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PEP小学五年级下册英语试卷I.从a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母中选出合适的字母补全下面的单词。(10分)M_y J_n_ d_t_ r_ _d m_m St_dy l_st_n r_n wr_t_ gr_ndp_II.选择填空。(20分)( )1.Whats the date ? Its -.A .February 29th B August 29th C. July 1st ( )2.My birthday is on -. A New Years Day B Childrens Day C Teachers Day ( )3. Lets draw _.A tree B horse C a birthday card ( )4.Kate _playing chess .A am B is C are ( )5. Are you washing clothes ? _ .A Yes ,you are . B . Yes , I am . C .No ,I am( )6. _ are you ? Im here .A What B Where C Who ( )7. _ do you do on the weekend ?A What B When C Who ( )8. _ season do you like best ?A Which B Where C What ( )9. Is he _ TV ? Yes he is .A watch B watching C not ( )10. _ they taking pictures ? Yes ,they are .A Am B Be C Are III.连词成句。(10分)(1) do, when, you, do, exercises, morning _?(2) do, why, winter, you, like_?(3) Dad, an, writing , is, e-mail_.(4) you, can, see, the, monkey_?(5) are, insects , they, counting,_.IV.连线题(12分)A National Day 1 Its January 1st B Womens Day 2. Its September 10th C Army Day 3. Its August 1stD Childrens Day 4. Its October 1st E Teachers Day 5. Its March 8thF New Years Day 6. Its June 1st V.用所给词完成下列对话。(20分)Tom , cold, from, sunny and warm, fall, children, friend, weather, in, hot and sunny Teacher:Hello,1 . We have a new 2 .This is 3 .Children:Hello,Tom. Tom:Hi!Sarah:Where are you 4 ,Tom?Tom: Im from Austrsalia.Sarah:Whats the 5 like 6 spring in Australia?Tom:Its 7 .Sometimes its windy.Amy: Whats the weather like in summer in Australia ?Tom: Its 8 Mike : Whats the weather like in 9 in Australia ?Tom: Well, its windy and cool.Zhang Peng: Is it warm in winter in Australia ?Tom: No ,its 10 .VI.读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Jack and his mother are sitting at the table ,They are having lunch .“I dont like this soup .I dont want to eat it .”says Jack and he puts down the spoon .“All right”.Says his mother .“Dont eat it .”After lunch Jack and his mother work in the field .They work so hard .In the evening ,Jacks mother gives him a bowl of soup .“Oh,this soup is delicious.”Says Jack.“It is the same soup .”Says his mother .( )1.Where are Jack and his mother sitting ? _A In the room B At the table C On the desk D Under the tree( )2.What are they doing ?Theyre _.A having lunch B watching TV C reading English D talking ( )3.Does Jack like this soup ?_-A Yes,he does . B No,he doesnt C He likes the soup D He doesnt like it 北马路小学五年英语月考测试卷 2011。03一、单项选择。(将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内)(30分)( ) 1) - Whats _with you ?- I am hungry .- A.wrong B. like C.would D.happy ( ) 2) - what would you like to eat ?- I _ a hamburger and _ apple pie . A. would like , an B. like , a C. d like , a D.eat , a( ) 3) When do we have _ ? _ At 12 oclock . A. breakfast B.dinner C. supper D.lunch( ) 4) - _ to drink ? - Four cokes , please . A.Something B.Anything C.Which D.Where ( ) 5) - For here or to go ? - _,please .Or I will be late for school . A. for here B.For here C.To go D. to go ( ) 6) - Hi, 3po. Glad to see you here ! - Hi, Tino ._ is it going ? - Just great ! A. Which B. Where C.Why D.How( ) 7) What would you like to eat ? _ Id like a pizza._? _A hot dog ,please . A.What do you drink B.How about you C.What about you D.Why about you ( ) 8) - Its already one thirty. I am _ . - OK,lets go to the snack bar _ the corner.A. full , on B. hungry , on C.hungry , and D.tired , on ( ) 9) _ do you want to be ?A. Which B. Where C.What D.How( ) 10)- Do you want to be a swimmer ?- No ,I dont .Its just my _.A.like B. class C. hobby D.work 二、选择正确的单词完成句子。(30分)备选栏1.practice 2. clean 3. pool 4.pilot 5. design 6.fantastic 7.cook 8.go hiking 9. artist 10. doctor A. - I want to be an engineer. Wow, thats _!B. I usually _ the violin. C. I always _ my room .D. I like drawing pictures, so I want to be an _.E. When sunmmer comes, I usually go swimming at the _.F. Sometimes I _ for my mom.G. I am a _. I like flying planes.H. What do
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