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英语备课大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】冀教版精品英语资料(精校版)冀教版 六年级上册Lesson 3 Making Breakfast教学目标1知识与技能目标:a. 复习食物类单词,并能使用What would you like for breakfast? Id like _. 来谈论自己想吃的早餐,进行口语交际。b. 能通过短文阅读了解中西方食物的差异,并进行简单的总结复述。 2情感态度目标:a. 能为父母制作简单的早餐,或帮助父母制作早餐,做孝顺的好孩子。b. 拓展国际视野,了解不同的中西食物。 3学习策略目标: a. 积极与同伴合作,能够运用所学的知识与他人讨论早餐。 b. 能够在思维导图的帮助下进行简单的口语输出。教学重点1学习四会单词(听懂、会说、认读,书写):breakfast, half, table, put.2掌握新句子(会听、会说):What would you like for breakfast? Id like.教学难点: 中西文化对比的文章理解。教具学具 食物类单词卡片,早餐制作食材。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图创设情境 激发兴趣Good morning. How are you?Heres a video for you.Which meal do they have? Lets spell breakfast. Today were going to learn lesson 3 “Making Breakfast”.Who makes breakfast in your family?Yes, your parents love you very much. Now youre big kids, you can help them. Today lets learn to make breakfast for parents.Watch the video.Breakfastb-r-e-a-k-f-a-s-tMy mother/father.视频内容紧扣主题breakfast,直接把学生引到了今天的课中来。创设情景,同时渗透情感教育。以旧代新初步感知What food do you remember for breakfast? T: Ive got some food in my bag. (边拿边说)Wow, delicious food. Id like some bread. (边说边拿)What would you like for breakfast?Sandwiches are western food. Here you are.Please ask your friend, please.Pair work, please.I know bread.I know学生跟着一起说Id like a sandwich.Thank you.What would you like for breakfast?Id like an egg.Pair work.Show.在情景中回顾食物单词,唤起学生的旧知。以旧词带新句,What would you like for breakfast? Id like _. 课文学习随文理解What would Li Ming and Jenny like for breakfast?What would Li Ming like for breakfast?What would Jenny like for breakfast?Mrs. Smith is making breakfast for them.Lets listen and follow.Whats this?Look, heres some juice.The juice is in the fridge.This is Jennys fridge.Whats in your fridge?Wow, you made a fridge. Wonderful. I like your fridge. And I love the food. Can I have some food?Id like some bread and milk, please.Put them on my dishes, please. Thank you.Look, this is a dish. These are dishes.Jenny and Li Ming put some dishes on the table.Go on listening. Im Mrs. Smith. Who wants to be Li Ming / Jenny?Lets read. Listen, choose and write.Hed like some bread, eggs and juice.Shed like some milk and bread. Listen, follow and learn.This is the fridge.Fridge, fridge. This is the fridge.One by one.The juice is in the fridge.S1: The_ is/are in the fridge. S2: I want to show my PPT. This is a fridge. The _is/are in the fridge. There is/are _in the fridge.S3: I want to show my fridge. S3: Theres _in the fridge. The _is in the fridge.S3: What would you like?S3: Here you are.One by one.分角色朗读课文Group work Show从课本中走到生活中,将知识与学生的生活联系起来。拓展场景初步运用选择任务分层展示 T: Next day is coming. Im Mrs. Smith. (穿围裙)Mrs. Smith: Its half past seven. Time for breakfast. Jenny, Li Ming, what would you like for breakfast?Mrs. Smith: For me?Mrs. Smith: Id like a sandwich and some juice, please. Mrs. Smith: Very delicious. Thank you. I love you. Exercise 1: Act the dialogues on P6. Exercise 2: Make a new dialogue. S1-Jenny S2-Li MingJenny: Mum, what would you like for breakfast?Li Ming: Today well make breakfast for you.Jenny and Li Ming: What would you like for breakfast?Jenny: Im making the sandwich.Li Ming: This is the fridge. The juice is in the fridge.Jenny: Lets put some dishes on the table.Li Ming: Breakfast is ready.Jenny: Lets eat, Mum.Group work to act.Show.现场示范,体验深刻,为最后的输出任务作铺垫,同时进行情感渗透。延伸拓展文化渗透Some people like Chinese food. These are traditional Chinese food for breakfast.The Robins family are making the traditional English food for breakfast. What food can you see? English food is western food.Chinese food and Western food are different. Do you know the differences between them? Lets read.Check answer.Read it again and complete the thinking map. Check answer.Look at the mind map. Lets talk about the differences between Chinese food and western food. Practice to talk about the differences between Chinese food and western food.Who wants to have a try? I think Chinese food is the best. There is a TV program called A Bite of China. Its very famous. It introduces Chinese food to people all over the world. So the national one is the international one. The winner is Team 2. Congratulati
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