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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于王尔德简介英文】奥斯卡王尔德英文简介 奥斯卡王尔德,最宏大的作家与艺术家之一,以其剧作、诗歌、童话和小说著名。下面是我为你整理的关于王尔德简介英文,盼望对你有用! 奥斯卡王尔德简介 Oscar Wilde (1854 1900), born in the 19th century in the UK (in the case of Ireland, but then ruled by the British.) One of the greatest writers and artists, with his plays, poetry, fairy tales and fiction famous. Aestheticist figures, the main body of the aesthetic movement of the 1880s and the pioneers of the 90s decadent movement. 奥斯卡王尔德人物生平 Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, a family of outstanding family, is the second son of the family. His father, Sir William Wilde, was a surgeon whose mother was a poet and writer. In 1864, Oscar Wilde was at the Royal College of Putuo in the house of Ennis, and was not particularly popular among the boys. During school, he loves flowers, sunset and Greek literature. Although the teacher was often dismissed as lazy, but he was in the last year of this school is still on behalf of classical literature achievements of the best honor of the Toro Gold Medal. In 1871, the Dublin Trinity College Scholarship was awarded at the age of 17. He met Professor Mahaffi at this school, and the professor had a considerable influence on Wildes life. Many years later, he recalled that Mahafir was a very talkative person, an artist who was good at using eloquence and vivid words. After graduating from Trinity College in Dublin, Wilde received a full scholarship from the University of Oxford at Magdalen College in 1874. In Oxford, Wilde was influenced by Walter Pate and John Raskins aesthetic ideas and touched on the New Hegelian philosophy, Darwinian theory of evolution and the pre-Raphaelite work, which became a pioneer of his aestheticism The writer established the direction. After the publication of the first poem, he began to emerge in the literary world, and came to London development. Although the young Wilde has not yet received a literary award, but the clothing eye-catching, talk wit, maverick in London social circles have been a minor celebrity, some magazines and even published his satirical article. In 1875, Wilde traveled to Italy during the summer vacation and wrote one of the early poems San Miniato, San Miniato), but this poem was published only a few years later. In 1877, Oscar Wilde and the other two young people to accompany Mahafhe to Greece to travel, for the Greek natural landscape and exquisite buildings dumped, so linger, delayed class. After returning to Oxford, he was fined 45 by the school and the following year was fine for his academic excellence. In 1878, Oscar Wilde in the last year of Oxford in the last year is extremely beautiful, not only academic performance among the best, but also to poetry La Fenner to win a school poetry competition. The winning poems were financed by the school and became the first published works by Wilde. Wilde moved from Oxford to London, claiming to be a professor of aestheticism. In 1880, at this time Wilde has been cut out in the London social circle, clumsy magazine began to take his appearance joke. His first play Vera in the same year to complete, but no big response, and finally for political reasons did not staged in London. In 1881, by the Gilbert and Sullivan written by the aestheticist humorist Peas did not intend to bring a bad reputation for Wilde. Wang Erde poetry published in the same year, may be poet at their own expense. In 1882, Wilde made a wonderful tour in the United States, two years later he and Constance Lloyd (Constance Lloyd) love married, two sons Cyril (Cyril) and Vivian (Vyvyan) also Was born in 1885 and 1886. In 1887, Wilde became the executive editor of a womens magazine called Womens World (formerly known as Lady of the World, Oscar Wildes renamed), and published some of his novels, comments and poems in magazines. Wildes works are famous for their rhetoric and beauty. In May 1888, published Happy Prince and other stories. June 20, 1890, in the newspaper serial novel Dorian Grays portrait, lay the status of decadent artists. His first novel, The Portrait of Dorian Gray, was published in 1891. The opportunity for the creation of the novel was due to the fact that Wilde had visited a famous painter, and the male model of the painter was so young and beautiful. Sigh: Unfortunately, such a beautiful creature, or a day of aging. The painter replied: Yes ah, if you can make the painting he replaced him like old. Later, Wilde created the novel The Portrait of Dawn Gray, and Wilde, in order to thank the painter, named his painter in his name, and then he published the prose The Soul of Socialism Both of these works are very successful, but the real success for Wilde is his drama works.It can be said that each of his drama works are warmly welcomed, there is a period of time, London stage actually staged him Three of his works are known as the best comedy works since Sheridans rumor school. In 1895, Marquess of Queensberry
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