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英语中级听力答案篇一:英语中级听力答案 Lesson 8 Section I Task 1: Twins A. Multiple Choice. B. Blank-filling. Name: Laura and Sarah SexSimilaritiesDifferencesC. True or False Questions. Task 2: Genetic Make-up A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Alan and Barbara. At lunch time. An article about twins and coincidences. because it suggests criminals are born and not made. Somebody was born with the potential to become a criminal. The ones that regard crime as a way of life and see the police as enemy. Similar qualities are necessary to become a successful criminal or a first-class policeman. Men who might easily be in jail. 12: TF 16: acbcab B. Fill in the blanks with information about the twins. 1. 2. 3. Section II Task 1: Can I Take a Message? A. Multiple Choice. B. Blank-filling. 1. Message 1: 12: ac2. 3. 4. 5. CallerCallerMessage 2: CallerCallerMessage: Message 3: CallerMessage 4: Callerth Message 5: CallerC. Blank-filling. 1. 2. 3. 4. Task 2: Night Flight A. True or False Questions. B. Multiple Choice. C. Blank-filling. 1. 2. 3. 4. 16: FTTFTF 18: bacbacbc D. Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. She discovered that two passengers had been sick. Because the captain was lying behind the door unconscious. Because she was afraid that would cause a general panic. When the plane had circled over Brisbane Airport for over half an hour. Section III Task 1: Learning to Rephrase 1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Task 2: Dictation The Boy Who Cried Wolf Once upon a time there was a very naughty shepherd-boy. He often fell asleep while he was watching his sheep. And he told lies. The villagers shook their heads and said, ?That boy will come to a bad end. One day, when he was feeling very bored, the boy decided to play a practical joke on the villagers. He ran down the hill. ?Wolf, wolf! he cried. ?Help, come quickly. Wolf! All the villagers seized their spears and ran to help him. But there was no wolf. ?He heard you, the naughty boy lied, ?and ran away. When everyone had gone, he started to laugh. Three weeks later, when he was feeling very bored indeed, he decided to play the same trick again. ?Wolf, wolf! he shouted. ?Help, come quickly. Wolf! Most of the villagers hurried to help him. This time the boy laughed at them. ?Ha, ha There wasnt a wolf, he said. ?What a good joke! The villagers were very angry. ?Lies are not jokes, they said. Two days later the boy woke up suddenly. He had fallen asleep in the afternoon sun. What was that big dark animal coming towards his flock? Suddenly it seized a lamb. ?Wolf! screamed the boy. ?Wolf. Help, come quickly. Wolf! But none of the villagers came to help him. He screamed again. The wolf heard him and licked its lips. ?I like lamb, it thought, ?but shepherd-boy tastes much nicer. When the shepherd-boy didnt come home that night, some of the villagers went to look for him. They found a few bones. Lesson 9 Section I Willing to Train A. True or False Questions. 14: TTFT B. Fill in the blanks with information about Catherine based on her own statement. NameQualifications: 1. qualifications from school, very good results 2. certificates for ballet and for playing the piano Interests: 1. tennis 2. swimming 3. travelling 4. talking to people Intelligence: reasonably intelligent C. Give brief answers to the following questions1. 2. 3. 4. Dancing and music A good girl. A bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but very bright. Be a teacher or a vet. Because she believes that Cathy likes working with young children and looking after sick animals. 5. She wants to talk to Cathy, not her mother. 6. No. she is bright enough to be a vet and wants to find something different from school work. 7. Yes, if it is for something useful. 8. Nursing, because she has good qualifications in English and Maths. 9. Very hard work, not very pleasant sometimes. 10. At first she is afraid she is not good enough. Later she thinks she should enjoy that. D. Complete the following sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Section II Task 1: How Do Others Think of My Job? A. Fill in the following chart. B. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Clever, artistic, very noisy. To Mr. S. Andrews. The company does put Mr. or Ms. In front of the names on its departmental list Nursing. Being a male nurse, he has more contact with the patients and a long term responsibility for their welfare. They travel and have wife at every port. No. She is learning a lot about hair and how to get along with people and is gaining confidence. She w
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