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第8课时八年级上册Units 46.单项填空1(2018重庆A卷)I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a at once.Adoctor Bcook Cwriter Dfarmer2(2018广东汕头龙湖模拟)The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read. But Im afraid it wont be liked by . Aeverybody BsomebodyCanybody Dnobody 3(2019预测)He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on. Aquiet Btidy Ccrowded Dnoisy4(2018安徽合肥三模)You know what? John has invented a walking machine for the old.Really? He is so .Aconfident BfriendlyCfunny Dcreative5(2018山东临沂中考)Of all the blue holes in the world, Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea is now . It is 300.89 meters deep.Adeeper Bvery deepCas deep as Dthe deepest6(2018吉林长春月考)After the rebuilding, our school is becoming .Amore and more beautifulBmore beautiful and beautifulCbeautiful and beautifulDthe more beautiful7(2018上海奉贤二模)According to my brother, fishing is an excellent hobby to .Apick up Btake up Cput up Dturn up8(2019原创)Daisy, I want to give my friend a surprise on her birthday. Can you give me some advice?Sure. You can a special gift for her.Agive Bchoose Cshare Dafford9(2019原创)After the , we decided to have a party for Mr. Smith on Sunday.Amirror BgradeCcharacter Ddiscussion10(2019预测)Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong.Amakes up Bsets upCtakes up Dstays up.完形填空(2019原创)A picture of a boy arriving at a classroom with his hair and eyebrows fully covered with frost went viral(走红) on the Chinese Internet.A thirdgrader at Zhuanshanbao Elementary School in Xinjie Town, Ludian County of Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, the boys 1 is 4.5 kilometers from the school so he 2 needs to walk over an hour to attend classes. In the picture, the boy has a red face from the 3 temperature. He stood 4 with his white hair and eyebrows while other classmates behind were clearly amused and laughing.His teacher took the 5 on Monday and then sent it to the school headmaster, Fu Heng. For reasons unknown, the picture was released on the Internet and 6 a sensation(轰动)“It was minus 9 degrees centigrade(零下9摄氏度) in the morning and 7 the first day for the endofterm exam,” said Fu. The boys parents work in other cities and he lives with his brothers and sisters. The school 8 breakfast and lunch for students but the classrooms have no heating supply.Many Weibo users have expressed 9 support to the boy. User Hedgehogqian said, “The hardships you suffer will shine on the road ahead.” Another user qwedfgvbn123098 said, “Study hard to 10 your fate.”1A.family Bhouse Chome Dlibrary2A.usually Bquickly Cquietly Deasily3A.low Bhigh Ctall Dshort4A.lonely Balone Clovely Dlively5A.picture Bpostcard Cpaper Dmagazine6A.created Bcaught Ccaused Dbought7A.also Beven Cstill Dever8A.offers Bgives Csupplies Dprovides9A.their Bour Cyour Dhis10A.destroy Bchange Cenjoy Dachieve.补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。(2019原创)A: Excuse me, Miss. Green. 1 B: On, you can keep it for two weeks and before you return it, remember dont lend it to others. A: OK, I remember it. Have you got any books about science? B: Yes, we have got some. 2 Are you interested in the science?A: Oh, not I, but my brother. As a student, he is very interested in science. B: I see. Does he want to be a scientist when he grows up?A: No, he wants to be an engineer instead of a scientist. 3 B: What about your dream job? A: 4 He is a hero in my heart. Every time I see him on TV, I am always very excited. B: 5 A: About once a week. My mother doesnt allow me to watch it too much. She says study comes first.B: But I think health is also important. A: I agree with you. AHe is better at math than science. BWhen do you usually watch TV? CI want to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei.DHow long can I keep this book?EHis math is not so good as science.FPlease look at the shelf over there. GHow often do you watch TV?.阅读理解(2019预测)Blues CluesPeople around the world are familiar(熟悉的) with cartoon series for its early childhood development skills. The cartoon series ever won nine Emmy awards because of the lovely dog. Blues Clues became a good friend of those preschoolers. And Blues Clues keeps a great source(奖品) for children of all ages.Santas Little HelperSantas Little Helper, is a cute, but poorly trained greyhound. The greyhound has been a gatekeeper for the Simpson household fo
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