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Unit 3 Text AI. Part Division of the Text PartsPara(s).Main Ideas1135In a fast-food restaurant, Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.236108In the Thompson family dining room, Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.3109130In an office at Heidis high school, Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official about how bright she was.II. Further Understanding 1. For Part 11. Group PresentationStudents work in pairs. One student tries to describe Heidis attitudes toward her father according to her speech at the very beginning of the play. Then the other student makes a speech to class.2. For Part 21. True or False1. Diane disliked Kyle and did not want to go to the senior prom with him. (= FDiane liked Kyle and wanted to go to the senior prom with him.)2. Mother thought the children should respect their father. (= T)3. Dan Lucas invited Father to have lunch at the French restaurant on Third Road. (= FFather invited Dan Lucas to have lunch at the French restaurant on Third Road.)4. Dan Lucas promised to ask his son to make a phone call to Diane because Father told him Diane was interested in his son. (= T)5. As an honor student, Diane was pleased with the result. (= FAs an honor student, Diane was humiliated with the result.)3. For Part 31. Group DiscussionStudents form groups of three to four, and find out what Father said in the office. Then find out the response of Heidi and Mrs. Higgins. Discuss why they seemed to have different topics and what they thought during the interview.(= In the office Father boasted to Mrs. Higgins how bright Heidi was. He listed several examples. He kept on talking even though Mrs. Higgins was not interested in the topic. He showed a typical example of a proud father.Mrs. Higgins wanted to get down to business and finished the interview. So her topics focused on the enrolment of a new student. As she was frequently interrupted by Father, she got impatient and a little annoyed. But she tried to be polite and not to hurt the feelings of a proud father.Heidi was embarrassed when her father boasted to Mrs. Higgins. She tried to stop her father, but her father ignored her. She couldnt understand her fathers pride.) III. Difficult Sentences1. (Title) “Father Knows Better”1. What does “Father knows better.” mean?(=“Father knows better.” or “Father, you know better than that.” literally means Father was wise enough not to do something. Actually it does not have this meaning. It means Father was not wise when he meddled with his childrens affairs.)2. How many times does this sentence occur in the text? What can you infer from the sentence?(=This sentence occurs six times in the text. The children said it satirically to show their disapproval of Fathers meddling with their affairs. )2. (LL.3940) “Im sure hes a good worker but a typical teenager, if you know what I mean.”1. What did Father mean by saying this?(=Father was proud of his son as he thought his son would work well, but he was a little worried that his son was a boy and he might make some mistakes in his work.)2. What was the managers response?(=As a young man, the manager didnt understand a fathers feeling, and showed no interests.)3. (LL.4243) “And I assure you that if there are any subjects that need to be addressed, Sean and I will have a man-to-man talk.”1. What is a man-to-man talk?(=A talk that takes place between two men, especially two men who need to discuss a serious personal matter.)2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=你放心,要是有什么问题需要解决的话,我和肖恩会开诚布公地谈一谈的。)4. (LL.6061) “If that sort of thing happened only once in a while, it wouldnt be so bad. Overall, I wouldnt want to trade my dad for anyone elses.”What can you infer from the sentence?(=Father was always meddling with his childrens affairs, and the children disliked it. However, the children loved Father and if he interfered with their affairs only once in a while, they could bear it. )5. (LL.9192) “Through clenched teeth, the words are in a monotone and evenly spaced.”Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=咬紧牙,一字一顿地说。)6. (L.134) “Why back in my day ”1. Paraphrase the sentence.(=Well, when I was young, we didnt behave like that.)2. What does the sentence imply?(=It implies a gap between the young generation and the older generation.)7. (L.138) “Get this over with, more likely.”1. What is the correct order of this sentence?(=It is more likely to get this over with. )2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=还不如说,是把这份罪受完算了。)8. (LL.166168) “And its not just one of us whove felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike”Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=不止我一个人深受他横加干预之苦。哦,绝非我一个人
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