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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!牛津英语8A新课标期中调查测试卷五Unit 1-3一、听录音,找出合适的应答句(5分)( ) 1. A. I like school very much. B. Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. C. I dont think so. School is a good place to live in.( ) 2. A. It doesnt snow very often here, and I dont mind the rain. B. I usually walk to school because I like walking. C. About five kilometers, I guess.( ) 3. A. So our school basketball team needs your support. B. Because I dont like Beijing Amusement Park. C. Im afraid thats not a good idea. Some of us went there yesterday.( ) 4. A. Ok, I wont. B. Yes, youre quite right. C. Oh, Im not.( ) 5. A. Yes, I think so. B. The trip took two hour. C. They look lovely on me.二、听录音,选出正确答案(5分)( ) 1. A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years.( ) 2. A. Rainy. B. Rainy and cloudy. C. Sunny.( ) 3. A. $ 18 B. $ 36 C. $ 20( ) 4. A. She is not interested it. B. Shes too busy to go. C. She hasnt got any tickets.( ) 5. A. Some bread, much juice and lots of meat.B. Some rice, two bottles of orange juice and a lot of meat.C. Some milk, a bottle of juice and some meat.三、听短文,选出最佳答案(10分)( ) 1. The old womans house was _. A. in a little town B. in a village C. in a big city( ) 2. When Bill came back again ten years later, the old woman felt _. A. surprised B. very sorry C. very sad( ) 3. The old woman had dinner with Bill because _. A. he helped her with the house work B. he was her son C. he was hungry( ) 4. Why did the old woman told the young man take some potatoes? _. A. She hoped him to plant some potato plants B. She thought he would be hungry again. C. She let him become a good farmer.( ) 5. What do you think of the old woman? She was_. A. a danger woman B. very poor C. very kind第二部分: 笔试部分一、词汇(15分) A. 根据首字母或中文提示写单词。1. The p look just like the real ones in Egypt.2. In some areas in China, students wear school u_ every day.3. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the b_of the park there.4. How many _(语言)are there in the world?5. The old man is as_(不受欢迎的)as his wife. B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I think swimming is not as _( interest) as hiking.2. I moved into a new school last week. It is a _( mix) school.3. We all got off the coach _( quick) when we got there. 4. This digital camera is much _ (expensive) than that one, right?5. _( wolf) wont survive if we dont give them enough areas.C. 用动词的适当形式填空。1. He would like to be a social worker when he _( grow) up.2. He said he wanted to go to the Peoples Park if he _ _( have) time the next week.3. She was about 10 kilograms and started _ ( go) outside her home.4. What _ hunters _ (do) if they catch a giant panda?5. We are writing to you about _( protect) wild animals.二、单项选择(15分)( ) 1. Is there _ about animals on the Internet? A.special something B.something special C.special anything D.anything special( ) 2. The sun _rises in the east. A.always B.often mes ( ) 3. The _ is about $ 50 per person. A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay( ) 4. They will make it _for everyone. A.really fun day B.a really fun day C.really funny day D. a really funny day( ) 5.You can see the hospital_the road. A. in the end of B.by the end of C.in the end D.at the end of( ) 6. _it rained,_the football match was put off. A.Because,so B.Because of, / C.Because, / D. As, so( ) 7. I think you should not buy clothes_ animals fur. A. made of B. be made of C. making of D. is made of( ) 8. _, they got a lot of presents for their party. A. On the beginning B. At beginning C. In beginning D. At the beginning( ) 9.They are_at the_news. A.excited,excited B.excited, exciting C. exciting, exciting D. exciting,excited( ) 10. You can go to the World Park _ underground. A. or B. by C. with D. in( ) 11. My school has _teachers than Johns school , but _than Daniels. A. more, less B. many more, fewer C. more, fewer D. fewer, fewer( ) 12. _, we go to a reading club. A. On every Sunday B. Every Sunday C. In Sunday morning D. At the Sunda
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