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Module 3 Literature Section Grammar03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Only when he reached the teahouse _ it was the same place hed been in last year.(he,realize)答案:did he realize2. Is everyone here?Not, yet.Look,there _ the rest of our guests!(come)答案:come3. For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together.(voices,come)答案:came voices4. Look. There _.(the bus,come)Oh, there _. (it,come)答案:comes the bus;it comes5. In _ with a bunch of flowers in her hand.(a girl,come)答案:came a girl6. Was it _ she heard with her ears _ really made her frightened?答案:what;that7. No sooner _ asleep than she heard a knock at the door.(she,fall)答案:had she fallen8. Not until the motorbike looked almost new _ repairing and cleaning it.(he,stop)答案:did he stop9. It was not until the 19th century _ heat was considered a form of energy.答案:that10. Not until he returned _ supper.(we,have)答案:did we have. 完成句子1. Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours_ .(reach) 他们就那件事情讨论了几个小时之后,达成了一项决定。 答案:did they reach a decision2. It is how much love we put into what we do_.(benefit) 对我们工作最有利的是我们对于我们所做的事情投入了多少爱。答案:that benefits our work most3. On the wall _ as well as dozens of pictures.(hang)墙上挂着一张地图和几十张图片。答案:hangs one map4. Only then _ how much damage had been caused.(realize) 只有在那时她才意识到已经造成了多么大的损害。答案:did she realize5. Never _ these people are living in such poor conditions.(imagine) 我从不能想象这些人生活在如此贫穷的状态。答案:could/can I imagine6. No sooner _ the train was off.(reach)我们一到车站,火车就开了。答案:had we reached the station than7. Its burning hot today._yesterday.(so) 今天太热了。昨天也是。答案:So was it8. _ the entrance to the underground palace?(discover) 他们怎样发现地下宫殿的入口的?答案:How was it that they discovered9. It _ that he was criticized by the teacher.(late) 正是因为迟到了他才受到老师的批评。答案:was because he was late10. Not until _ repairing and cleaning it.(stop) 直到摩托车看上去像新的一样,他才停止修理和清洗它。 答案:the motorbike looked almost new did he stop. 单句改错1. We were told that it was in that room where the Republicans held the important meeting. 答案:wherethat2. It is Peter and Mary who often helps us with our lessons. 答案:helpshelp3. It was two years ago when Mr. Green went to America. 答案:whenthat4. No sooner had he arrived when they felt irritated. 答案:whenthan5. Too absurd was his manner that everyone stared at him. 答案:TooSo提升实战能力. 阅读理解AAfter an earthquake or any similar disaster, parents and teachers need to help children overcome the effects of this frightening and sometimes devastating (毁灭性的 ) experience. Psychologists say that if children go through a disturbing event before the age of ten, they are three times as likely to suffer psychological problems as teenagers. After a disaster children may become easily upset, shy, aggressive, or afraid of wind, rain, noises, or darkness. They may have trouble letting go of their parents and resist going to school or daycare. Some children may even feel guilty thinking that they somehow caused the disaster through their bad behavior. Because of such common reactions, parents and others should begin as soon after the event as possible helping these children.Some suggestions include talking to the children about what happened, letting the children express their own feelings, spending extra time with them doing activities together and reassuring them that you love them and wont leave them. For some children expressing themselves through drawing pictures or writing can be useful. Do everything possible to help children get back to a normal routine; however, dont be afraid to“spoil” these children for a while after the disaster. Let them have extra privileges and more attention than usual. Encourage the children to grieve after a loss. It should be OK for them to cry. Caring families and friends can do much to heal children victims of disasters.本文给那些灾难后产生心理问题的孩子们的家长等提出了一些建议,以尽快使这些孩子恢复正常。1. This passage is mainly about _.A. how to help traumatized (心理受到创伤的) children to get overB. the bad effects disasters bring to childrenC. the psychological problems children before ten are likely to sufferD. the importance of caring families答案:A主旨大意题。根据第一段,一些孩子在经历灾难性事件后,所表现的恐惧、不安、害羞、害怕黑暗、风、雨等一系列的问题,以及如何克服这些心理问题,让孩子恢复正常,是这篇文章的主要大意。2. According to the passage, a child who has just experienced a devastating disaster may
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