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Module 2 Developing and Developed CountriesStep 3课后演练知识能力链接高考.单句语法填空1Youll find the map _ great value in helping you get around Hong Kong.答案of2What are the main differences and _(similar) between them?答案similarities3Its up to you _(decide) whether to go or not.答案to decide4The road was so _(crowd) that the car could not pass through easily.答案crowded5_ we are not rich, we are still willing to offer a hand to whoever is in trouble.答案While6We must make every effort _(turn) our dreams into reality.答案to turn7He has reached a position _ it is difficult for others.答案where8Have you figured _ how much the trip will cost?答案out.单句改错1The most heavily polluting areas are concentrated along the coastline._答案pollutingpolluted2I always considered your brother to be connected to that club._答案第二个towith或connectedrelated3As a result, the majority of southern black people remained in poor._答案poorpoverty或去掉in4We have made a great progress,but there is a long way to go._答案去掉第一个a5Some people like living in big cities, because others prefer living in the countryside._答案becausewhile6He was one of the leading figure of this country._答案figurefigures7Fortunate, he survived the traffic accident._答案FortunateFortunately8Maybe we couldnt buy many luxury goods, but food was cheap and no one went hunger._答案hungerhungry.根据提示词及相关要求完成句子1你们应该采取有效措施改善你们工人的工作环境。(measure)You should _ to improve yourworkers working conditions.答案take effective measures2正如这份报告中表明的那样,青少年问题常常与家庭生活和教育有关。(be connected with)As is shown in the report, teenager problems _.答案are often connected with family life and education3这兄弟俩很不同。一个喜欢读书,而另一个酷爱运动。(while)The two brothers are very different. One likes reading, _.答案while the other is crazy about sports4交通问题已经严重影响了经济的发展,因此,我们必须努力解决这个问题。(make efforts)The traffic problems have severely affected economic development, so we must _.答案make efforts to solve them5生活就像一个杯子,而它是“杯具”还是“洗具”,由你自己决定。(up to)Life is like a cup, but _whether its a drinking cup or a toothbrush cup.答案its up to you to decide6强烈推荐孩子们应被提供给机会去接近自然。It is recommended that children should be offered chances _ nature.(get close to)答案to get close to
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