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四年级第一学期英语单词比赛试题(测试时间:40分钟 满分100分)一、根据中文意思写出相应的单词。(24分)1、音乐_ 2、语文_ 3、今天_ 4、碗碟_ 5、跳舞_ 6、地板_ 7、星期一_ 8、星期_ 9、起床_ 10、回家_ 11、时间_ 12、谈话_13、想_ 14、想要_ 15、吉他_ 16、忙碌的_ 17、飞机_ 18、涂颜色_19、擦 20、鼻 21、喜欢 22、做作业 23、洗碗碟 24、扫地 二、写出下列单词的中文。(10分)1、tomorrow 2、Tuesday 3、science 4、fold 5、touch、 6、exercise 7、Thursday 8、lake 9、wake up 10、have breakfast 三、将下列字母重新组成一个新单词,注意单词的书写形式。(12分)1. u,m,c,i,s_ 2. a,t,m,h 3. i,t,p,n,a 4. u,o,h,m,t 5. l,l,b,a 6.p,e,e,l,s 7. h,u,s,o,t, _ 8 . t,a,r _ 9. y,e,e 10. k,r,w,o 11. r,o,l,f,o 12. d,n,a 四、写出下列单词的现在分词。(9分)如: paint painting1. run _ 2. shout_ 3. exercise_ 4. write_ 5. swim_ 6. cut 7. dance_ 8. read_ 9. do 五、选出下列单词的反义词或对应的词,把编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1. girl A. boy B. mom( )2. under A. in B. on( )3. go A. come B. get( )4.close A. touch B. open( )5. sad A. play B. happy( )6. these A. there B. those ( ) 7. short A. tall B. small( )7. black A. white B. green( )8. hot A. cold B. cool( )9. small A. pig B. big( )10. this A. the B. that六、根据句子的意思,选词填空,把相应的单词编号写在括号里。(10分)A. sweeping B. washing C. table D. windows E. readF. paint G. violin H. basketball I. hands J. mouths( ) 1. I like playing .( ) 2. I am playing the .( ) 3. Jenny is the floor.( ) 4. Tony is the clothes.( ) 5. We can in English class.( ) 6. We in art class.( ) 7. We talk with our .( ) 8. We write with our .( ) 9. I clean the on Sunday morning.( ) 10. There is an apple on the . 七、看图,读单词,把相应的单词编号写在括号里。(15分)A. eye B. study C. tennis D. twenty E. chopsticks F. have dinner G. toy bear H. tigerI. get home J. feet K. think L. elephant M. knife N. basketball O. computer game ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八、选出下列单词的同类词。(10分)( ) 1. drum A. desk B. guitar C. car( ) 2. foot A. arm B. cook C. close( ) 3. forty A. bear B. fish C. fifteen( ) 4. clean A. open B. today C. week( ) 5. art A. science B. swim C. lake( ) 6. Saturday A. today B. birthday C. Monday( ) 7. floor A. plane B. window C. think( ) 8. bear A. dish B. fish C. head( ) 9. brother A. father B. family C. friend( ) 10. noodle A. kite B. rice C. soccer1
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