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高一级部英语寒假作业腊月二十五班级_姓名_ 一、单词拼写:1. You can get a lot of _ (信息) about our products from the Internet.2. Your stupid question made Mr. Chen feel a little bit _(尴尬).3. When living there,I had an _ (热心的) neighbour.4. Read the _(说明) carefully before taking the medicine.5. For this job, you have to be _ (流利)in both English and French.6. Your _(态度)towards work amazed me.7. The scenery was beautiful beyond _(描述).8. He drove so fast that the car d_ in the distance.9. Professor Wang needs two a_ to help him do the experiment.10. I could see a d_ look on his face when I told him the bad news.二、词组:1. 与相似_ 2. 学习英语的态度_ 3. 阅读理解 _ 4. 远离,远非 _5. 写下,记下_ 6. 对热心_7. 教学方法 _ 8. 一点也不像_9. 玩得高兴 _ 10. 相互自我介绍_11. 按小组 _ 12. 起初 _ 13. 给某人指示/指令/说明_ 14. 换句话说_ 15. 用一种有趣的方法_ 16. 盼望做某事_17. 对印象深刻 _ 18. 使某人尴尬_19. 获得高中文凭 _ 20. 在屏幕上_21. 在结束的时侯_ 22. 上大学_23. 被划分为 _ 24. 参加各种课外活动_五、完型:Its hard being an astronauts son. I 1 , everybody expects you to be special or 2 ,and Im just an average student, and Im average, too, when it 3 basketball, football, soccer, and baseball. I often wonder 4 my father ever had a son like me. I mean hes so 5 and so good at everything. So I used to dream about doing something spectacular to 6 my father and make him 7 me. In one class, my teacher 8 a Fathers Day essay contest for us and the winners essays would be read in front of all the parents and students. After school I walked home, 9 my father, who I would write about in my essay. He sat with me in the 10 when I was a little kid and had a nightmare. He 11 me with a new puppy at my eighth birthday party. He sat and tried to 12 death to me when Grandpa Bob died. To me, he wasnt a world-famous astronaut, just my dad. I wrote about all these 13 in my essay. One of our neighbors said, “I 14 youll win the contest, David. Youre the only one in town who could write about being the son of an astronaut.” I 15 I hadnt shown anyone the essay, but now I almost hoped I wouldnt win. I didnt want to win just 16 my father was an astronaut.I won the second prize. When I finished reading my essay, the 17 applauded. I saw my father blowing his nose. I went back to my seat. Dad nodded to me, 18 his throat, and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the 19 moment of my life,” he said. It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe Ill never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but just then, it was 20 just to be my fathers son.1. A. mean B. say C. know D. believe2. A. strange B. honest C. perfect D. formal3. A. refers to B. relates with C. talks about D. comes to4. A. why B. how C. whether D. when5. A. normal B. funny C. special D. unique6. A. shock B. influence C. attract D. impress7. A. proud of B. interested in C. satisfied with D. ashamed of8. A. reported B. announced C. claimed D. warned9. A. caring about B. worrying about C. thinking about D. complaining about10. A. silence B. threat C. horror D. dark 11. A. pleased B. astonished C. supported D. encouraged12. A. describe B. explain C. declare D. remark13. A. experiments B. incidents C. details D. memories14. A. wish B. guess C. bet D. promise15. A. smiled B. nodded C. doubted D. shrugged16. A. because B. if C. while D. as17. A. parents B. audiences C. students D. teachers18. A. cleaned B. blew C. cleared D. opened19. A. best B. proudest C. finest D. greatest20. A. natural B. honorable C. important D. enough腊月二十六 班级_ 姓名_ IWords and Phrases紧张不安的
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