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2015年铜仁市中考导学 谢贞江 2014.7第.部分 话题与书面表达专项训练话题一. 个人情况假如你是林华,你从报纸上看到梵净七日游志愿者的招聘广告。请你用英文写封简短的应聘信,介绍自己的情况(见下表)表示愿意为旅行社做一些力所能及的工作,请旅行社给予考虑,并能尽早予以答复,词数:80词左右。姓名林华年龄15简历我市某中学学生爱好绘画、体育、唱歌、演讲、英语口语获奖情况20l4年5月获我市中学生英语演讲比赛一等奖身体状况健康联系电话0856-7371088要求: 1.文章必须涵盖所有内容要点,参考词汇可以选择运用。2.此题具有开放性,考生可以围绕提示的语言要点适当发挥,力求言之成句。3.力求阐述内容要点,词数80词左右。4. 文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。词汇:read; ad. work as为工作 ; write to; volunteer; the tour of Mount Fanjing; a middle school student; hobby; such as; win the first prize; match; healthy and strong ; try ones best ; reply to; telephone number.句型:1. Im writing to tell you that Id like to; 2. I am proud that I won3. If I am lucky enough to., I will try my best to do sth.Sir/Madam,I read your ad. in the newspaper yesterday. Im writing to tell you that Id like to work as a volunteer for Shanghai Expo in 2010. My name is Lin Hua. Im sixteen. I have many hobbies, such as drawing, sports, singing, speeches, and spoken English. I am proud that I won the first prize in our citys English Speech Contest for Middle School Student in December, 2007.In fact Im healthy and strong.If I am lucky enough to become a volunteer, I will try my best to do this job well. Please reply to me soon. My telephone number is 05941356666. Yours sincerely Lin Hua练习一. 你是一个篮球爱好迷、假如你在次外出期间碰到一些外国朋友,请你向他们介绍进入NBA美国球队的中国球员易建联的情况。易建联生日1987.10.27出生地广东身高2.12米经历2003年他成为大学生college)2000年1月入选中国国家篮球队(National Basketball Team)2007年7月进入美国NBA,继姚明后的第二个中国球员爱好他喜欢听流行音乐、玩电脑。其他现在还在努力学习英语。要求: 1.文章必须涵盖所有内容要点,主题鲜明、语句通顺、意思连贯、可适当发挥。2. 拼写正确、书写工整。力求言之成句字数80左右。3. 文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。词汇: player; be born; meter; college student ; play for; in ones spare time, s listen to ; play computer games.句型: 1. sb. be from; 2.Sb. be born on ; 3.He was chosen to play for the National Basketball .4. sb. like doing sth.; try ones best to do sth._ 话题二. 家庭、朋友与周围的人.你校英语学习与交流活动中心将举办一次感恩活动 , 请用英语介绍你的至亲, 恩师,好友或学校。请你根据以下内容要点, 介绍你可亲可敬的妈妈。内容及要点:1.年龄,外貌特征(tall, short, beautiful等可自由发挥)。2.个性品质(kind, friendly, wise, patient(honest, get on well with,outgoing, easygoing等可自由发挥).3生活实例.要求: 1.文章必须涵盖所有内容要点,参考词汇可以选择运用。2.此题具有开放性,考生可以围绕提示的语言要点适当发挥,力求言之成句。3.力求阐述内容要点,词数80词左右。4. 文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。开头, 结尾己给出, 不计入总词汇。词汇: tall; short; beautiful; kind; friendly; wise; patient; honest; get on well with; outgoing; easygoing; do housework; fail in a exam; make a mistake; encourage; wash feet; flower; give sb. a hug(拥抱).句型: I help my mom to; she wont get angry if I; she is happy if I;I love and I give her ; she works so hard that I My mom is about years old. She is tall with white hair. She is a housewife. She is really a nice and kind mother.My mom is friendly, wise and patient. She teaches me how to be a man and how to study. She will be very happy if I study hard. However, she wont get angry if I dont do anything too perfectly. instead, she encourages me to do better next time. When I am in a bad mood, she always cheers me up.I love my mom very much, so I give her a big hug when I get home from school. My mom works so hard that I wash feet for her every evening of weekends.I love my mom and Im sure she is the best mom in the word .练习二. 爸爸妈妈给了你无限的爱,你肯定把这份深情牢记在心.而你是否曾经用适当的方式表达过爸爸妈妈的爱呢?请以 “Love For My Parents” 为题写一篇英语短文,记叙你为爸爸或妈妈做过的一件事情 , 以表达对他们的情感.注意:1词数不少于80词。2所给要点必须写完整、层次清晰、语法无误、上下文意思连贯。 3文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。词汇 :get up earlier; than usual ; wash;go to the kitchen; prepared breakfast ; put a notice card ;beside; before; get up ;birthday ;give sb. a special gift; breakfast make the card ; by myself; say; “Happy birthday, mom ! I love you very much!”; come back; school ; wait for; With a smile ; wonderful gift; like; 句型: 1.I get up as. as usual; thank you for.; 2.I went to the kitchen and .; 3.I went to school before.; It was moms birthday and I wanted to.a nice breakfast; 4. it said, “Happy birthday, mom ! I lo
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