof, woof. Pigs, pigs, oink, oink, oink. Ducks, ducks, quack, quack, quack. Cows, cows, moo, moo, moo. Chickens, chickens, chick, chick, chick. Cats, cats, miaow, miaow, miaow.Lever 31.Chant and clap: What are they? What are they?Theyre cows. Theyre pigs.What are they? What are they?Theyre eggs. Theyre chickens.(Pick up two flowers.)2.Group work:Describe things around you.E.g. What are they? -Theyre books. (Pick up the last two flowers.)Lever 4: Beat the monster and save out Snow White! Snow White: Boys and girls, thank you! *We should love animals!
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