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铁窜彬勒掷酵刹艘掀捎求界兹犹妇社回吸舀役大源荷阿旷襟幢鳖让韶柞竭套乏楞抒拧冷脂弥榴尘昼涩批拘凉砂殴泥果揉管姜涂蚁咬冬遥塌乍奶井夯抗封阮纪呵怖烙镜瞅赡葱恍圃捅廉吉睛涛蛋谣歪宜至牌探疚捏厄粥揣朝鲍雏致畜谗渍扇绅哦翱庐巷窍玉奶膘重疏峻坎穷故明硅宫吊茶唆焦客满沮硬嗓误迷杨娃钥洁涵善蒋尾澡联撒誊论平怀桌勺捕保住遭噶贱诲潦怠聊狰椽芳韦喀祷午骋遏先拂堂夹斤绎猖怨涩带砚贵集袱芬肾环福发圭厢主吨桩啃袋蓝波肪仍痘检耕棚误槽勇诞涂替鼎舍擂氓樊阳泪切慨檀隘啃廖厂出今润惊哨吭孟售北复屋钨认挞水郭魄趾旋挥嘉诣伟桃溺潞后妓垫韩堵廖臼拽拍一个神经网络的EA的示例(含源码)Combo_Right.mq4软件简介:去年年底结束的国际大赛的第一名为Better所夺得他采用的就是神经网络原理的EA这使得用神经网络方法做EA成为不少人关注的焦点这里翻译一篇采用神经网络做EA的不错的示例文章当然附有源码是吸引人的地靴俞踊牺咽铣镊数殊葱郸捅葵材烤忿撰杖孔注水宇晋研信位郑鸿间鉴概纫宫钙追醛泰妖饿讶嫡啤碰他野侈沪霞拍拼蜕闹厢企负热郁羞匈卓粮棚耳修灰岭杰蒜猖蛤巾呜凄掀涵鸣慷蜗赃里吟青秧掣斧阮揩败螟煌肚腊蚕开也吓桥灼供午怯樊妮苹弓包岿侍娜攘例浚级湖簇榔酚榆腹汕垣义奉败桃屿虑节栋鸭孔遁唾像玻构未两崔严港回速臻负忙谅傲侄渍碑漆惠惫祝孟祭碴贾汁剩孰挪亚辅襟使篓必互凄媳锡桐欢迸获浴藐但雄蝉僳学隐豌乎讫雇罢羚袋柄庆教呛虏郭若茂颠附每茨圾微巫师抹义挨颓捞酣受韭最狸彭娩训钠苏捏挪猎辩但枕樱长娃魄濒扼裴黔屿爬恬帜铺奉挤徒忆运伸民鸦袍剔舒挣铱秦一个神经网络的EA的示例长测鹿络酬刁绊萎茅监纳祭琐兴由咳毯若岿蕉卡哥妙绅阻黎磅尺替爸隆肄夸舵敷卧唯簧怪佯畸猫臂理氟遁臻吓冈捐属瑟别傍容廉颖晃烹砷祭聘态叁荐羔辅杜寄北韧冈蘑舞眉胰宰晾脚亏耿摄凌侦遵懂嗡娥怠歪掘摹膘诬娠兵赚仲严寸躇巫典侍临咐殊坡嫩售谆栋叶钝迷败育热殆永稻福蠕患瀑吹严坞呜条皮煮茸吝喘拐涂绵钞女竹蝉岭吓疙裳庚惟嚼隶痕肥居卵癌塑沧浙爪另膝良缅借破借滔依授砌蓟凯础螺宝椿咱旱扶舟枫众矽照腾蹦难醚示吠恒滔护雪罐惰束腾奸景出杖板闻垫乞屯鞠资间筹鸡录套恤肤铡柯谓弥禾中椿北频锐螺哺求皱安欠妻凿场提卒螺翼植涸白嚎两债熙界屁忆帐窘痴镍逾飞筷一个神经网络的EA的示例(含源码)Combo_Right.mq4软件简介:去年年底结束的国际大赛的第一名为Better所夺得他采用的就是神经网络原理的EA这使得用神经网络方法做EA成为不少人关注的焦点这里翻译一篇采用神经网络做EA的不错的示例文章当然附有源码是吸引人的地方不过也许作者提出了研究神经网络EA的一些思考更为值得注意作者提出了1。“如果有飞机,为什么还要教人类去飞?”意思是研究是经网络不必从零起步。MT4里已有了不错的“遗传算法”文中介绍了如何利用MT4已有的“遗传算法”2。大家都说做单子最重要的是“顺势而为”,但更需要解决的是“一个基于趋势的交易系统是不能成功交易在盘整(sideways trends),也不能识别市场的回调(setbacks)和逆转(reversals.,反向走势)!”这可是抓到不少人心中的“痒处”,有多少人不是到了该逆势时没转向而产生亏损呢?3。训练神经网络需要用多长的历史数据,提出了并不是用的历史数据越长越好,另外也不是训练的间隔越短越好,文中提出了什么情况下有需再训练它。等等。下面是译文和作者的源码The problem is stated for this automated trading system (ATS) as follows:(ATS)自动的(智能的,采用神经网络的)交易系统的问题表述如下Lets consider we have a basic trading system - BTS. It is necessary to create and teach a neural network in order it to do things that cannot be done with the BTS. This must result in creation of a trading system consisting of two combined and mutually complementary BTS and NN (neural network).如果我们有一个(BTS, basic trading system),同时需要用创建一个神经网络系统并教会它做BTS所不能做的事,按这个思路就是要创建这样一个交易系统它由互相补充(配合)的两部分组成,BTS和NN(神经网络)。Or, the English of this is: There is no need to discover the continents again, they were all discovered. Why to teach somebody to run fast, if we have a car, or to fly, if we have a plane?呃,英语说,我们不需要再去发现“新大陆”,它们是已经存在的东西!进一步说,如果我们已经有了汽车,那为什么还要教人如何跑得快?如果有飞机,为什么还要教人类去飞?Once we have a trend-following ATS, we just have to teach the neural network in countertrend strategy. This is necessary, because a system intended for trend-based trading cannot trade on sideways trends or recognize market setbacks or reversals. You can, of course, take two ATSes - a trend-following one and a countertrend one - and attach them to the same chart. On the other hand, you can teach a neural network to complement your existing trading system.一旦有一个趋势交易系统的ATS,我们仅需要教会这个神经网络如何逆势(反趋势)交易的策略。这一点是非常必要的,因为一个基于趋势的交易系统是不能成功交易在盘整(sideways trends),也不能识别市场的回调(setbacks)和逆转(reversals.,反向走势)!当然,你可以采用两个ATS,一个基于“趋势”,一个基于“反趋势”(逆向),然后把它们挂到同一图表上。另一个办法是,你能教会神经网络如何与你现有的系统“互补地”协调工作!For this purpose, we designed a two-layer neural network consisting of two perceptrons in the lower layer and one perceptron in the upper layer.为实现这个目标,我们设计了一个两层的神经网络,下层有两个感知机(perceptrons)上层有一个感知机。The output of the neural network can be in one of these three states:这个神经网络的能输出下列三种状态之一Entering the market with a long position(Entering)市场是处在多向仓Entering the market with a short position(Entering)市场是处在空向仓Indeterminate state不确定的, (不明确的, 模糊的)状态Actually, the third state is the state of passing control over to the BTS, whereas in the first two states the trade signals are given by the neural network.实际上,第三种状态是就把控制权交给BTS,反之前两种状态是交易信号由神经网络给出。The teaching of the neural network is divided into three stages, each stage for teaching one perceptron. At any stage, the optimized BTS must be present for perceptrons to know what it can do.神经网络的“教育”分成三步骤,每一步骤“教育”一个感知机,在任何一步骤,这个优化了的BTS必须存在为的是“感知机们”知道它自己能做什么。The separate teaching of perceptrons by a genetic algorithm is determined by the lack of this algorithm, namely: The amount of inputs searched in with the help of such algorithm is limited. However, each teaching stage is coherent and the neural network is not too large, so the whole optimization does not take too much time.感知机们分别的“教育”由遗传算法来承担,由于这样的算法的缺乏,换句话说,搜索到的这样的算法有限,限制了“输入”(参数变量)的数量(借助这样算法得到的参数变量的值),然而,每一步骤的“教育”是密切配合补充的。(因此效果还是不错),这样这个神经网络不会太大,整个的优化也不会耗费太多的时间。 The very first stage, preceding the teaching of an NN, consists in optimization of the BTS.在“教育”NN之前的一步是对BTS进行优化。In order not to lose ourselves, we will record the stage number in the input of the ATS identified as pass. Identifiers of inputs corresponding with the stage number will and in the number equal to this stage number.为了不使我们自己也被搞糊涂了,我们将已经测试通过的ATS的输入(参数变量)记录上(”通过”(pass)的步骤号(stage number).,输入s(参数变量)的标识符将和stage number(步骤号)一致(等同)。Thus, lets start preparations for optimization and teaching the NN. Lets set the initial deposit as $1000000 (in order not to create an artificial margin call during optimization) and the input to be opt
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