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Whos that man 第三课时教学目标1. 能听懂并理解Lets learn more部分的内容,培养学生积极、乐观的人生观。2. 能较为流利地朗读课文内容。3. 能在一定的提示下复述课文。 4. 能简短地仿写一篇英文人物传记。 教具:(1)Lets learn more部分的PPT教学课件。(2)录音机以及Lets learn more部分的录音磁带。教学过程:. Leading In. 课前热身 My idolT: I like a man / woman very much. Im his / her fan. He / She is my idol. Do you want to know his / her name? You can ask me some questions and guess who he / she is.S1: What is that man / woman? What does he / she do?T: He / She is a .S2: Is he / she .? / Whos that man / woman? . 新课导入1. Part B Choose and talk2. 谈话导入:Boys and girls, your idols are actors, singers or scientists, but do you know this young man? In this class we will get to know him. He is great. Maybe he will be your idol. Please look at his picture. He is Liu Wei. Presentation. Part B Lets learn more1. 播放本部分教学视频,让学生初步感知课文大意,了解刘伟的事迹。2. 听录音,阅读课文,理解全文。(1)让学生看课本,阅读本部分的短文,并再次播放教学视频。(2)要求学生按照时间的顺序在书上画出刘伟的成长经历。请学生复述,并进行师生、生生间的补充、纠正和评价。(3)分组讨论:根据课文内容,回答问题。What did Liu Wei want to be?What happened to him at the age of nine?What did he learn when he lost his arms?What did he do in 2006? How long did he play the piano in a day? What do you think of him? (4)教师随机抽取学生回答上一环节的问题,并有针对性地进行讲解。a. He had to do everything with his feet.have to do sth.结构。如:Time is up. We have to stop here.Her mother is out. She has to cook the meal by herself.b. 用否定句的形式He could not swim because he was ill. 加上肢体语言诠释句子He had to stop because it was bad for him. c. How difficult it was! 用感叹句表达一种强烈的语气。He lost his arm. He played the piano with his feet. It was not easy. It was very difficult for him.这种感叹句的结构为:How + adj. / adv. + sb. / sth. + v.如:How fast he runs! How cold it is today!. 巩固活动1. 补充资料,升华主题。补充刘伟的成长经历视频,用英语进行旁白讲解,发展学生听的能力,也帮助学生更深入地理解课文、体会文章主旨。 2. 反复朗读,感知课文。 听录音跟读、学生领读、分角色朗读、分组朗读等多种方式熟读课文。 Homework 熟读课文,找身边的刘伟,写一篇小短文。
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