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Unit2 The Olympic gamesUsing language -Zhang xianKnowledge aim:Enable students to learn about the fairy tales in ancient Greece.Ability aims:1. Develop students reading and writing ability.2. Enable students to learn to talk about interests and hobbies.Emotion aim:1. Develop students sense of cooperative learning.2. Students can express their interests.Teaching importance:1. Develop students reading and writing ability.2. Enable students to learn about the fairy tales in ancient Greece.Teaching difficulties:1. Enable students to learn to talk about interests and hobbies.2. Students can write down a composition to express their interests and hobbies.Teaching methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning.2. Cooperative learning.3. Discussion.Teaching procedures:Step1.Lead-inT: In this unit, we have learned something about the Olympic Games. When it comes to the Olympic Games, which country will you think of first?Ss: Greece.T: yes, the Olympic Games come from Greece. Besides it, do you know what Greece is famous for?Ss: Greece is famous for its fairy tales.T: Do you know any stories or persons in ancient Greece? Lets learn about some of them.Zeus(宙斯)king of godsApollo阿波罗:God of Sun Athena雅典娜Goddess of Wisdom the Greek Goddess of Love-Hera 赫拉小爱神爱罗斯(Eros) (罗马名字邱比特 Cupid)this class, lets learn the story of Atlanta from Greek fairy tales.Step 2.reading1.Skimming: 1).Who was Atlanta? She was a Greek princess.2).What was she good at? She was good at running3).Who did she want to marry? She wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her. 4).How could Hippomenes win Atlanta? He asked for help from the Greek Goddess of love . The Goddess gave him three golden apples to attract Atlantas attention and make her slow down.2.Main idea:A. This story is about a princess who races because she does not want to marry.B. This story is about a princess and a man who agree to marry.C. This story is about a man who cheats to marry a princess.D. This story is about how a Goddess helps a man marry a princess.3. Decide whether the statements are true or false1)She practiced running to compete in the Olympic Games. F2)At first Hippomennes understood why men ran against Atlanta. F3)Atlanta was not sure she could win. F4)She was so angry about the fact that she could not run in the Olympics T5)She made as many men as she could share her pain. T6)Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympics. T7)He did not refuse her wish to choose her husband in a race. T4.Brainstorm: Do you want to know what happened during their race and who won the race at last? You can imagine the rest of the story by using your imagination and creativity.Step 3. Writing 1.Atlantas favourite sport was running. What is your favourite sport? Give reasons why you like it so much. Think about: u How you became interested in that sportu Your favourite athlete/player u What you do to improve your skill2.Write down your favourite sport using the outline above. The sentence patterns below may be helpful. I like because I became interested in it when At the age ofI showed great interest in My favourite footballer/sportsman is I like him/her because I often practice it/Whenever I have time In the future I hope to /I really want to bewhen I grow up.3.Useful expressions: in ones spare time take part in do good to keep fit/healthy keep energetic have the chance to do make friends be helpful to4.Sentences: 1.我最喜欢的运动是篮球。My favourite sport is basketball.2.这是一项受欢迎的运动。许多人都喜欢在业余时间打篮球。 It is a popular sport. Many people like to play it in their spare time.3. 当我10岁的时候我开始对篮球感兴趣。 I became interested in it when I was 10. 4.我之所以喜欢它是因为它能给我带来许多乐趣。 I like it because it can bring me much fun. 5.打篮球对人的健康有好处。 Playing basketball does good to peoples health.6.经常打篮球可以使人保持健康,精力充沛。 Often playing basketball can help people keep fit and energetic.7.打篮球可以有机会交朋友。 Playing basketball can help people get the chance to make friends. 8.我最喜欢的篮球运动员是姚明,因为他打得好而且为国家赢得很多荣誉。 My favorite player is Yaoming. I like him because he was skillful and won glories for our country.9.我希望将来我能加入国家篮球队. In the future, I hope to join the Chinese national team. 10.我每天早上练习打篮球。 I practice it every day in the morning11.我希望更多的人能够参加篮球运动。 I hope more people can take part in playing basketball.5.Write a composition using some linking words, such as: as we all know, in fact, whats more, so, as well as Of all the sports, my favourite sport is basketball. As we all know, basketball is a popular sport, which many people like to play in their spare time.I became interested in it when I was 10. I like it because it can bring me much fun. In fact, playing basketball does good to peopl
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