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“激情课堂”导学案 科 目: 初三英语 课 题:Unit 4 主备人刘 芳审核人冯 娜审批人授课教师班 组姓 名授课时间10.22序 号20当堂目标(Learning aims)1. 掌握重点词汇及短语用法 2. 理解文章大意,把握细节3. 灵活运用不同的短语表达同样的含义4. 谈论他人相貌、性格并进行今昔对比一、 自学反馈(15)(Check the results of learning)翻译并背诵课文中的短语 makeadecision=decide a normal 15-year-old boy pass/fail the examination talkwiththeirsoninperson takea40-hourtrainride takecareof= look afterfeel lonely worry about=be worried aboutpaymoreattentionto even thoughto ones surprise break the school rulesget good grades be absent from classes beproudof=takepridein a boarding schoolcauseproblemsforhimselfandhisfamily no longer/not.any longer; no more/not any more二、 展示交流(10)(Try your best)(Go go go,go ahead)翻译下列句子。1. 很难相信Tom会取得好成绩。(Its hard to believe that.)_.2. Alice是一个八岁的小女孩。_.3. 令我们惊讶的是,Rose竟然考试不及格。(to ones surprise)_.4. 父母以我而感到自豪。(take pride in=be proud of)_.三、达标测验(20)(Practice and you can know well)(I can I do, come on) 理解课文根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)1. Li Wen is still a bad boy. ( )2. There wasnt enough money for the family. ( )3. Li Wen finally understood what his problem was. ( )4. Li Wens grandparents didnt use to help him. ( )5. What his mother said didnt change Li Wens mind. ( )默读课文,回答下面问题1. Why did his parents move to Guangzhou?2. What did his parents make a decision to do?3. Did the conversation with his mother change his life?4. What is very important for parents?励志格言: 好好学习,天天向上。
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