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Book 10 Module7 Unit1 My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning.教学设计周二小学 武宁茜课题:Book10 Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning.教学内容:本课是以Daming和Fangfang之间谈论自己父母亲上下班时间及工作的对话为主线,向学生介绍了说明活动、行为或事件发生的时间的用法,同时帮助学生巩固了一般现在时以及时间的表达。一、教学目标语言知识目标:a. 能正确听、说、读、单词evening, actor,busy能正确听、说、读、写单词evening, actorb. 能正确听说读目标语句: My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning. Hes a policeman.能正确书写目标语句:My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning.语言技能目标能正确运用一般现在时介绍家人的职业,上班时间及工作特点。情感态度目标 了解不同职业的不同特点,尊重每一种职业。 二、教学重点掌握My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning. Hes a policeman.这些句子,并能运用这些句子,介绍家人的职业,上班时间及工作特点。三、教学难点会用一般现在时来描述家人职业知道actor 前要用an 四、教学用具多媒体课件、单词卡片、五、学生分析五年级的孩子他们的认知能力有了大幅度的提升,并且有了相当一部分英语思维和语言的积累培养。学生对于时间这一话题并不陌生,在关于时间的词汇方面也有所积累,大部分学生对于“at+时间”掌握较好。学生对于英语的学习有兴趣,但在将词汇、句型和语境结合起来的过程中还需要更多的练习,需要平台将他们的知识点串起来,在语境中去运用。六、教学过程Step 1. Warming-up and lead-in.1. Greeting2. Listen to a song and say the jobs.(设计意图:歌曲导入,烘托氛围,通过歌曲复习一些学过的职业。)Step 2. Task presentationTo write:Who is the most beautiful people in your eyes.(设计意图:任务型教学,通过本课的学习完成一个小练笔,写一写心目中最美的职业)Step 3. Text learningA:Activity 1 learning T: Watch a video and answer two questions :(1) What does Daming do?(2) What does Damings cousin do? Ss: Daming is a student Damings cousin is a taxi driver.T: This alien is confused about am and pm. Who can help him? T; am= in the morning pm= in the afternoon.(设计意图:通过带着两个问题学习活动一,突破本课重点句式之一;is a以及复习am 和pm的用法。)B: Activity 2 learning1. Listen and choose.(1)What does Fangfangs father do? Hes _A. a policeman B. an actor C. a nurse. D. a driver(2)What time does Fangfangs father go to work?He goes to work at_A Eight oclock every morning B. 6 o clock every eveningC. 11 oclock every night D. half past every morning T:(Show the picture of Fangfangs father.)What does he do?Ss: He is an actor. 学习actor单词发音,了解c的发音,以及actor前需要用an的用法。同时进行扩充,了解男演员和女演员是两个不同的单词。T:What time does Fangfangs father go to work?S:He goes to work at 6 oclock every evening. 学习单词evening的发音,并区分evening和night的不同时间段。T: How about this job?S: Hes very busy.学习单词busy发音T: Where does he work? He works in a theater.(设计意图:此处整体听音,感知课文,回答两个有关fangfang的爸爸的职业的两个问题,并学习本课的三个单词,同时扩展和职业有关的另外两个问题,how 和where ,更进一步描述职业,为后面需要学习的三个职业做好准备。)2. Read and fill in the blanks.namejobgoes to workhow(设计意图:此处自读课文,填写有关fangfang妈妈职业的表格。)3Introduce Damings parents jobsDamings father is _He goes to work at_.He works in a _.Thats very_.Damings mother is _She _She works in a_.Thats very very _.(设计意图:通过同桌合作,自读课文,以填空的形式来介绍大明父母的职业。每个职业介绍四个方面:职业名称,工作时间,工作地点以及职业特点。) 4. Practice1. Listen and imitate.2. Retell the text.3. Look and say4. Play a game: introduce your parents(设计意图:通过听读课文,复述课文进一步巩固课文内容,通过看图说一说和游戏的环节,巩固所学句式: is a, goes to work at)Step 5. Task completion1. Read and anwser Firefighters are very dangerous. They live in the fire station. They go to work at any time. They put out the fire and save peoples lives in the fire. They also help people solve the other problems. So they are very important to the city.1. Whats the meaning of “firefighter”?A. 警察 B. 消防员 C. 火灾2. What do the firefighters do?A. Put out the fire. B. Save peoples livesC. Help people solve the other problems.D. A、B and C3. When do the firefighters go to work?_4. How about the firefighters?They are very _.2. Writing The most beautiful people_ are the most beautiful people in my eyes. They go to work at_. They work in_They_This job is very _.We should respect them. (设计意图:通过阅读练习,了解消防员这个职业,同时引入最近发生的四川凉山发生的森林火灾事件,引导孩子尊重理解每一种职业,接着教师给出句式,指导孩子进行小练笔的练习。)Step 6. A. Summary:T: What did we learn this class?B. Homework.必做:Try to retell the text.选做:To introduce your family.板书设计:Module 7 Unit 1
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