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一、绪论中医学 TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine),中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM,形成formation,发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory整体观 the whole concept, 辨证论治 syndrome differentiation and treatment第一章阴阳五行学说阴阳 Yin-yang ,阴阳的特性 the property of yin-yang阴阳之间的相互关系 Interaction between yin and yang阴阳对立制约 Opposition of yin and yang阴阳互根互用 Interdependence between yin and yang阴阳消长平衡 Wane and Wax between yin and yang阴阳相互转化 Mutual transformation between yin and yang阴阳学说在中医学中的应用The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM说明人体的组织结构 Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能 Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body阐释病理变化 Explanation of pathogenesis阴阳偏盛 Relative predominance of yin or yang阳偏盛 Relative predominance of yang阴偏盛 Relative predominance of yin阴阳偏衰 Relative decline of yin or yang阳偏衰 Relative decline of yang阴偏衰 Relative decline of yin五行 the five elements,五行特性 the five elements property第二章中医学的生理观藏象 “Zangxiang”五脏 five Zang-organs, 六腑 six fu-organs,生理功能 the physiological functions ,气 qi,血 blood ,津液 body fluid,气的生成、运动和分类 the production ,moving and classification of qi,血的生成和运彳亍 the production and circulation of blood津液的生成、输布和排泄 the production and transportation and metabolism of body fluid.气、血、津液的功能 The physiological functions of qi, blood and body fluid心 The heart,主血脉 Governing blood主神志 controlling the mind在体合脉 governs the vessels开窍于舌 opens into the tongue其华在面 External manifestation on the face肝 The liver,主疏泄 To dredge and regulate,主藏血 Storing blood在体合筋 The liver governing the tendons其华在爪 The external manifestation of the liver on the nails开窍于 目 The liver opening into the eyes脾 the spleen,主运化 To govern the transportation and transformation主统血 To command blood, 主升 elevating在体合肌肉,主四肢 the spleen governing the muscles and the four limbs开窍于口 The spleen opening into the mouth其华在唇 The external manifestation on the lip肺 The lung,主气,司呼吸 Dominating qi, controlling the respiratory movement主宣发、肃降 dispersing and descending通调水道 The regulation of water passage朝百脉、主治节 the lung is connected with all the vessels, regulation the qi activity in the whole body在体合皮 the lung governing the skin其华在毛 Eexternal manifestation on the body hair开窍于鼻 The lung opening into the nose肾 The kidney,藏精 store essence, 主水 To govern water, 主纳气 To govern reception of qi在体合骨 The kidney governing the bones开窍于耳及二阴 The kidney opening into the ears, the external genitals and the anus 其华在发 External manifestation on the hair胆 The gallbladder,贮藏和排泄胆汁 store and excrete the bile 胃 The stomach,受纳、腐熟水谷 receive and digest food主通降 the stomach functions to descend,unobstructed condition小肠 The small intestine, 受盛化物 To receive the chime and transform泌别清浊 To separate the lucid from the turbid大肠 The large intestine, 主传化糟粕 transmitting and excreting the waste of food 膀胱 The bladder , storing and discharging urine气的生成 The production of qi气的运动 The moving of qi气的功能 The physiological functions of qi 推动作用 Propelling function温煦作用 Warming function防御作用 Protecting and defencive function固摄作用 Fixating function气化作用 Qi-transforming function兀气 primordial qi,宗气 pectoral qi,营气 nutrient-qi,卫气 defensive qi第三章中医学的病理观病因 Causes of disease病因的概念及分类 concept, classification of causes of disease.六淫的概念 concept of six pathogenic factors;,六淫致病的共同特点 the general pathogenic characters of six pathogenic factors;六淫各自的性质与致病特点nature, pathogenic characters and main clinic manifestations of every six pathogenic factors(including wind, cold,Summer-heat,Dampness,Dryness,Heat (fire) 风 Wind其性开泄,易袭阳位 Wind tend to float, disperse, go upward attack the upper and outside parts风性善行而数变 wind tends to move and change风为百病之长,易夹杂其他外感之邪Wind tends to be complicated by otherpathogenic factors寒 Cold易伤阳气 Cold tends to impair yang寒性凝滞 Cold tends to coagulate寒性收引 Cold tends to contract暑 Summer-heat其性炎热 Summer-heat is hot暑性升散,耗气伤津 Summer-heat tends to disperse and elevate,consume the qi andbody fluid暑多夹湿 Summer-heat often complicated by dampness湿 Dampness湿性重浊 dampness is heavy and turbid湿易阻遏气机 dampness tends to block qi湿性黏滞 dampness is sticky and stagnant湿性趋下,易袭阴位 dampness tends to move downward, attack the lower and inside parts燥 Dryness燥易伤津 Dryness consume the body fluid燥性干涩 Dryness is xerotic and unsmooth燥易伤肺 Dryness tends to impair the lung火 Heat (fire)其性炎上 Heat(fire) tends to flame up易伤津耗气 Heat(fire) tends to consume qi and impair body fluid易生风动血 Heat(fire) tends to produce wind and disturb blood易致肿疡 Heat(fire) tends to cause swelling and ulceration七情内伤的概念、The concept of internal impairment due to the seven emotions, 七情致病的特点 the pathogenic characters of the seven emotions痰饮、瘀血的概念、形成及致病特点 The basic concept, the formation and the pathogenic characteristics of phlegm ,rheum and blood stasis痰饮 phlegm ,rheum 瘀血 blood stasis
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