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仁爱英语八年级Unit3 Topic3 SectionA 公开课教案Unit3 Topic3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section A教学目标1. Review the structure and usage of present continuous tense.2. Learn and use the past continuous tense.3. Review the expressions of making a phone call.教学重点Vocabulary: shower,radio,roast,duck,dig,holeStructure: -What were you doing at this time yesterday?-I was doing some washing.-Were you playing the computer?-Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.What was he/she doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning? Hello, whos speaking?Hello! This is Maria speaking. May I speak to Jane?Hold the line, please.教学难点 Let students communicate with each other with these structures fluently.-What were you doing at this time yesterday?-I was doing some washing.-Were you playing the computer?-Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.What was he/she doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning? 教学用具卡片,录音机,多媒体教学过程一、 Teaching procedureStep Revision Word competition.(Each group has 30 seconds. Teacher shows flash cards with Chinese meaning, one of the students in the group should say the English word and spell it corrrectly. If so, his group will gain one point. If students in group one can say and spell six words correctly, group one will gain six points.)Step Lead-in 1. Show several photos of the students on the screen and ask students “What is he /she doing now?”(review the structure and usage of present continuous tense.)T: Look at this picture. What is he doing?Ss:He is listening to music.T: What is she doing?Ss: She is doing her homework.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is drinking water.T: What is she doing?Ss: She is sweeping the floor/doing some cleaning.T: What is he doing?Ss:He is reading an English book.T: What is she doing?Ss:She is dancing.2. Suppose that time goes back to yesterday and ask students “What was he/she doing at this time yesterday?”(lead in the past continuous tense ) T: Now suppose that time goes back to this time yesterday.(show the picture1 again) Think it over. What was he doing at this time yesterday?Ss: T: Good. Youre so clever! We should say he was listening to music.(教师总结过去进行时与现在进行时的不同。即是:只把am,is,are变成was,were,后面v. -ing 保持不变。)Now answer the question: What was she doing at this time yesterday?Ss: She was doing her homework.Step GameT: Now lets play a game. The rule is: Sa: What were you doing at this time yesterday?Sb: I was (Sb turns back to Sc). What were you doing at this time yesterday?Sc: I was .(Sc turns back to Sd) .Sd: .(Each group has only 1 minute, so students must say quickly and correctly.)Step Present 1a1. Listen to the tape and answer two questions:T: Very good. Do you know what was Jane doing at this time yesterday? Now listen to the tape and answer two questions.(1) What is Jane doing now?(2) What was Jane doing at this time yesterday?2. Listen again and read after the tape,and then read 1a together. 3. Let students say language points in 1a and make sentenses with the phasesT: Now who can tell me key phrases and sentenses in this dialog?Sa:(Teacher writes key phrases and sentenss on the blackboard)4. Show key words and phrases on the screen and let some students act 1a out.HelloThis is May I hold the lineWhat are doing?practicing the violinat this time yesterdaynobodytaking a showerT: Work in pairs. Close your books. Look at the key words on the screen. Act out the dialog.Step Pair work1. Show the pictures in 2a on the screen and students guess the phrases according to the picture.T: Ok. Now look at these pictures. What were they doing?Ss: He was listening to the radio. They were practising English.He was playing on the computer.She was eating Beijing roast duck.They were visiting a museum.They were digging a hole.2. Show the example and students ask and answer in pairs after the example.T: Now work in pairs. Then ask and answer in pairs after the example.Example:A: What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?B: I was learning English. Were you palying on the computer?A: Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt.Step Grammer1. Ask students to summary the structure and usage of the past continuous tense, then fill in the blanks.T: From what we learned above, we can sum up the Past Continuous Tense like this: was/were +V-ing肯定句否定句疑问句回答I was running.I wasnt running.Were you running?Yes, I was.No, I wasnt.He/She/Itwas running.We were running.They were running.2. Do some exercises related with past continous tense.T: Lets do some exercises.(1)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Maria and Jane _( do ) some washing at this time yesterday.2. He _ ( fall ) and hurt his leg yesterday.3. My mother _ ( cook ) at eleven forty yesterday morning. ( 2 ) 句型转换。1. Kangkang was doing his homework at that time.(变为否定句)Kangkang _
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