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22 12220092Vol 22 Na IFeb 2009URBAN ENV RONVI ENT & URBAN ECOLOGY(9,300191)NOX129 m6973 mNO.NO.30 mNOTOP:2008-05- 22:2009-01-0522 12220092Vol 22 Na IFeb 2009:2008-05- 22:2009-01-0522 12220092Vol 22 Na IFeb 2009:X32: A: (K) 09088(1002- 1264) (2009 ) 01-0022 - 03A ssessn en tM ethod of En vironm en ta I hi pactan d bn pact Pred ictbn of Au tom obile Exhaust h TunnelZHANG Ze-sheng. GE Shi-liang. ZHANGLu(Tianjin Enviioimental Inpact A ssessnent Center. Tianjin 300191, China)Abstract: Based on a tunnel ER cport ii)Tianjin the calculating method ofNOx ami ision rate in the tunnel was intioduccd and (he dijpcrsbn cone ent rat bn ofNO2 waspcdictcd by Gauss model The icsult showed tliat tlicNO concentration would exceed the standaid GB3095 1996 widiin the liorbontal range of 129 meters from the stack and leewaid betveen 69 meters and 73 meters high The dijpersbn concentratbn of NO2 was predicted near the tunnel portal with TOP model the NO. concentration from the tunnel portal leeward b the distance of 30 meters would exceed the standard CB 3095-1996 So die con tiol method of air pollutant wasp imiotedKey words: tunnel; air pollutant; ElA22. 112800 m.Mobilc52400 m;10 m.30m,62011228III9in.30%400 m,/s.70%NOX5200/h.60(III)km /h.35%,65%,= 65: 19: 16():2008-05- 22:2009-01-052323NO2,NO2 =NOX 0. 815NO2|mg/ (mNOx(mg/m); Ai(/h).i = 1.2.3.N0?1;(1)s):1( )(kg/h)(kg/d)(t/a)& 94101. 5937. 086i 177Q 1125. 59(m)1251261271281291301311A213313465a 180 180 180 180 180 180 17ft 170. 17Q 1766a 200 200 200 200 190 190 19ft 190. 19Q 1867ft 220 220 210 210 210210 20ft 200.20a 2068a 230 230 230 220 220 220 22ft 210.21Q21ff)0 240 240. 240公0 230 230 22ft 220.22a 22700 250 250. 240.240. 240 230 23ft 230.22Q22710 250 250. 240.240. 240 230 23ft 230.22Q 22720 250 240. 240.240 230 230 23ft 220.22Q22730 240 230 230 230 220 220 22ft 220.21Q2174Q 220 220 220 220 21021021Q210. 20Q 2075Q 210 210 200 2D0 2D0 200 19tt 190. 19Q 192 NOm g/m(m)NOXno2125m129 m6973 mNO,(CB3O95 - 19962 ,NO,0 24 mg/m )130 mNO.*2. 3232 270%, 28m.5 mNOX (NO,)121C(x. y. z) =2 , exp| y /(2 ;) cxp(z He)/(2 :)1+ exp | - (z+ He)2/(2:)】 (2):C (儿 y.Z)24 hNO,.mg/n/jQ NOx.mg/s U m / S ym; x.m: H c m: He =H+H, Hz,m;z = 0(2)(HJ/T2 2 - 93)13130%141 (TOP ).C(x) =Coexp(x/S; )(3)=3. 48Ai(V( =Qn /S. qn:;s:)2422 120092422 12009(-El )豈2422 120092422 12009(U)41. 0 m /s312422 120092422 120091)2)2422 120092422 12009()32422 120092422 120093)3. 31)2)3()90=90U = 1. 0 m /s = 90430 m【11【ML : 2004:4 6【21ML:. 2000: 96|3 HJ/T2 2-9314 JL 199& 18(2): 188-19A.15 J .,1998 18 (6):494- 497.【6 hip /uuav. shsz gov cn/sh/node3/nodel4/node93/userobjectlai-1587. htiil 20083( 1976-).NO、4b.30 m
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