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【1213-1学期2011级大学英语第2次网络测试(各专业、级别通用)】测试总分:100分【】的测试概况:(得分:100分)1。单选题: They are sure they have all the facts they need to _ the existence of a black hole. A。 obtain B。 maintain C. display D. verify 解答:D2。单选题: Of all the soldiers they had the _ of being the fiercest, the most patriotic, the toughest。 A。 recognition B。 reservation C. recreation D。 reputation 解答:D3.单选题: His latest piece of work was _ by a song he heard on the radio。 A. released B。 inspired C. assessed D。 composed 解答:B4。单选题: The swimming pool is so _ that its safe for small children. A。 stable B. smooth C。 superficial D。 shallow 解答:D5。单选题: The company has _ over the years into a multi-million dollar organization。 A. involved B。 resolved C. evolved D. revolved 解答:C6。单选题: In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe _ Europe into a great war。 A. imposed B. pitched C。 inserted D. plunged 解答:D7.单选题: You are not helping your child if you try to _ him from every danger。 A. avoid B. shade C。 shield D. conceal 解答:C8.单选题: The thief tried to open the locked door but _。 A。 in no way B. in vain C. at a loss D. without effect 解答:B9.单选题: Very few scientists _ completely new answers to the worlds problems. A。 catch up with B。 come up with C. keep up with D. put up 解答:B10。单选题: She was very _; she cried even when her husband left for another city on business。 A。 sensitive B. indifferent C。 reluctant D. emotional 解答:D11。单选题: The children performed a very _ dance for their parents. A。 precise B。 smart C。 graceful D. successive 解答:C12。单选题: Many people save money to _ for their old age。 A. supply B。 offer C。 provide D。 yield 解答:C13.单选题: We finally managed to _ the committees approval of our plans. A。 secure B。 arouse C。 exert D。 execute 解答:A14。单选题: I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite _。 A。 arbitrary B。 rational C. mechanical D。 unpredictable 解答:A15.单选题: Thousands of people died of starvation during the _ in that African country。 A. objection B。 poverty C。 consumption D。 famine 解答:D16.单选题: While studying he was financially dependent _ his wife。 A。 to B。 of C。 on D。 from 解答:C17。单选题: The dogs collar was so _ that it came off over his head。 A. loose B。 slight C。 broad D。 excessive 解答:A18。单选题: Stone does not _, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace。 A。 crack B。 decay C. destroy D。 crush 解答:B19。单选题: In the _ paragraph some comments had been made of it. A。 proceeding B。 preceding C. progressing D。 processing 解答:B20。单选题: Some of his suggestions have been adopted but others have been turned _ as they are quite impracticable。 A。 away B。 back C。 out D. down 解答:D21。单选题: As I had earlier made up my mind to run for governor, I could not _。 I must go on with the fight。 A. vary B. withdraw C。 undergo D。 discard 解答:B22.单选题: Mr。 Bloom is not _ now, but he will be famous someday。 A. significant B. dominant C。 magnificent D. prominent 解答:D23.单选题: Do you believe these two _ friends used to be bitter enemies? A。 intimate B。 emotional C。 intense D。 supreme 解答:A24。单选题: Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. A。 went up B. went down C。 went out D. went about 解答:D25。单选题: American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle。 A. ignored B。 refused C. neglected D。 denied 解答:D26.单选题: Four people were seriously _ in an accident on the motorway。 A。 damaged B。 harmed C. injured D. wounded 解答:C27。单选题: Being named the best athlete of the year was an important _ in the baseball players life。 A. segment B. ingredient C。 contribution D。 episode 解答:D28.单选题: Each of them had a different _ of what actually happened, but hers was by far more believable。 A。 message B. theory C。 version D. comment 解答:C29。单选题: Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey。 A。 scratched B。 bitten C。 stuck D. stung 解答:B30.单选题: His parents no longer worry about him. He has a good job and can live _ his own now。 A。 at B. by C。
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